Module cnvpytor.root


class Root: main CNVpytor class

Source code
""" cnvpytor.root

class Root: main CNVpytor class
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

from .io import *
from .bam import Bam
from .vcf import Vcf
from .fasta import Fasta
from .genome import Genome
from .viewer import anim_plot_likelihood, anim_plot_rd, anim_plot_rd_likelihood
import numpy as np
import logging
import os.path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

_logger = logging.getLogger("cnvpytor.root")

class Root:

    def __init__(self, filename, create=False, max_cores=8):
        Class constructor opens CNVpytor file. The class implements all core CNVpytor calculations.

        filename : str
            CNVpytor filename
        create : bool
            Creates cnvpytor file if not exists
        max_cores : int
            Maximal number of cores used in parallel calculations

        _logger.debug("App class init: filename '%s'; max cores %d." % (filename, max_cores)) = IO(filename, create=create)
        self.max_cores = max_cores
        self.io_gc =
        self.io_mask =
        if, None, "reference genome") and, None, "use reference"):
            rg_name = np.array(, None, "reference genome")).astype("str")[0]
            if rg_name in Genome.reference_genomes:
                Genome.detected_genome = rg_name
                rg_use =, None, "use reference")
                if "gc_file" in Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name] and rg_use[0] == 1:
                    _logger.debug("Using GC content from database for reference genome '%s'." % rg_name)
                    self.io_gc = IO(Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name]["gc_file"], ro=True, buffer=True)
                if "mask_file" in Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name] and rg_use[1] == 1:
                    _logger.debug("Using strict mask from database for reference genome '%s'." % rg_name)
                    self.io_mask = IO(Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name]["mask_file"], ro=True, buffer=True)

    def _read_bam(self, bf, chroms, reference_filename=False, overwrite=False):
        bamf = Bam(bf, reference_filename=reference_filename)
        if bamf.reference_genome:
  , None, "reference genome", np.array([np.string_(bamf.reference_genome)]))
  , None, "use reference", np.array([1, 1]).astype("uint8"))

        def read_chromosome(x):
            chrs, lens = x
  "Reading data for chromosome %s with length %d" % (chrs, lens))
            l_rd_p, l_rd_u, l_his_read_frg = bamf.read_chromosome(chrs)
            return l_rd_p, l_rd_u, l_his_read_frg

        chrname, chrlen = bamf.get_chr_len()
        chr_len = [(c, l) for (c, l) in zip(chrname, chrlen) if len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms]
        if self.max_cores == 1:
            count = 0
            cum_his_read_frg = None
            for cl in chr_len:
                rd_p, rd_u, his_read_frg = read_chromosome(cl)
                if not rd_p is None:
                    if cum_his_read_frg is None:
                        cum_his_read_frg = his_read_frg
                        cum_his_read_frg += his_read_frg
                    if (cl[0] in and not overwrite:
              [0], rd_p, rd_u)
              [0], rd_p, rd_u, chromosome_length=cl[1])
                    count += 1
            if not cum_his_read_frg is None:
      , None, "read frg dist", cum_his_read_frg)
            return count
            from .pool import parmap
            res = parmap(read_chromosome, chr_len, cores=self.max_cores)
            count = 0
            cum_his_read_frg = None
            for c, r in zip(chr_len, res):
                if not r[0] is None:
                    if cum_his_read_frg is None:
                        cum_his_read_frg = r[2]
                        cum_his_read_frg += r[2]
                    if (c[0] in and not overwrite:
              [0], r[0], r[1])
              [0], r[0], r[1], chromosome_length=c[1])
                    count += 1
            if not cum_his_read_frg is None:
      , None, "read frg dist", cum_his_read_frg)
            return count

    def rd_stat(self, chroms=[]):
        """ Calculate RD statistics for 100 bp bins.

        chroms : list of str
            List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.

        rd_stat = []
        auto, sex, mt = False, False, False

        rd_gc_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_gc.gc_chromosomes():
            rd_name =
            if not rd_name is None:
                rd_gc_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

        for c in rd_gc_chromosomes:
            if (len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms):
                rd_p, rd_u =
                max_bin = max(int(10 * np.mean(rd_u) + 1), int(10 * np.mean(rd_p) + 1))
                dist_p, bins = np.histogram(rd_p, bins=range(max_bin + 1))
                dist_u, bins = np.histogram(rd_u, bins=range(max_bin + 1))
                n_p, m_p, s_p = fit_normal(bins[1:-1], dist_p[1:])[0]
                n_u, m_u, s_u = fit_normal(bins[1:-1], dist_u[1:])[0]
                    "Chromosome '%s' stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (c, m_p, s_p))
                    "Chromosome '%s' stat - RD unique distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (c, m_u, s_u))
                rd_stat.append((c, m_p, s_p, m_u, s_u))
                auto = auto or Genome.is_autosome(c)
                sex = sex or Genome.is_sex_chrom(c)
                mt = mt or Genome.is_mt_chrom(c)

        if auto:
            max_bin_auto = int(
                max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_autosome(x[0]), rd_stat))))
            _logger.debug("Max RD for autosomes calculated: %d" % max_bin_auto)
            dist_p_auto = np.zeros(max_bin_auto)
            dist_u_auto = np.zeros(max_bin_auto)
            dist_p_gc_auto = np.zeros((max_bin_auto, 101))
            bins_auto = range(max_bin_auto + 1)
        if sex:
            max_bin_sex = int(
                max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_sex_chrom(x[0]), rd_stat))))
            _logger.debug("Max RD for sex chromosomes calculated: %d" % max_bin_sex)
            dist_p_sex = np.zeros(max_bin_sex)
            dist_u_sex = np.zeros(max_bin_sex)
            dist_p_gc_sex = np.zeros((max_bin_sex, 101))
            bins_sex = range(max_bin_sex + 1)

        if mt:
            max_bin_mt = int(
                max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_mt_chrom(x[0]), rd_stat))))
            _logger.debug("Max RD for mitochondria calculated: %d" % max_bin_mt)
            if max_bin_mt < 100:
                max_bin_mt = 100
            bin_size_mt = max_bin_mt // 100
            bins_mt = range(0, max_bin_mt // bin_size_mt * bin_size_mt + bin_size_mt, bin_size_mt)
            n_bins_mt = len(bins_mt) - 1
            _logger.debug("Using %d bin size, %d bins for mitochondria chromosome." % (bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt))
            dist_p_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
            dist_u_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
            dist_p_gc_mt = np.zeros((n_bins_mt, 101))

