Module cnvpytor.vcf


class Vcf: reads SNP data from VCF file

Source code
""" cnvpytor.vcf

class Vcf: reads SNP data from VCF file

import pysam
import logging
import numpy as np
from .utils import int1, gt_from_list, gt_from_str

_logger = logging.getLogger("cnvpytor.vcf")

class Vcf:

    def __init__(self, filename):
        Opens VCF file, reads chromosome/sample names

        filename : str
            Name of the VCF file.

        self.filename = filename
            self.file = pysam.VariantFile(filename)
        except IOError:
            _logger.error("Problem opening file '%s'!" % filename)
        except ValueError:
            _logger.error("Problem opening file '%s'!" % filename)

        self.chrs = []
        self.samples = []
        self.lengths = {}
        if self.file:
  "File: " + filename + " successfully open")
            self.chrs = list(self.file.header.contigs)
            self.samples = list(self.file.header.samples)
            for c in self.chrs:
                self.lengths[c] = self.file.header.contigs[c].length
            _logger.debug("Header contigs: %s" % ", ".join(self.chrs))
            _logger.debug("Header samples: %s" % ", ".join(self.samples))

    def get_chromosomes(self):
        Get chromosome names.

        chrs : list of str
            List of chromosome names from VCF header

        return self.chrs

    def get_samples(self):
        Get sample names.

        samples : list of str
            List of sample names from VCF header

        return self.samples

    def read_chromosome_snp(self, chr_name, sample='', ad_tag='AD', gt_tag='GT', filter=True):
        Read SNP/indel data for given chromosome and sample.

        chr_name : str
            Name of the chromosome.
        sample : str
            Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
        ad_tag : str
            AD tag in VCF file (default: 'AD')
        gt_tag : str
            GT tag in VCF file (default: 'GT')
        filter : bool
            If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all

        pos : list of int
            List of SNP positions.
        ref : list of str
            List of SNP reference base (A, T, G, C or .).
        alt : list of str
            List of SNP alternative base (A, T, G, C or .).
        nref : list of int
            Count of reads contains reference SNP.
        nalt : list of int
            Count of reads contains alternative SNP.
        gt : list of int
            List of genotypes (0 - "0/0", 1 - "0/1", 3- "1/1", 4 - "0|0" , 5 - "0|1", 6 - "1|0", 7 - "1|1").
        flag : list of int
            Binary flag: first bit 1 - SNP exists in database, second bit 1 - SNP in P region of strict mask.
        qual : list of int
            SNP quality (scale 0 - 255).

        if sample == '':
            sample = self.samples[0]
        pos = []
        ref = []
        alt = []
        nref = []
        nalt = []
        gt = []
        flag = []
        qual = []
        filter_stat = {}
        alphabet = ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C', '.']
            for rec in self.file.fetch(chr_name):
                if len(rec.filter.keys()) == 0:
                    if "No filter (.)" in filter_stat:
                        filter_stat["No filter (.)"] += 1
                        filter_stat["No filter (.)"] = 1
                for f in rec.filter.keys():
                    if f in filter_stat:
                        filter_stat[f] += 1
                        filter_stat[f] = 1
                if ("PASS" in rec.filter.keys() or not filter) and rec.alts and len(rec.alts) >= 1 and (
                        gt_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and (
                        ad_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and len(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag]) > 1 and len(
                    rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]) > 1:
                    if (len(rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]) > 1) and (rec.ref in alphabet) and (rec.alts[0] in alphabet):
                        flag.append(2)  # Assign P region as default (-mask_snps updates this flag)
                        if rec.qual == "." or rec.qual is None:
                            qual.append(int(rec.qual / 10))  # divide QUAL by factor 10 and truncate to one byte
                        if qual[-1] > 255:
                            qual[-1] = 255
                        except ValueError:
                            UNICODE_EXISTS = bool(type(unicode))
                        except NameError:
                            unicode = str
                        if isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], str) or isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag],
                            gt.append(gt_from_list(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], rec.samples[sample].phased))
        except ValueError:
            _logger.error("Variant file reading problem. Probably index file is missing or corrupted.")
        _logger.debug("Chromosome '%s' read. Number of variants to store: %d." % (chr_name, len(pos)))
        _logger.debug("Variants filter field statistics:")
        for f in filter_stat:
            _logger.debug(" * '%s' : %d" % (f, filter_stat[f]))
        return pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual

    def read_chromosome_snp_no_counts(self, chr_name, sample='', gt_tag='GT', filter=True):
        Read SNP/indel data without counts (AD tag) for given chromosome and sample.