        for c in rd_gc_chromosomes:
            if len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms:
      "Chromosome '%s' stat " % c)
                rd_p, rd_u =
                if Genome.is_autosome(c):
                    dist_p, bins = np.histogram(rd_p, bins=bins_auto)
                    dist_u, bins = np.histogram(rd_u, bins=bins_auto)
                    gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                    gcp = gcp_decompress(gcat)
                    dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(rd_p, gcp, bins=(bins_auto, range(102)))
                    dist_p_auto += dist_p
                    dist_u_auto += dist_u
                    dist_p_gc_auto += dist_p_gc
                elif Genome.is_sex_chrom(c):
                    dist_p, bins = np.histogram(rd_p, bins=bins_sex)
                    dist_u, bins = np.histogram(rd_u, bins=bins_sex)
                    gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                    gcp = gcp_decompress(gcat)
                    dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(rd_p, gcp, bins=(bins_sex, range(102)))
                    dist_p_sex += dist_p
                    dist_u_sex += dist_u
                    dist_p_gc_sex += dist_p_gc
                elif Genome.is_mt_chrom(c):
                    dist_p, bins = np.histogram(rd_p, bins=bins_mt)
                    dist_u, bins = np.histogram(rd_u, bins=bins_mt)
                    gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                    gcp = gcp_decompress(gcat)
                    dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(rd_p, gcp, bins=(bins_mt, range(102)))
                    dist_p_mt += dist_p
                    dist_u_mt += dist_u
                    dist_p_gc_mt += dist_p_gc

        if auto:
            n_auto, m_auto, s_auto = fit_normal(np.array(bins_auto[1:-1]), dist_p_auto[1:])[0]
  "Autosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_auto, s_auto))
            stat_auto = np.array([max_bin_auto, 1, max_bin_auto, n_auto, m_auto, s_auto])
  , 100, "RD p dist", dist_p_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
  , 100, "RD u dist", dist_u_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
  , 100, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
  , 100, "RD stat", stat_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
            gc_corr_auto = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_auto, m_auto, s_auto)
  , 100, "GC corr", gc_corr_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)

        if sex:
            n_sex, m_sex, s_sex = fit_normal(np.array(bins_sex[1:-1]), dist_p_sex[1:])[0]
  "Sex chromosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_sex, s_sex))
            stat_sex = np.array([max_bin_sex, 1, max_bin_sex, n_sex, m_sex, s_sex])
  , 100, "RD p dist", dist_p_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
  , 100, "RD u dist", dist_u_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
  , 100, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
  , 100, "RD stat", stat_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
            gc_corr_sex = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_sex, m_sex, s_sex)
  , 100, "GC corr", gc_corr_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)

        if mt:
            n_mt, m_mt, s_mt = fit_normal(np.array(bins_mt[1:-1]), dist_p_mt[1:])[0]
  "Mitochondria stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_mt, s_mt))
            if auto:
      "Mitochondria stat - number of mitochondria per cell:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                    2. * m_mt / m_auto, 2. * s_mt / m_auto + s_auto * m_mt / (m_auto * m_auto)))
            stat_mt = np.array([max_bin_mt, bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt, n_mt, m_mt, s_mt])
  , 100, "RD p dist", dist_p_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
  , 100, "RD u dist", dist_u_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
  , 100, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
  , 100, "RD stat", stat_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
            gc_corr_mt = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_mt, m_mt, s_mt, bin_size_mt)
  , 100, "GC corr", gc_corr_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)

    def _read_vcf(self, vcf_file, chroms, sample='', use_index=False, no_counts=False, ad_tag="AD", gt_tag="GT",
                  filter=True, callset=None):

        vcff = Vcf(vcf_file)
        chrs = [c for c in vcff.get_chromosomes() if len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms]

        use_index = use_index and os.path.exists(vcf_file + ".tbi")

        def save_data(chr, pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual):
            if (len(chroms) == 0 or chr in chroms) and (not pos is None) and (len(pos) > 0):
      , pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual, callset=callset,
            # TODO: Stop reading if all from chrom list are read.

        def save_data_no_counts(chr, pos, ref, alt, gt, flag, qual):
            if (len(chroms) == 0 or chr in chroms) and (not pos is None) and (len(pos) > 0):
      , pos, ref, alt, np.zeros_like(pos), np.zeros_like(pos), gt, flag, qual,
                                 callset=callset, chromosome_length=vcff.lengths[chr])

        if use_index:
            count = 0
            for c in chrs:
      "Reading variant data for chromosome %s" % c)
                if no_counts:
                    pos, ref, alt, gt, flag, qual = vcff.read_chromosome_snp_no_counts(c, sample, gt_tag=gt_tag,
                    nref, nalt = np.zeros_like(pos), np.zeros_like(pos)
                    pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual = vcff.read_chromosome_snp(c, sample, ad_tag=ad_tag,
                                                                                         gt_tag=gt_tag, filter=filter)

                if not pos is None and len(pos) > 0:
          , pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual, callset=callset,
                    count += 1
            return count
            if no_counts:
                return vcff.read_all_snp_no_counts(save_data_no_counts, sample, gt_tag=gt_tag, filter=filter)
                return vcff.read_all_snp(save_data, sample, ad_tag=ad_tag, gt_tag=gt_tag, filter=filter)

    def rd(self, bamfiles, chroms=[], reference_filename=False, overwrite=False):
        """ Read chromosomes from bam/sam/cram file(s) and store in cnvpytor file.

        bamfiles : list of str
            List of bam/sam/cram files
        chroms : list of str
            List of chromosomes. Import all available if empty.
        reference_filename : str
            Only for CRAM files - reference genome filename

        for bf in bamfiles:
            self._read_bam(bf, chroms, reference_filename=reference_filename, overwrite=overwrite)
  "BAM", bf)

        if, None, "reference genome"):
            rg_name = np.array(, None, "reference genome")).astype("str")[0]
            if "mask_file" in Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name]:
      "Strict mask for reference genome '%s' found in database." % rg_name)
                self.io_mask = IO(Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name]["mask_file"])
            if "gc_file" in Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name]:
      "GC content for reference genome '%s' found in database." % rg_name)
                self.io_gc = IO(Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name]["gc_file"])

    def vcf(self, vcf_files, chroms=[], sample='', no_counts=False, ad_tag="AD", gt_tag="GT", filter=True,
            callset=None, use_index=True):
        """ Read SNP data from variant file(s) and store in .cnvpytor file

        vcf_files : list of str
            List of variant filenames.
        chroms : list of str
            List of chromosomes. Import all available if empty.
        sample : str
            Name of the sample. It will read first sample if empty string is provided.
        no_counts : bool
            Do not read AD counts if true.
        ad_tag : str
            AD tag (default 'AD').
        gt_tag : str
            GT tag (default 'GT').
        filter : bool
            If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all
        callset : str or None
            It will assume SNP data if None. Otherwise it will assume SNV data and
            store under the name provided by callset variable.
        use_index : bool
            Use index file for vcf parsing. Default is False.

        for vcf_file in vcf_files:
            self._read_vcf(vcf_file, chroms, sample, no_counts=no_counts, ad_tag=ad_tag, gt_tag=gt_tag, filter=filter,
                           callset=callset, use_index=use_index)
  "VCF", vcf_file)

    def rd_from_vcf(self, vcf_file, chroms=[], sample='', ad_tag="AD", dp_tag="DP", use_index=False):
        Read RD from variant file(s) and store in .cnvpytor file

        vcf_file : str
            Variant filename
        chroms : list of str
            List of chromosomes. Imports all available if empty.
        sample : str
            Name of the sample. It will read first sample if empty string is provided.
        ad_tag : str
            AD tag (default 'AD')
        dp_tag : str
            DP tag (default 'DP')
        use_index : bool
            Use index file for vcf parsing. Default is False.

        vcff = Vcf(vcf_file)
        chrs = [c for c in vcff.get_chromosomes() if len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms]

        def save_data(chr, rd_p, rd_u):
            if (len(chroms) == 0 or chr in chroms) and (not rd_p is None) and (len(rd_p) > 0):
      , rd_p, rd_u, chromosome_length=vcff.lengths[chr])
            # TODO: Stop reading if all from chroms list are already read.

        if use_index:
            count = 0
            for c in chrs:
      "Reading variant data for chromosome %s" % c)

                rd_p, rd_u = vcff.read_chromosome_rd(c, sample, ad_tag=ad_tag, dp_tag=dp_tag)
                if not rd_p is None and len(rd_p) > 0:
          , rd_p, rd_u, chromosome_length=vcff.lengths[chr])
                    count += 1
  "RD from VCF", vcf_file)
            return count
            count = vcff.read_all_rd(save_data, sample, ad_tag=ad_tag, dp_tag=dp_tag)
  "RD from VCF", vcf_file)
            return count

    def _pileup_bam(self, bamfile, chroms, pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, reference_filename):"Calculating pileup from bam file '%s'." % bamfile)
        bamf = Bam(bamfile, reference_filename=reference_filename)

        def pileup_chromosome(x):
            c, l, snpc = x
  "Pileup chromosome %s with length %d" % (c, l))
            return bamf.pileup(c, pos[snpc], ref[snpc], alt[snpc])

        chrname, chrlen = bamf.get_chr_len()
        chr_len = [(c, l, for (c, l) in zip(chrname, chrlen) if
          in chroms]

        if self.max_cores == 1:
            for cl in chr_len:
                r = pileup_chromosome(cl)
                nref[cl[2]] = [x + y for x, y in zip(nref[cl[2]], r[0])]
                nalt[cl[2]] = [x + y for x, y in zip(nalt[cl[2]], r[1])]

            from .pool import parmap
            res = parmap(pileup_chromosome, chr_len, cores=self.max_cores)
            for cl, r in zip(chr_len, res):
                nref[cl[2]] = [x + y for x, y in zip(nref[cl[2]], r[0])]
                nalt[cl[2]] = [x + y for x, y in zip(nalt[cl[2]], r[1])]

    def pileup(self, bamfiles, chroms=[], reference_filename=False):
        Read bam/sam/cram file(s) and pile up SNP counts at positions imported with vcf(vcf_files, ...) method

        bamfiles : list of str
            Bam files.
        chroms : list of str
            List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
        reference_filename : str
            Only for CRAM files - reference genome filename
        chrs = [c for c in if (len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms)]

        pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
        for c in chrs:
  "Decompressing and setting all SNP counts to zero for chromosome '%s'." % c)
            pos[c], ref[c], alt[c], nref[c], nalt[c], gt[c], flag[c], qual[c] =
            nref[c] = [0] * len(nref[c])
            nalt[c] = [0] * len(nalt[c])
        for bf in bamfiles:
            self._pileup_bam(bf, chrs, pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, reference_filename=reference_filename)

        for c in chrs:
  "Saving SNP data for chromosome '%s' in file '%s'." % (c,
  , pos[c], ref[c], alt[c], nref[c], nalt[c], gt[c], flag[c], qual[c])

    def rd_from_snp(self, chroms=[], use_mask=True, use_id=False, callset=None, s_bin_size=10000):
        """ Create RD signal from already imported SNP signal

        chroms : list of str
            List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
        use_mask : bool
            Use P-mask filter if True. Default: True.
        use_id : bool
            Use id flag filter if True. Default: False.
        callset : str or None
            It will assume SNP data if None. Otherwise it will assume SNV data
            stored under the name provided by callset variable.



        chromosomes = [c for c in if (len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms)]

        snp_mask_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
            snp_name =
            if snp_name is not None:
                snp_mask_chromosomes[snp_name] = c

        for c in chromosomes:
  "Calculating RD signal for chromosome '%s' using SNP counts." % c)
            pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual =, callset=callset)
            n = // 100 + 1
            rd = np.zeros(n)
            ncg = // s_bin_size + 1
            rdcg = np.zeros(ncg)
            rdc = np.zeros(ncg)
            for p, c1, c2, f in zip(pos, nref, nalt, flag):
                if (c1 + c2) > 0 and (not use_id or (f & 1)) and (not use_mask or (f & 2)):
                    rdcg[(p - 1) // s_bin_size] += c1 + c2
                    rdc[(p - 1) // s_bin_size] += 1
            np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
            rdcg = rdcg / rdc
            for i in range(n):
                rd[i] = rdcg[i * 100 // s_bin_size]
  , rd, rd)