        chr_name : str
            Name of the chromosome.
        sample : str
            Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
        gt_tag : str
            GT tag in VCF file (default: 'GT')
        filter : bool
            If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all

        pos : list of int
            List of SNP positions.
        ref : list of str
            List of SNP reference base (A, T, G, C or .).
        alt : list of str
            List of SNP alternative base (A, T, G, C or .).
        gt : list of int
            List of genotypes (0 - "0/0", 1 - "0/1", 3- "1/1", 4 - "0|0" , 5 - "0|1", 6 - "1|0", 7 - "1|1").
        flag : list of int
            Binary flag: first bit 1 - SNP exists in database, second bit 1 - SNP in P region of strict mask.
        qual : list of int
            SNP quality (scale 0 - 255).

        if sample == '':
            sample = self.samples[0]
        pos = []
        ref = []
        alt = []
        gt = []
        flag = []
        qual = []
        alphabet = ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C', '.']
            for rec in self.file.fetch(chr_name):
                if ("PASS" in rec.filter.keys() or not filter) and rec.alts and len(rec.alts) >= 1 and (
                        gt_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and len(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag]) > 1:
                    if (rec.ref in alphabet) and (rec.alts[0] in alphabet):
                        flag.append(2)  # Assign P region as default (-mask_snps updates this flag)
                        if rec.qual == "." or rec.qual is None:
                            qual.append(int(rec.qual / 10))  # divide QUAL by factor 10 and truncate to one byte
                        if qual[-1] > 255:
                            qual[-1] = 255
                            UNICODE_EXISTS = bool(type(unicode))
                        except NameError:
                            unicode = str
                        if isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], str) or isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag],
                            gt.append(gt_from_list(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], rec.samples[sample].phased))

        except ValueError:
            _logger.error("Variant file reading problem. Probably index file is missing or corrupted.")
        return pos, ref, alt, gt, flag, qual

    def read_chromosome_rd(self, chr_name, sample='', ad_tag='AD', dp_tag='DP', filter=False):
        Read RD data for given chromosome and sample.

        chr_name : str
            Name of the chromosome.
        sample : str
            Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
        ad_tag : str
            AD tag in VCF file (default: 'AD')
        dp_tag : str
            DP tag in VCF file (default: 'DP')
        filter : bool
            If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all

        rd_p : list of int
            binned RD signal from DP tag (100 bins)
        rd_u : list of int
            binned RD signal from AD tag (100 bins)

        if sample == '':
            sample = self.samples[0]
        pos = []
        rd_ad = []
        rd_dp = []
            for rec in self.file.fetch(chr_name):
                if ("PASS" in rec.filter.keys() or not filter) and (ad_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and len(
                        rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]) > 1 and (dp_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and (
                        rec.samples[sample][dp_tag] is not None):
                        rd1 = sum(map(int, rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]))
                        rd2 = int(rec.samples[sample][dp_tag])
                    except ValueError:
        except ValueError:
            _logger.error("Variant file reading problem. Probably index file is missing or corrupted.")
        n = 0
        if len(pos) == 0:
            return None, None
        n = pos[-1] + 1
        if self.lengths[chr_name] is not None:
            n = self.lengths[chr_name]
        n = n // 100 + 1
        rd_p = np.zeros(n)
        rd_u = np.zeros(n)
        count = np.zeros(n)
        for p, rd1, rd2 in zip(pos, rd_dp, rd_ad):
            cgb = (p - 1) // 10000 * 100
            rd_p[cgb] += rd1
            rd_u[cgb] += rd2
            count[cgb] += 1
        for i in range(n // 100 + 1):
            if (100 * i) < n:
                if count[100 * i] != 0:
                    rd_p[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = rd_p[i * 100] / count[i * 100]
                    rd_u[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = rd_u[i * 100] / count[i * 100]
                    rd_p[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = np.nan
                    rd_u[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = np.nan
        return rd_p, rd_u

    def read_all_snp(self, callback, sample='', ad_tag='AD', gt_tag='GT', filter=True):
        Read SNP/indel data for given sample name.

        callback : callable
            Function to call after read a chromosome:
            callback(chrom, pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual)
        sample : str
            Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
        ad_tag : str
            AD tag in VCF file (default: 'AD')
        gt_tag : str
            GT tag in VCF file (default: 'GT')
        filter : bool
            If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all

        count : int
            Number of read chromosomes

        if sample == '':
            sample = self.samples[0]
        pos = []
        ref = []
        alt = []
        nref = []
        nalt = []
        gt = []
        flag = []
        qual = []
        filter_stat = {}
        last_chrom = None
        count = 0
        alphabet = ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C', '.']