    def gc(self, filename, chroms=[], make_gc_genome_file=False):
        """ Read GC content from reference fasta file and store in .cnvnator file
                    * FASTA filename
                    * list of chromosome names
        fasta = Fasta(filename)
        chrname, chrlen = fasta.get_chr_len()
        chr_len_rdn = []
        if make_gc_genome_file:
            _logger.debug("GC data for all reference genome contigs will be read and stored in cnvnator file.")
            for (c, l) in zip(chrname, chrlen):
                chr_len_rdn.append((c, l, c))
            for (c, l) in zip(chrname, chrlen):
                rd_name =
                if len(chroms) == 0 or (rd_name in chroms) or (c in chroms):
                    if rd_name is None:
                        _logger.debug("Not found RD signal for chromosome '%s'. Skipping..." % c)
                        _logger.debug("Found RD signal for chromosome '%s' with name '%s'." % (c, rd_name))
                        chr_len_rdn.append((c, l, rd_name))
        count = 0
        for c, l, rdn in chr_len_rdn:
  "Reading data for chromosome '%s' with length %d" % (c, l))
            gc, at = fasta.read_chromosome_gc(c)
            if not gc is None:
      , None, "GC/AT", gc_at_compress(gc, at))
                count += 1
      "GC data for chromosome '%s' saved in file '%s'." % (rdn,
        if count > 0:
  "Running RD statistics on chromosomes with imported GC data.")
        return count

    def copy_gc(self, filename, chroms=[]):
        """ Copy GC content from another cnvnator file
                    * cnvnator filename
                    * list of chromosome names
        io_src = IO(filename)
        chr_rdn = []
        for c in io_src.chromosomes_with_signal(None, "GC/AT"):
            rd_name =
            if len(chroms) == 0 or (rd_name in chroms) or (c in chroms):
                if rd_name is None:
                    _logger.debug("Not found RD signal for chromosome '%s'. Skipping..." % c)
                    _logger.debug("Found RD signal for chromosome '%s' with name '%s'." % (c, rd_name))
                    chr_rdn.append((c, rd_name))
        count = 0
        for c, rdn in chr_rdn:
                "Copying GC data for chromosome '%s' from file '%s' in file '%s'." % (c, filename,
  , None, "GC/AT", io_src.get_signal(c, None, "GC/AT").astype(dtype="uint8"))
        return count

    def mask(self, filename, chroms=[], make_mask_genome_file=False):
        """ Read strict mask fasta file and store in .cnvnator file
                    * FASTA filename
                    * list of chromosome names
        fasta = Fasta(filename)
        chrname, chrlen = fasta.get_chr_len()
        chr_len_rdn = []
        if make_mask_genome_file:
            _logger.debug("Strict mask data for all reference genome contigs will be read and stored in cnvnator file.")
            for (c, l) in zip(chrname, chrlen):
                chr_len_rdn.append((c, l, c))
            for (c, l) in zip(chrname, chrlen):
                rd_name =
                snp_name =
                if len(chroms) == 0 or (rd_name in chroms) or (snp_name in chroms) or (c in chroms):
                    if (rd_name is None) and (snp_name is None):
                        _logger.debug("Not found RD or SNP signal for chromosome '%s'. Skipping..." % c)
                    elif (rd_name is None):
                        _logger.debug("Found SNP signal for chromosome '%s' with name '%s'." % (c, snp_name))
                        chr_len_rdn.append((c, l, snp_name))
                        _logger.debug("Found RD signal for chromosome '%s' with name '%s'." % (c, rd_name))
                        chr_len_rdn.append((c, l, rd_name))
        count = 0
        for c, l, rdn in chr_len_rdn:
  "Reading data for chromosome '%s' with length %d" % (c, l))
            mask = fasta.read_chromosome_mask_p_regions(c)
            if not mask is None:
      , None, "mask", mask_compress(mask))
                count += 1
      "Strict mask data for chromosome '%s' saved in file '%s'." % (rdn,
        return count

    def copy_mask(self, filename, chroms=[]):
        """ Copy strict mask data from another cnvnator file
                    * cnvnator filename
                    * list of chromosome names
        io_src = IO(filename)
        chr_rdn = []
        for c in io_src.chromosomes_with_signal(None, "mask"):
            rd_name =
            snp_name = self.snp_chromosome_name(c)
            if len(chroms) == 0 or (rd_name in chroms) or (snp_name in chroms) or (c in chroms):
                if (rd_name is None) and (snp_name is None):
                    _logger.debug("Not found RD or SNP signal for chromosome '%s'. Skipping..." % c)
                elif (rd_name is None):
                    _logger.debug("Found SNP signal for chromosome '%s' with name '%s'." % (c, snp_name))
                    chr_rdn.append((c, snp_name))
                    _logger.debug("Found RD signal for chromosome '%s' with name '%s'." % (c, rd_name))
                    chr_rdn.append((c, rd_name))
        count = 0
        for c, rdn in chr_rdn:
                "Copying strict mask data for chromosome '%s' from file '%s' in file '%s'." % (
                    c, filename,
  , None, "mask", io_src.get_signal(c, None, "mask").astype(dtype="uint32"))
        return count

    def set_reference_genome(self, rg):
        """ Manually sets reference genome.

        rg: str
            Name of reference genome

            True if genome exists in database

        if rg in Genome.reference_genomes:
  "Reference genome '%s' found in database." % rg)
  , None, "reference genome", np.array([np.string_(rg)]))
  , None, "use reference", np.array([1, 1]).astype("uint8"))
            if "mask_file" in Genome.reference_genomes[rg]:
      "Strict mask for reference genome '%s' found in database." % rg)
            if "gc_file" in Genome.reference_genomes[rg]:
      "GC content for reference genome '%s' found in database." % rg)
            _logger.warning("Reference genome '%s' not found in database." % rg)

    def calculate_histograms(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[]):
        Calculates RD histograms and store data into cnvpytor file.

        bin_sizes : list of int
            List of histogram bin sizes
        chroms : list of str
            List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.

        rd_gc_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_gc.gc_chromosomes():
            rd_name =
            if not rd_name is None and (len(chroms) == 0 or (rd_name in chroms) or (c in chroms)):
                rd_gc_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

        rd_mask_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
            rd_name =
            if not rd_name is None and (len(chroms) == 0 or (rd_name in chroms) or (c in chroms)):
                rd_mask_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

        for bin_size in bin_sizes:
            his_stat = []
            auto, sex, mt = False, False, False
            bin_ratio = bin_size // 100

            for c in
                if c in rd_gc_chromosomes:
          "Calculating histograms using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                    flag = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                    rd_p, rd_u =
                    his_p = np.concatenate(
                        (rd_p, np.zeros(bin_ratio - len(rd_p) + (len(rd_p) // bin_ratio * bin_ratio))))
                    his_p.resize((len(his_p) // bin_ratio, bin_ratio))
                    his_p = his_p.sum(axis=1)
                    his_u = np.concatenate(
                        (rd_u, np.zeros(bin_ratio - len(rd_u) + (len(rd_u) // bin_ratio * bin_ratio))))
                    his_u.resize((len(his_u) // bin_ratio, bin_ratio))
                    his_u = his_u.sum(axis=1)
                    if bin_ratio == 1:
                        his_p = his_p[:-1]
                        his_u = his_u[:-1]
          , bin_size, "RD", his_p)
          , bin_size, "RD unique", his_u)

                    max_bin = max(int(10 * np.mean(his_u) + 1), int(10 * np.mean(his_p) + 1))
                    if max_bin < 10000:
                        max_bin = 10000
                    rd_bin_size = max_bin // 10000
                    rd_bins = range(0, max_bin // rd_bin_size * rd_bin_size + rd_bin_size, rd_bin_size)
                    dist_p, bins = np.histogram(his_p, bins=rd_bins)
                    dist_u, bins = np.histogram(his_u, bins=rd_bins)
                    n_p, m_p, s_p = fit_normal(bins[1:-1], dist_p[1:])[0]
                    n_u, m_u, s_u = fit_normal(bins[1:-1], dist_u[1:])[0]
                        "Chromosome '%s' bin size %d stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                            c, bin_size, m_p, s_p))
                        "Chromosome '%s' bin size %d stat - RD unique distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                            c, bin_size, m_u, s_u))
                    his_stat.append((c, m_p, s_p, m_u, s_u))
                    auto = auto or Genome.is_autosome(c)
                    sex = sex or Genome.is_sex_chrom(c)
                    mt = mt or Genome.is_mt_chrom(c)

            mt = mt and (bin_size <= 1000)

            if auto:
                max_bin_auto = int(
                    max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_autosome(x[0]), his_stat))))
                _logger.debug("Max RD for autosome histograms calculated: %d." % max_bin_auto)
                if max_bin_auto < 1000:
                    max_bin_auto = 1000
                bin_size_auto = max_bin_auto // 1000
                bins_auto = range(0, max_bin_auto // bin_size_auto * bin_size_auto + bin_size_auto, bin_size_auto)
                n_bins_auto = len(bins_auto) - 1
                    "Using %d RD bin size, %d bins for autosome RD - GC distributions." % (bin_size_auto, n_bins_auto))
                dist_p_auto = np.zeros(n_bins_auto)
                dist_p_gccorr_auto = np.zeros(n_bins_auto)
                dist_u_auto = np.zeros(n_bins_auto)
                dist_p_gc_auto = np.zeros((n_bins_auto, 101))

            if sex:
                max_bin_sex = int(
                    max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_sex_chrom(x[0]), his_stat))))
                _logger.debug("Max RD for sex chromosome histograms calculated: %d." % max_bin_sex)
                if max_bin_sex < 1000:
                    max_bin_sex = 1000
                bin_size_sex = max_bin_sex // 1000
                bins_sex = range(0, max_bin_sex // bin_size_sex * bin_size_sex + bin_size_sex, bin_size_sex)
                n_bins_sex = len(bins_sex) - 1
                    "Using %d RD bin size, %d bins for sex chromosome RD - GC distributions." % (
                        bin_size_sex, n_bins_sex))
                dist_p_sex = np.zeros(n_bins_sex)
                dist_p_gccorr_sex = np.zeros(n_bins_sex)
                dist_u_sex = np.zeros(n_bins_sex)
                dist_p_gc_sex = np.zeros((n_bins_sex, 101))

            if mt:
                max_bin_mt = int(
                    max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_mt_chrom(x[0]), his_stat))))
                _logger.debug("Max RD for mitochondria histogram calculated: %d." % max_bin_mt)
                if max_bin_mt < 1000:
                    max_bin_mt = 1000
                bin_size_mt = max_bin_mt // 1000
                bins_mt = range(0, max_bin_mt // bin_size_mt * bin_size_mt + bin_size_mt, bin_size_mt)
                n_bins_mt = len(bins_mt) - 1
                _logger.debug("Using %d bin size, %d bins for mitochondria chromosome." % (bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt))
                dist_p_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
                dist_p_gccorr_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
                dist_u_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
                dist_p_gc_mt = np.zeros((n_bins_mt, 101))

  "Calculating global statistics.")
            for c in
                if c in rd_gc_chromosomes:
                    _logger.debug("Chromosome '%s'." % c)
                    his_p =, bin_size, "RD")
                    his_u =, bin_size, "RD unique")
                    if Genome.is_autosome(c):
                        dist_p, bins = np.histogram(his_p, bins=bins_auto)
                        dist_u, bins = np.histogram(his_u, bins=bins_auto)
                        gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                        dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(his_p, gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio),
                                                                 bins=(bins_auto, range(102)))
                        dist_p_auto += dist_p
                        dist_u_auto += dist_u
                        dist_p_gc_auto += dist_p_gc
                    elif Genome.is_sex_chrom(c):
                        dist_p, bins = np.histogram(his_p, bins=bins_sex)
                        dist_u, bins = np.histogram(his_u, bins=bins_sex)
                        gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                        dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(his_p, gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio),
                                                                 bins=(bins_sex, range(102)))
                        dist_p_sex += dist_p
                        dist_u_sex += dist_u
                        dist_p_gc_sex += dist_p_gc
                    elif Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) and mt:
                        dist_p, bins = np.histogram(his_p, bins=bins_mt)
                        dist_u, bins = np.histogram(his_u, bins=bins_mt)
                        gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                        dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(his_p, gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio),
                                                                 bins=(bins_mt, range(102)))
                        dist_p_mt += dist_p
                        dist_u_mt += dist_u
                        dist_p_gc_mt += dist_p_gc

            if auto:
                n_auto, m_auto, s_auto = fit_normal(np.array(bins_auto[1:-1]), dist_p_auto[1:])[0]
      "Autosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_auto, s_auto))
                stat_auto = np.array([max_bin_auto, bin_size_auto, n_bins_auto, n_auto, m_auto, s_auto])
      , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
      , bin_size, "RD u dist", dist_u_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
      , bin_size, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
      , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
                gc_corr_auto = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_auto, m_auto, s_auto, bin_size_auto)
      , bin_size, "GC corr", gc_corr_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)