            for rec in self.file.fetch():
                if last_chrom is None:
                    last_chrom = rec.chrom
                if last_chrom != rec.chrom:
          "Chromosome '%s' read. Number of variants to store: %d." % (last_chrom, len(pos)))
                    _logger.debug("Variants filter field statistics:")
                    for f in filter_stat:
                        _logger.debug("    * '%s' : %d" % (f, filter_stat[f]))
                    callback(last_chrom, pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual)
                    pos = []
                    ref = []
                    alt = []
                    nref = []
                    nalt = []
                    gt = []
                    flag = []
                    qual = []
                    filter_stat = {}
                    count += 1
                if len(rec.filter.keys()) == 0:
                    if "No filter (.)" in filter_stat:
                        filter_stat["No filter (.)"] += 1
                        filter_stat["No filter (.)"] = 1
                for f in rec.filter.keys():
                    if f in filter_stat:
                        filter_stat[f] += 1
                        filter_stat[f] = 1

                if ("PASS" in rec.filter.keys() or not filter) and rec.alts and len(rec.alts) >= 1 and (
                        gt_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and (
                        ad_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and len(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag]) > 1 and len(
                    rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]) > 1:
                    if (len(rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]) > 1) and (rec.ref in alphabet) and (
                            rec.alts[0] in alphabet) and (rec.samples[sample][gt_tag][0] is not None) and (
                            rec.samples[sample][gt_tag][1] is not None):
                        flag.append(2)  # Assign P region as default (-mask_snps updates this flag)
                        if rec.qual == "." or rec.qual is None:
                            qual.append(int(rec.qual / 10))  # divide QUAL by factor 10 and truncate to one byte
                        if qual[-1] > 255:
                            qual[-1] = 255
                        except ValueError:
                            UNICODE_EXISTS = bool(type(unicode))
                        except NameError:
                            unicode = str
                        if isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], str) or isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag],
                            gt.append(gt_from_list(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], rec.samples[sample].phased))

                last_chrom = rec.chrom
            _logger.debug("Chromosome '%s' read. Number of variants to store: %d." % (last_chrom, len(pos)))
            _logger.debug("Variants filter field statistics:")
            for f in filter_stat:
                _logger.debug(" * '%s' : %d" % (f, filter_stat[f]))
            callback(last_chrom, pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual)
            count += 1
            return count
        except ValueError:
            _logger.error("Variant file reading problem.")

    def read_all_snp_no_counts(self, callback, sample='', gt_tag='GT', filter=True):
        Read SNP/indel data without counts (AD tag) for given sample name.

        callback : callable
            Function to call after read a chromosome:
            callback(chrom, pos, ref, alt, gt, flag, qual)
        sample : str
            Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
        gt_tag : str
            GT tag in VCF file (default: 'GT')
        filter : bool
            If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all

        count : int
            Number of read chromosomes

        if sample == '':
            sample = self.samples[0]
        pos = []
        ref = []
        alt = []
        gt = []
        flag = []
        qual = []
        last_chrom = None
        count = 0
        alphabet = ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C', '.']

            for rec in self.file.fetch():
                if last_chrom is None:
                    last_chrom = rec.chrom
                if last_chrom != rec.chrom:
                    callback(last_chrom, pos, ref, alt, gt, flag, qual)
                    pos = []
                    ref = []
                    alt = []
                    gt = []
                    flag = []
                    qual = []
                    count += 1

                if ("PASS" in rec.filter.keys() or not filter) and rec.alts and len(rec.alts) >= 1 and (
                        gt_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and len(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag]) > 1:
                    if (rec.ref in alphabet) and (rec.alts[0] in alphabet) and (
                            rec.samples[sample][gt_tag][0] is not None) and (
                            rec.samples[sample][gt_tag][1] is not None):
                        flag.append(2)  # Assign P region as default (-mask_snps updates this flag)
                        if rec.qual == "." or rec.qual is None:
                            qual.append(int(rec.qual / 10))  # divide QUAL by factor 10 and truncate to one byte
                        if qual[-1] > 255:
                            qual[-1] = 255
                            UNICODE_EXISTS = bool(type(unicode))
                        except NameError:
                            unicode = str
                        if isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], str) or isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag],
                            gt.append(gt_from_list(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], rec.samples[sample].phased))

                last_chrom = rec.chrom
            if len(pos) > 0:
                callback(last_chrom, pos, ref, alt, gt, flag, qual)
                count += 1
            return count
        except ValueError:
            _logger.error("Variant file reading problem.")

    def read_all_snp_positions(self, callback, filter=True):
        Read SNP/indel data positions.

        callback : callable
            Function to call after read a chromosome:
            callback(chrom, pos, ref, alt)
        sample : str
            Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
        filter : bool
            If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all

        count : int
            Number of read chromosomes

        pos = []
        ref = []
        alt = []
        last_chrom = None
        count = 0
        alphabet = ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C', '.']

            for rec in self.file.fetch():
                if last_chrom is None:
                    last_chrom = rec.chrom
                if last_chrom != rec.chrom:
                    callback(last_chrom, pos, ref, alt)
                    pos = []
                    ref = []
                    alt = []
                    count += 1
                if ("PASS" in rec.filter.keys() or not filter) and rec.alts and len(rec.alts) >= 1:
                    if (rec.ref in alphabet) and (rec.alts[0] in alphabet):
                last_chrom = rec.chrom
            if len(pos) > 0:
                callback(last_chrom, pos, ref, alt)
                count += 1
            return count
        except ValueError:
            _logger.error("Variant file reading problem.")