            if sex:
                n_sex, m_sex, s_sex = fit_normal(np.array(bins_sex[1:-1]), dist_p_sex[1:])[0]
                    "Sex chromosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_sex, s_sex))
                stat_sex = np.array([max_bin_sex, bin_size_sex, n_bins_sex, n_sex, m_sex, s_sex])
      , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
      , bin_size, "RD u dist", dist_u_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
      , bin_size, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
      , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
                gc_corr_sex = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_sex, m_sex, s_sex, bin_size_sex)
      , bin_size, "GC corr", gc_corr_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)

            if mt:
                n_mt, m_mt, s_mt = fit_normal(np.array(bins_mt[1:-1]), dist_p_mt[1:])[0]
      "Mitochondria stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_mt, s_mt))
                if auto:
          "Mitochondria stat - number of mitochondria per cell:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                        2. * m_mt / m_auto, 2. * s_mt / m_auto + s_auto * m_mt / (m_auto * m_auto)))
                stat_mt = np.array([max_bin_mt, bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt, n_mt, m_mt, s_mt])
      , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
      , bin_size, "RD u dist", dist_u_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
      , bin_size, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
      , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
                gc_corr_mt = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_mt, m_mt, s_mt, bin_size_mt)
      , bin_size, "GC corr", gc_corr_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)

            for c in
                if c in rd_gc_chromosomes and (mt or not Genome.is_mt_chrom(c)):
                        "Calculating GC corrected RD histogram using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                    flag = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                    his_p =, bin_size, "RD")
                    _logger.debug("Calculating GC corrected RD")
                    gc_corr =, bin_size, "GC corr", flag)
                    gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                    his_p_corr = his_p / np.array(list(map(lambda x: gc_corr[int(x)], gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio))))
          , bin_size, "RD", his_p_corr, flags=FLAG_GC_CORR)
                    if Genome.is_autosome(c):
                        dist_p_gc, bins = np.histogram(his_p_corr, bins=bins_auto)
                        dist_p_gccorr_auto += dist_p_gc
                    elif Genome.is_sex_chrom(c):
                        dist_p_gc, bins = np.histogram(his_p_corr, bins=bins_sex)
                        dist_p_gccorr_sex += dist_p_gc
                    elif Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) and mt:
                        dist_p_gc, bins = np.histogram(his_p_corr, bins=bins_mt)
                        dist_p_gccorr_mt += dist_p_gc

            if auto:
                n_auto, m_auto, s_auto = fit_normal(np.array(bins_auto[1:-1]), dist_p_gccorr_auto[1:])[0]
                    "Autosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                        m_auto, s_auto))
                stat_auto = np.array([max_bin_auto, bin_size_auto, n_bins_auto, n_auto, m_auto, s_auto])
      , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_gccorr_auto, flags=(FLAG_AUTO | FLAG_GC_CORR))
      , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_auto, flags=(FLAG_AUTO | FLAG_GC_CORR))
      , m_auto, s_auto, FLAG_GC_CORR)

            if sex:
                n_sex, m_sex, s_sex = fit_normal(np.array(bins_sex[1:-1]), dist_p_gccorr_sex[1:])[0]
                    "Sex chromosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                        m_sex, s_sex))
                stat_sex = np.array([max_bin_sex, bin_size_sex, n_bins_sex, n_sex, m_sex, s_sex])
      , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_gccorr_sex, flags=(FLAG_SEX | FLAG_GC_CORR))
      , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_sex, flags=(FLAG_SEX | FLAG_GC_CORR))
                if not auto:
          , m_sex, s_sex, FLAG_GC_CORR)

            if mt:
                n_mt, m_mt, s_mt = fit_normal(np.array(bins_mt[1:-1]), dist_p_gccorr_mt[1:])[0]
                    "Mitochondria stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                        m_mt, s_mt))
                if auto:
                        "Mitochondria stat - number of mitochondria per cell after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                            2. * m_mt / m_auto, 2. * s_mt / m_auto + s_auto * m_mt / (m_auto * m_auto)))
                stat_mt = np.array([max_bin_mt, bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt, n_mt, m_mt, s_mt])
      , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_gccorr_mt, flags=(FLAG_MT | FLAG_GC_CORR))
      , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_mt, flags=(FLAG_MT | FLAG_GC_CORR))

            for c in
                if (c in rd_gc_chromosomes) and (c in rd_mask_chromosomes):
          "Calculating P-mask histograms using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                    flag = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                    rd_p, rd_u =
                    mask = mask_decompress(self.io_mask.get_signal(rd_mask_chromosomes[c], None, "mask"))
                    bin_ratio = bin_size // 100
                    n_bins = len(rd_p) // bin_ratio + 1
                    his_p = np.zeros(n_bins)
                    his_p_corr = np.zeros(n_bins)
                    his_u = np.zeros(n_bins)
                    his_count = np.zeros(n_bins)
                    for (b, e) in mask:
                        for p in range((b - 1) // 100 + 2, (e - 1) // 100):
                            his_p[p // bin_ratio] += rd_p[p]
                            his_u[p // bin_ratio] += rd_u[p]
                            his_count[p // bin_ratio] += 1
                    np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
                    his_p = his_p / his_count * bin_ratio
                    his_u = his_u / his_count * bin_ratio
                    if bin_ratio == 1:
                        his_p = his_p[:-1]
                        his_u = his_u[:-1]
                    gc_corr =, bin_size, "GC corr", flag)
                    gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                    his_p_corr = his_p / np.array(list(map(lambda x: gc_corr[int(x)], gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio))))
          , bin_size, "RD", his_p, flags=FLAG_USEMASK)
          , bin_size, "RD unique", his_u, flags=FLAG_USEMASK)
          , bin_size, "RD", his_p_corr, flags=FLAG_GC_CORR | FLAG_USEMASK)

    def calculate_histograms_from_snp_counts(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_mask=True, use_id=False, callset=None,
        Calculates RD histograms from SNP data and store data into cnvpytor file.