    def read_all_rd(self, callback, sample='', ad_tag='AD', dp_tag='DP', filter=False):
        Read RD data for given chromosome and sample.

        chr_name : str
            Name of the chromosome.
        sample : str
            Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
        ad_tag : str
            AD tag in VCF file (default: 'AD')
        dp_tag : str
            DP tag in VCF file (default: 'DP')
        filter : bool
            If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all

        rd_p : list of int
            binned RD signal from DP tag (100 bins)
        rd_u : list of int
            binned RD signal from AD tag (100 bins)

        if sample == '':
            sample = self.samples[0]
        pos = []
        rd_ad = []
        rd_dp = []
        last_chrom = None
        chr_count = 0

            for rec in self.file.fetch():
                if last_chrom is None:
                    last_chrom = rec.chrom
                if last_chrom != rec.chrom and len(pos) > 0:
                    n = pos[-1] + 1
                    if self.lengths[last_chrom] is not None:
                        n = self.lengths[last_chrom]
                    n = n // 100 + 1
                    rd_p = np.zeros(n)
                    rd_u = np.zeros(n)
                    count = np.zeros(n)
                    for p, rd1, rd2 in zip(pos, rd_dp, rd_ad):
                        cgb = (p - 1) // 10000 * 100
                        rd_p[cgb] += rd1
                        rd_u[cgb] += rd2
                        count[cgb] += 1
                    for i in range(n // 100 + 1):
                        if (100 * i) < n:
                            if count[100 * i] != 0:
                                rd_p[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = rd_p[i * 100] / count[i * 100]
                                rd_u[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = rd_u[i * 100] / count[i * 100]
                                rd_p[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = np.nan
                                rd_u[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = np.nan
                    callback(last_chrom, rd_p, rd_u)
                    pos = []
                    rd_ad = []
                    rd_dp = []
                    chr_count += 1

                if ("PASS" in rec.filter.keys() or not filter) and (ad_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and len(
                        rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]) > 1 and (
                        dp_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and (rec.samples[sample][dp_tag] is not None):
                        rd1 = sum(map(int, rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]))
                        rd2 = int(rec.samples[sample][dp_tag])
                    except ValueError:
                last_chrom = rec.chrom
            if len(pos) > 0:
                n = pos[-1] + 1
                if self.lengths[last_chrom] is not None:
                    n = self.lengths[last_chrom]
                n = n // 100 + 1
                rd_p = np.zeros(n)
                rd_u = np.zeros(n)
                count = np.zeros(n)

                for p, rd1, rd2 in zip(pos, rd_dp, rd_ad):
                    cgb = (p - 1) // 10000 * 100
                    rd_p[cgb] += rd1
                    rd_u[cgb] += rd2
                    count[cgb] += 1
                for i in range(n // 100 + 1):
                    if (100 * i) < n:
                        if count[100 * i] != 0:
                            rd_p[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = rd_p[i * 100] / count[i * 100]
                            rd_u[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = rd_u[i * 100] / count[i * 100]
                            rd_p[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = np.nan
                            rd_u[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = np.nan
                callback(last_chrom, rd_p, rd_u)
                chr_count += 1
            return chr_count
        except ValueError:
            _logger.error("Variant file reading problem. Probably index file is missing or corrupted.")


class Vcf (filename)

Opens VCF file, reads chromosome/sample names


filename : str
Name of the VCF file.
Source code
class Vcf: reads SNP data from VCF file


def get_chromosomes(self)

Get chromosome names.


chrs : list of str
List of chromosome names from VCF header
Source code
def get_chromosomes(self):
    Get chromosome names.

    chrs : list of str
        List of chromosome names from VCF header

    return self.chrs
def get_samples(self)

Get sample names.


samples : list of str
List of sample names from VCF header
Source code
def get_samples(self):
    Get sample names.

    samples : list of str
        List of sample names from VCF header

    return self.samples
def read_all_rd(self, callback, sample='', ad_tag='AD', dp_tag='DP', filter=False)

Read RD data for given chromosome and sample.


chr_name : str
Name of the chromosome.
sample : str
Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
ad_tag : str
AD tag in VCF file (default: 'AD')
dp_tag : str
DP tag in VCF file (default: 'DP')
filter : bool
If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all


rd_p : list of int
binned RD signal from DP tag (100 bins)
rd_u : list of int
binned RD signal from AD tag (100 bins)
Source code
def read_all_rd(self, callback, sample='', ad_tag='AD', dp_tag='DP', filter=False):
    Read RD data for given chromosome and sample.