        bin_sizes : list of int
            List of histogram bin sizes
        chroms : list of str
            List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
        use_mask : bool
            Use P-mask filter if True. Default: True.
        use_id : bool
            Use id flag filter if True. Default: False.
        callset : str or None
            It will assume SNP data if None. Otherwise it will assume SNV data
            stored under the name provided by callset variable.
        min_count : int
            minimal number of SNPs within bin

        if min_count is None:
            min_count = 0
        snp_gc_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_gc.gc_chromosomes():
            snp_name =
            if not snp_name is None and (len(chroms) == 0 or (snp_name in chroms) or (c in chroms)):
                snp_gc_chromosomes[snp_name] = c

        snp_mask_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
            snp_name =
            if not snp_name is None and (len(chroms) == 0 or (snp_name in chroms) or (c in chroms)):
                snp_mask_chromosomes[snp_name] = c

        for bin_size in bin_sizes:
            his_stat = []
            auto, sex, mt = False, False, False
            bin_ratio = bin_size // 100

            for c in
                if c in snp_gc_chromosomes:
                        "Calculating histograms from SNP counts using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                    flag = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                    pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, sflag, qual =, callset=callset)
                    ncg = ( // 100 + 1) // bin_ratio + 1
                    rdcg = np.zeros(ncg)
                    rdc = np.zeros(ncg)
                    for p, c1, c2, f in zip(pos, nref, nalt, sflag):
                        if (c1 + c2) > 0 and (not use_id or (f & 1)) and (not use_mask or (f & 2)):
                            rdcg[(p - 1) // bin_size] += c1 + c2
                            rdc[(p - 1) // bin_size] += 1
                    np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
                    scale = bin_size / 150
                    rdcg = scale * rdcg / rdc
                    rdcg[rdc < min_count] = np.NaN

          , bin_size, "RD", rdcg)
          , bin_size, "RD unique", rdcg)

                    max_bin = max(int(10 * np.nanmean(rdcg) + 1), int(10 * np.nanmean(rdcg) + 1))
                    if max_bin < 10000:
                        max_bin = 10000
                    rd_bin_size = max_bin // 10000
                    rd_bins = range(0, max_bin // rd_bin_size * rd_bin_size + rd_bin_size, rd_bin_size)
                    dist_p, bins = np.histogram(rdcg, bins=rd_bins)
                    dist_u, bins = np.histogram(rdcg, bins=rd_bins)
                    n_p, m_p, s_p = fit_normal(bins[1:-1], dist_p[1:])[0]
                    n_u, m_u, s_u = fit_normal(bins[1:-1], dist_u[1:])[0]
                        "Chromosome '%s' bin size %d stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                            c, bin_size, m_p, s_p))
                        "Chromosome '%s' bin size %d stat - RD unique distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                            c, bin_size, m_u, s_u))
                    his_stat.append((c, m_p, s_p, m_u, s_u))
                    auto = auto or Genome.is_autosome(c)
                    sex = sex or Genome.is_sex_chrom(c)
                    mt = mt or Genome.is_mt_chrom(c)

            mt = mt and (bin_size <= 1000)

            if auto:
                max_bin_auto = int(
                    max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_autosome(x[0]), his_stat))))
                _logger.debug("Max RD for autosome histograms calculated: %d." % max_bin_auto)
                if max_bin_auto < 1000:
                    max_bin_auto = 1000
                bin_size_auto = max_bin_auto // 1000
                bins_auto = range(0, max_bin_auto // bin_size_auto * bin_size_auto + bin_size_auto, bin_size_auto)
                n_bins_auto = len(bins_auto) - 1
                    "Using %d RD bin size, %d bins for autosome RD - GC distributions." % (bin_size_auto, n_bins_auto))
                dist_p_auto = np.zeros(n_bins_auto)
                dist_p_gccorr_auto = np.zeros(n_bins_auto)
                dist_u_auto = np.zeros(n_bins_auto)
                dist_p_gc_auto = np.zeros((n_bins_auto, 101))

            if sex:
                max_bin_sex = int(
                    max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_sex_chrom(x[0]), his_stat))))
                _logger.debug("Max RD for sex chromosome histograms calculated: %d." % max_bin_sex)
                if max_bin_sex < 1000:
                    max_bin_sex = 1000
                bin_size_sex = max_bin_sex // 1000
                bins_sex = range(0, max_bin_sex // bin_size_sex * bin_size_sex + bin_size_sex, bin_size_sex)
                n_bins_sex = len(bins_sex) - 1
                    "Using %d RD bin size, %d bins for sex chromosome RD - GC distributions." % (
                        bin_size_sex, n_bins_sex))
                dist_p_sex = np.zeros(n_bins_sex)
                dist_p_gccorr_sex = np.zeros(n_bins_sex)
                dist_u_sex = np.zeros(n_bins_sex)
                dist_p_gc_sex = np.zeros((n_bins_sex, 101))

            if mt:
                max_bin_mt = int(
                    max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_mt_chrom(x[0]), his_stat))))
                _logger.debug("Max RD for mitochondria histogram calculated: %d." % max_bin_mt)
                if max_bin_mt < 1000:
                    max_bin_mt = 1000
                bin_size_mt = max_bin_mt // 1000
                bins_mt = range(0, max_bin_mt // bin_size_mt * bin_size_mt + bin_size_mt, bin_size_mt)
                n_bins_mt = len(bins_mt) - 1
                _logger.debug("Using %d bin size, %d bins for mitochondria chromosome." % (bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt))
                dist_p_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
                dist_p_gccorr_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
                dist_u_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
                dist_p_gc_mt = np.zeros((n_bins_mt, 101))

  "Calculating global statistics.")
            for c in
                if c in snp_gc_chromosomes:
                    _logger.debug("Chromosome '%s'." % c)
                    his_p =, bin_size, "RD")
                    his_u =, bin_size, "RD unique")
                    if Genome.is_autosome(c):
                        dist_p, bins = np.histogram(his_p, bins=bins_auto)
                        dist_u, bins = np.histogram(his_u, bins=bins_auto)
                        gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(snp_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                        print(len(his_p),len(gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio)))
                        dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(his_p, gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio),
                                                                 bins=(bins_auto, range(102)))
                        dist_p_auto += dist_p
                        dist_u_auto += dist_u
                        dist_p_gc_auto += dist_p_gc
                    elif Genome.is_sex_chrom(c):
                        dist_p, bins = np.histogram(his_p, bins=bins_sex)
                        dist_u, bins = np.histogram(his_u, bins=bins_sex)
                        gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(snp_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                        dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(his_p, gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio),
                                                                 bins=(bins_sex, range(102)))
                        dist_p_sex += dist_p
                        dist_u_sex += dist_u
                        dist_p_gc_sex += dist_p_gc
                    elif Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) and mt:
                        dist_p, bins = np.histogram(his_p, bins=bins_mt)
                        dist_u, bins = np.histogram(his_u, bins=bins_mt)
                        gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(snp_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                        dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(his_p, gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio),
                                                                 bins=(bins_mt, range(102)))
                        dist_p_mt += dist_p
                        dist_u_mt += dist_u
                        dist_p_gc_mt += dist_p_gc