    chr_name : str
        Name of the chromosome.
    sample : str
        Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
    ad_tag : str
        AD tag in VCF file (default: 'AD')
    dp_tag : str
        DP tag in VCF file (default: 'DP')
    filter : bool
        If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all

    rd_p : list of int
        binned RD signal from DP tag (100 bins)
    rd_u : list of int
        binned RD signal from AD tag (100 bins)

    if sample == '':
        sample = self.samples[0]
    pos = []
    rd_ad = []
    rd_dp = []
    last_chrom = None
    chr_count = 0

        for rec in self.file.fetch():
            if last_chrom is None:
                last_chrom = rec.chrom
            if last_chrom != rec.chrom and len(pos) > 0:
                n = pos[-1] + 1
                if self.lengths[last_chrom] is not None:
                    n = self.lengths[last_chrom]
                n = n // 100 + 1
                rd_p = np.zeros(n)
                rd_u = np.zeros(n)
                count = np.zeros(n)
                for p, rd1, rd2 in zip(pos, rd_dp, rd_ad):
                    cgb = (p - 1) // 10000 * 100
                    rd_p[cgb] += rd1
                    rd_u[cgb] += rd2
                    count[cgb] += 1
                for i in range(n // 100 + 1):
                    if (100 * i) < n:
                        if count[100 * i] != 0:
                            rd_p[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = rd_p[i * 100] / count[i * 100]
                            rd_u[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = rd_u[i * 100] / count[i * 100]
                            rd_p[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = np.nan
                            rd_u[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = np.nan
                callback(last_chrom, rd_p, rd_u)
                pos = []
                rd_ad = []
                rd_dp = []
                chr_count += 1

            if ("PASS" in rec.filter.keys() or not filter) and (ad_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and len(
                    rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]) > 1 and (
                    dp_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and (rec.samples[sample][dp_tag] is not None):
                    rd1 = sum(map(int, rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]))
                    rd2 = int(rec.samples[sample][dp_tag])
                except ValueError:
            last_chrom = rec.chrom
        if len(pos) > 0:
            n = pos[-1] + 1
            if self.lengths[last_chrom] is not None:
                n = self.lengths[last_chrom]
            n = n // 100 + 1
            rd_p = np.zeros(n)
            rd_u = np.zeros(n)
            count = np.zeros(n)

            for p, rd1, rd2 in zip(pos, rd_dp, rd_ad):
                cgb = (p - 1) // 10000 * 100
                rd_p[cgb] += rd1
                rd_u[cgb] += rd2
                count[cgb] += 1
            for i in range(n // 100 + 1):
                if (100 * i) < n:
                    if count[100 * i] != 0:
                        rd_p[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = rd_p[i * 100] / count[i * 100]
                        rd_u[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = rd_u[i * 100] / count[i * 100]
                        rd_p[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = np.nan
                        rd_u[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = np.nan
            callback(last_chrom, rd_p, rd_u)
            chr_count += 1
        return chr_count
    except ValueError:
        _logger.error("Variant file reading problem. Probably index file is missing or corrupted.")
def read_all_snp(self, callback, sample='', ad_tag='AD', gt_tag='GT', filter=True)

Read SNP/indel data for given sample name.


callback : callable
Function to call after read a chromosome: callback(chrom, pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual)
sample : str
Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
ad_tag : str
AD tag in VCF file (default: 'AD')
gt_tag : str
GT tag in VCF file (default: 'GT')
filter : bool
If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all


count : int
Number of read chromosomes
Source code
def read_all_snp(self, callback, sample='', ad_tag='AD', gt_tag='GT', filter=True):
    Read SNP/indel data for given sample name.

    callback : callable
        Function to call after read a chromosome:
        callback(chrom, pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual)
    sample : str
        Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
    ad_tag : str
        AD tag in VCF file (default: 'AD')
    gt_tag : str
        GT tag in VCF file (default: 'GT')
    filter : bool
        If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all

    count : int
        Number of read chromosomes

    if sample == '':
        sample = self.samples[0]
    pos = []
    ref = []
    alt = []
    nref = []
    nalt = []
    gt = []
    flag = []
    qual = []
    filter_stat = {}
    last_chrom = None
    count = 0
    alphabet = ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C', '.']

        for rec in self.file.fetch():
            if last_chrom is None:
                last_chrom = rec.chrom
            if last_chrom != rec.chrom:
      "Chromosome '%s' read. Number of variants to store: %d." % (last_chrom, len(pos)))
                _logger.debug("Variants filter field statistics:")
                for f in filter_stat:
                    _logger.debug("    * '%s' : %d" % (f, filter_stat[f]))
                callback(last_chrom, pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual)
                pos = []
                ref = []
                alt = []
                nref = []
                nalt = []
                gt = []
                flag = []
                qual = []
                filter_stat = {}
                count += 1
            if len(rec.filter.keys()) == 0:
                if "No filter (.)" in filter_stat:
                    filter_stat["No filter (.)"] += 1
                    filter_stat["No filter (.)"] = 1
            for f in rec.filter.keys():
                if f in filter_stat:
                    filter_stat[f] += 1
                    filter_stat[f] = 1

            if ("PASS" in rec.filter.keys() or not filter) and rec.alts and len(rec.alts) >= 1 and (
                    gt_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and (
                    ad_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and len(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag]) > 1 and len(
                rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]) > 1:
                if (len(rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]) > 1) and (rec.ref in alphabet) and (
                        rec.alts[0] in alphabet) and (rec.samples[sample][gt_tag][0] is not None) and (
                        rec.samples[sample][gt_tag][1] is not None):
                    flag.append(2)  # Assign P region as default (-mask_snps updates this flag)
                    if rec.qual == "." or rec.qual is None:
                        qual.append(int(rec.qual / 10))  # divide QUAL by factor 10 and truncate to one byte
                    if qual[-1] > 255:
                        qual[-1] = 255
                    except ValueError:
                        UNICODE_EXISTS = bool(type(unicode))
                    except NameError:
                        unicode = str
                    if isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], str) or isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag],
                        gt.append(gt_from_list(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], rec.samples[sample].phased))

            last_chrom = rec.chrom
        _logger.debug("Chromosome '%s' read. Number of variants to store: %d." % (last_chrom, len(pos)))
        _logger.debug("Variants filter field statistics:")
        for f in filter_stat:
            _logger.debug(" * '%s' : %d" % (f, filter_stat[f]))
        callback(last_chrom, pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual)
        count += 1
        return count
    except ValueError:
        _logger.error("Variant file reading problem.")
def read_all_snp_no_counts(self, callback, sample='', gt_tag='GT', filter=True)

Read SNP/indel data without counts (AD tag) for given sample name.


callback : callable
Function to call after read a chromosome: callback(chrom, pos, ref, alt, gt, flag, qual)
sample : str
Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
gt_tag : str
GT tag in VCF file (default: 'GT')
filter : bool
If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all


count : int
Number of read chromosomes
Source code
def read_all_snp_no_counts(self, callback, sample='', gt_tag='GT', filter=True):
    Read SNP/indel data without counts (AD tag) for given sample name.

    callback : callable
        Function to call after read a chromosome:
        callback(chrom, pos, ref, alt, gt, flag, qual)
    sample : str
        Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
    gt_tag : str
        GT tag in VCF file (default: 'GT')
    filter : bool
        If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all

    count : int
        Number of read chromosomes

    if sample == '':
        sample = self.samples[0]
    pos = []
    ref = []
    alt = []
    gt = []
    flag = []
    qual = []
    last_chrom = None
    count = 0
    alphabet = ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C', '.']

        for rec in self.file.fetch():
            if last_chrom is None:
                last_chrom = rec.chrom
            if last_chrom != rec.chrom:
                callback(last_chrom, pos, ref, alt, gt, flag, qual)
                pos = []
                ref = []
                alt = []
                gt = []
                flag = []
                qual = []
                count += 1

            if ("PASS" in rec.filter.keys() or not filter) and rec.alts and len(rec.alts) >= 1 and (
                    gt_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and len(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag]) > 1:
                if (rec.ref in alphabet) and (rec.alts[0] in alphabet) and (
                        rec.samples[sample][gt_tag][0] is not None) and (
                        rec.samples[sample][gt_tag][1] is not None):
                    flag.append(2)  # Assign P region as default (-mask_snps updates this flag)
                    if rec.qual == "." or rec.qual is None:
                        qual.append(int(rec.qual / 10))  # divide QUAL by factor 10 and truncate to one byte
                    if qual[-1] > 255:
                        qual[-1] = 255
                        UNICODE_EXISTS = bool(type(unicode))
                    except NameError:
                        unicode = str
                    if isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], str) or isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag],
                        gt.append(gt_from_list(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], rec.samples[sample].phased))

            last_chrom = rec.chrom
        if len(pos) > 0:
            callback(last_chrom, pos, ref, alt, gt, flag, qual)
            count += 1
        return count
    except ValueError:
        _logger.error("Variant file reading problem.")
def read_all_snp_positions(self, callback, filter=True)

Read SNP/indel data positions.


callback : callable
Function to call after read a chromosome: callback(chrom, pos, ref, alt)
sample : str
Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
filter : bool
If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all


count : int
Number of read chromosomes
Source code
def read_all_snp_positions(self, callback, filter=True):
    Read SNP/indel data positions.

    callback : callable
        Function to call after read a chromosome:
        callback(chrom, pos, ref, alt)
    sample : str
        Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
    filter : bool
        If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all

    count : int
        Number of read chromosomes

    pos = []
    ref = []
    alt = []
    last_chrom = None
    count = 0
    alphabet = ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C', '.']

        for rec in self.file.fetch():
            if last_chrom is None:
                last_chrom = rec.chrom
            if last_chrom != rec.chrom:
                callback(last_chrom, pos, ref, alt)
                pos = []
                ref = []
                alt = []
                count += 1
            if ("PASS" in rec.filter.keys() or not filter) and rec.alts and len(rec.alts) >= 1:
                if (rec.ref in alphabet) and (rec.alts[0] in alphabet):
            last_chrom = rec.chrom
        if len(pos) > 0:
            callback(last_chrom, pos, ref, alt)
            count += 1
        return count
    except ValueError:
        _logger.error("Variant file reading problem.")
def read_chromosome_rd(self, chr_name, sample='', ad_tag='AD', dp_tag='DP', filter=False)

Read RD data for given chromosome and sample.


chr_name : str
Name of the chromosome.
sample : str
Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
ad_tag : str
AD tag in VCF file (default: 'AD')
dp_tag : str
DP tag in VCF file (default: 'DP')
filter : bool
If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all


rd_p : list of int
binned RD signal from DP tag (100 bins)
rd_u : list of int
binned RD signal from AD tag (100 bins)
Source code
def read_chromosome_rd(self, chr_name, sample='', ad_tag='AD', dp_tag='DP', filter=False):
    Read RD data for given chromosome and sample.

    chr_name : str
        Name of the chromosome.
    sample : str
        Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
    ad_tag : str
        AD tag in VCF file (default: 'AD')
    dp_tag : str
        DP tag in VCF file (default: 'DP')
    filter : bool
        If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all

    rd_p : list of int
        binned RD signal from DP tag (100 bins)
    rd_u : list of int
        binned RD signal from AD tag (100 bins)

    if sample == '':
        sample = self.samples[0]
    pos = []
    rd_ad = []
    rd_dp = []
        for rec in self.file.fetch(chr_name):
            if ("PASS" in rec.filter.keys() or not filter) and (ad_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and len(
                    rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]) > 1 and (dp_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and (
                    rec.samples[sample][dp_tag] is not None):
                    rd1 = sum(map(int, rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]))
                    rd2 = int(rec.samples[sample][dp_tag])
                except ValueError:
    except ValueError:
        _logger.error("Variant file reading problem. Probably index file is missing or corrupted.")
    n = 0
    if len(pos) == 0:
        return None, None
    n = pos[-1] + 1
    if self.lengths[chr_name] is not None:
        n = self.lengths[chr_name]
    n = n // 100 + 1
    rd_p = np.zeros(n)
    rd_u = np.zeros(n)
    count = np.zeros(n)
    for p, rd1, rd2 in zip(pos, rd_dp, rd_ad):
        cgb = (p - 1) // 10000 * 100
        rd_p[cgb] += rd1
        rd_u[cgb] += rd2
        count[cgb] += 1
    for i in range(n // 100 + 1):
        if (100 * i) < n:
            if count[100 * i] != 0:
                rd_p[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = rd_p[i * 100] / count[i * 100]
                rd_u[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = rd_u[i * 100] / count[i * 100]
                rd_p[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = np.nan
                rd_u[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] = np.nan
    return rd_p, rd_u
def read_chromosome_snp(self, chr_name, sample='', ad_tag='AD', gt_tag='GT', filter=True)

Read SNP/indel data for given chromosome and sample.


chr_name : str
Name of the chromosome.
sample : str
Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
ad_tag : str
AD tag in VCF file (default: 'AD')
gt_tag : str
GT tag in VCF file (default: 'GT')
filter : bool
If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all


pos : list of int
List of SNP positions.
ref : list of str
List of SNP reference base (A, T, G, C or .).
alt : list of str
List of SNP alternative base (A, T, G, C or .).
nref : list of int
Count of reads contains reference SNP.
nalt : list of int
Count of reads contains alternative SNP.
gt : list of int
List of genotypes (0 - "0/0", 1 - "0/1", 3- "1/1", 4 - "0|0" , 5 - "0|1", 6 - "1|0", 7 - "1|1").
flag : list of int
Binary flag: first bit 1 - SNP exists in database, second bit 1 - SNP in P region of strict mask.
qual : list of int
SNP quality (scale 0 - 255).
Source code
def read_chromosome_snp(self, chr_name, sample='', ad_tag='AD', gt_tag='GT', filter=True):
    Read SNP/indel data for given chromosome and sample.

    chr_name : str
        Name of the chromosome.
    sample : str
        Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
    ad_tag : str
        AD tag in VCF file (default: 'AD')
    gt_tag : str
        GT tag in VCF file (default: 'GT')
    filter : bool
        If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all

    pos : list of int
        List of SNP positions.
    ref : list of str
        List of SNP reference base (A, T, G, C or .).
    alt : list of str
        List of SNP alternative base (A, T, G, C or .).
    nref : list of int
        Count of reads contains reference SNP.
    nalt : list of int
        Count of reads contains alternative SNP.
    gt : list of int
        List of genotypes (0 - "0/0", 1 - "0/1", 3- "1/1", 4 - "0|0" , 5 - "0|1", 6 - "1|0", 7 - "1|1").
    flag : list of int
        Binary flag: first bit 1 - SNP exists in database, second bit 1 - SNP in P region of strict mask.
    qual : list of int
        SNP quality (scale 0 - 255).

    if sample == '':
        sample = self.samples[0]
    pos = []
    ref = []
    alt = []
    nref = []
    nalt = []
    gt = []
    flag = []
    qual = []
    filter_stat = {}
    alphabet = ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C', '.']
        for rec in self.file.fetch(chr_name):
            if len(rec.filter.keys()) == 0:
                if "No filter (.)" in filter_stat:
                    filter_stat["No filter (.)"] += 1
                    filter_stat["No filter (.)"] = 1
            for f in rec.filter.keys():
                if f in filter_stat:
                    filter_stat[f] += 1
                    filter_stat[f] = 1
            if ("PASS" in rec.filter.keys() or not filter) and rec.alts and len(rec.alts) >= 1 and (
                    gt_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and (
                    ad_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and len(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag]) > 1 and len(
                rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]) > 1:
                if (len(rec.samples[sample][ad_tag]) > 1) and (rec.ref in alphabet) and (rec.alts[0] in alphabet):
                    flag.append(2)  # Assign P region as default (-mask_snps updates this flag)
                    if rec.qual == "." or rec.qual is None:
                        qual.append(int(rec.qual / 10))  # divide QUAL by factor 10 and truncate to one byte
                    if qual[-1] > 255:
                        qual[-1] = 255
                    except ValueError:
                        UNICODE_EXISTS = bool(type(unicode))
                    except NameError:
                        unicode = str
                    if isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], str) or isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag],
                        gt.append(gt_from_list(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], rec.samples[sample].phased))
    except ValueError:
        _logger.error("Variant file reading problem. Probably index file is missing or corrupted.")
    _logger.debug("Chromosome '%s' read. Number of variants to store: %d." % (chr_name, len(pos)))
    _logger.debug("Variants filter field statistics:")
    for f in filter_stat:
        _logger.debug(" * '%s' : %d" % (f, filter_stat[f]))
    return pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual
def read_chromosome_snp_no_counts(self, chr_name, sample='', gt_tag='GT', filter=True)

Read SNP/indel data without counts (AD tag) for given chromosome and sample.


chr_name : str
Name of the chromosome.
sample : str
Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
gt_tag : str
GT tag in VCF file (default: 'GT')
filter : bool
If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all


pos : list of int
List of SNP positions.
ref : list of str
List of SNP reference base (A, T, G, C or .).
alt : list of str
List of SNP alternative base (A, T, G, C or .).
gt : list of int
List of genotypes (0 - "0/0", 1 - "0/1", 3- "1/1", 4 - "0|0" , 5 - "0|1", 6 - "1|0", 7 - "1|1").
flag : list of int
Binary flag: first bit 1 - SNP exists in database, second bit 1 - SNP in P region of strict mask.
qual : list of int
SNP quality (scale 0 - 255).
Source code
def read_chromosome_snp_no_counts(self, chr_name, sample='', gt_tag='GT', filter=True):
    Read SNP/indel data without counts (AD tag) for given chromosome and sample.

    chr_name : str
        Name of the chromosome.
    sample : str
        Name of the sample (first one if empty - default)
    gt_tag : str
        GT tag in VCF file (default: 'GT')
    filter : bool
        If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all

    pos : list of int
        List of SNP positions.
    ref : list of str
        List of SNP reference base (A, T, G, C or .).
    alt : list of str
        List of SNP alternative base (A, T, G, C or .).
    gt : list of int
        List of genotypes (0 - "0/0", 1 - "0/1", 3- "1/1", 4 - "0|0" , 5 - "0|1", 6 - "1|0", 7 - "1|1").
    flag : list of int
        Binary flag: first bit 1 - SNP exists in database, second bit 1 - SNP in P region of strict mask.
    qual : list of int
        SNP quality (scale 0 - 255).

    if sample == '':
        sample = self.samples[0]
    pos = []
    ref = []
    alt = []
    gt = []
    flag = []
    qual = []
    alphabet = ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C', '.']
        for rec in self.file.fetch(chr_name):
            if ("PASS" in rec.filter.keys() or not filter) and rec.alts and len(rec.alts) >= 1 and (
                    gt_tag in rec.samples[sample].keys()) and len(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag]) > 1:
                if (rec.ref in alphabet) and (rec.alts[0] in alphabet):
                    flag.append(2)  # Assign P region as default (-mask_snps updates this flag)
                    if rec.qual == "." or rec.qual is None:
                        qual.append(int(rec.qual / 10))  # divide QUAL by factor 10 and truncate to one byte
                    if qual[-1] > 255:
                        qual[-1] = 255
                        UNICODE_EXISTS = bool(type(unicode))
                    except NameError:
                        unicode = str
                    if isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], str) or isinstance(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag],
                        gt.append(gt_from_list(rec.samples[sample][gt_tag], rec.samples[sample].phased))

    except ValueError:
        _logger.error("Variant file reading problem. Probably index file is missing or corrupted.")
    return pos, ref, alt, gt, flag, qual