            if auto:
                n_auto, m_auto, s_auto = fit_normal(np.array(bins_auto[1:-1]), dist_p_auto[1:])[0]
      "Autosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_auto, s_auto))
                stat_auto = np.array([max_bin_auto, bin_size_auto, n_bins_auto, n_auto, m_auto, s_auto])
      , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
      , bin_size, "RD u dist", dist_u_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
      , bin_size, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
      , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
                gc_corr_auto = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_auto, m_auto, s_auto, bin_size_auto)
      , bin_size, "GC corr", gc_corr_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
      , m_auto, s_auto)

            if sex:
                n_sex, m_sex, s_sex = fit_normal(np.array(bins_sex[1:-1]), dist_p_sex[1:])[0]
                    "Sex chromosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_sex, s_sex))
                stat_sex = np.array([max_bin_sex, bin_size_sex, n_bins_sex, n_sex, m_sex, s_sex])
      , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
      , bin_size, "RD u dist", dist_u_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
      , bin_size, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
      , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
                gc_corr_sex = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_sex, m_sex, s_sex, bin_size_sex)
      , bin_size, "GC corr", gc_corr_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
                if not auto:
          , m_auto, s_auto)

            if mt:
                n_mt, m_mt, s_mt = fit_normal(np.array(bins_mt[1:-1]), dist_p_mt[1:])[0]
      "Mitochondria stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_mt, s_mt))
                if auto:
          "Mitochondria stat - number of mitochondria per cell:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                        2. * m_mt / m_auto, 2. * s_mt / m_auto + s_auto * m_mt / (m_auto * m_auto)))
                stat_mt = np.array([max_bin_mt, bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt, n_mt, m_mt, s_mt])
      , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
      , bin_size, "RD u dist", dist_u_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
      , bin_size, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
      , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
                gc_corr_mt = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_mt, m_mt, s_mt, bin_size_mt)
      , bin_size, "GC corr", gc_corr_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)

            for c in
                if c in snp_gc_chromosomes and (mt or not Genome.is_mt_chrom(c)):
                        "Calculating GC corrected RD histogram using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                    flag = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                    his_p =, bin_size, "RD")
                    _logger.debug("Calculating GC corrected RD")
                    gc_corr =, bin_size, "GC corr", flag)
                    gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(snp_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                    his_p_corr = his_p / np.array(list(map(lambda x: gc_corr[int(x)], gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio))))
          , bin_size, "RD", his_p_corr, flags=FLAG_GC_CORR)
                    if Genome.is_autosome(c):
                        dist_p_gc, bins = np.histogram(his_p_corr, bins=bins_auto)
                        dist_p_gccorr_auto += dist_p_gc
                    elif Genome.is_sex_chrom(c):
                        dist_p_gc, bins = np.histogram(his_p_corr, bins=bins_sex)
                        dist_p_gccorr_sex += dist_p_gc
                    elif Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) and mt:
                        dist_p_gc, bins = np.histogram(his_p_corr, bins=bins_mt)
                        dist_p_gccorr_mt += dist_p_gc

            if auto:
                n_auto, m_auto, s_auto = fit_normal(np.array(bins_auto[1:-1]), dist_p_gccorr_auto[1:])[0]
                    "Autosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                        m_auto, s_auto))
                stat_auto = np.array([max_bin_auto, bin_size_auto, n_bins_auto, n_auto, m_auto, s_auto])
      , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_gccorr_auto, flags=(FLAG_AUTO | FLAG_GC_CORR))
      , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_auto, flags=(FLAG_AUTO | FLAG_GC_CORR))
      , m_auto, s_auto, FLAG_GC_CORR)

            if sex:
                n_sex, m_sex, s_sex = fit_normal(np.array(bins_sex[1:-1]), dist_p_gccorr_sex[1:])[0]
                    "Sex chromosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                        m_sex, s_sex))
                stat_sex = np.array([max_bin_sex, bin_size_sex, n_bins_sex, n_sex, m_sex, s_sex])
      , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_gccorr_sex, flags=(FLAG_SEX | FLAG_GC_CORR))
      , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_sex, flags=(FLAG_SEX | FLAG_GC_CORR))
                if not auto:
          , m_sex, s_sex, FLAG_GC_CORR)

            if mt:
                n_mt, m_mt, s_mt = fit_normal(np.array(bins_mt[1:-1]), dist_p_gccorr_mt[1:])[0]
                    "Mitochondria stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                        m_mt, s_mt))
                if auto:
                        "Mitochondria stat - number of mitochondria per cell after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                            2. * m_mt / m_auto, 2. * s_mt / m_auto + s_auto * m_mt / (m_auto * m_auto)))
                stat_mt = np.array([max_bin_mt, bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt, n_mt, m_mt, s_mt])
      , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_gccorr_mt, flags=(FLAG_MT | FLAG_GC_CORR))
      , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_mt, flags=(FLAG_MT | FLAG_GC_CORR))

            for c in
                if (c in snp_gc_chromosomes) and (c in snp_mask_chromosomes):
          "Calculating P-mask histograms using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                    flag = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                    rd_p, rd_u =
                    mask = mask_decompress(self.io_mask.get_signal(snp_mask_chromosomes[c], None, "mask"))
                    bin_ratio = bin_size // 100
                    n_bins = len(rd_p) // bin_ratio + 1
                    his_p = np.zeros(n_bins)
                    his_p_corr = np.zeros(n_bins)
                    his_u = np.zeros(n_bins)
                    his_count = np.zeros(n_bins)
                    for (b, e) in mask:
                        for p in range((b - 1) // 100 + 2, (e - 1) // 100):
                            his_p[p // bin_ratio] += rd_p[p]
                            his_u[p // bin_ratio] += rd_u[p]
                            his_count[p // bin_ratio] += 1
                    np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
                    his_p = his_p / his_count * bin_ratio
                    his_u = his_u / his_count * bin_ratio
                    if bin_ratio == 1:
                        his_p = his_p[:-1]
                        his_u = his_u[:-1]
                    gc_corr =, bin_size, "GC corr", flag)
                    gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(snp_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                    his_p_corr = his_p / np.array(list(map(lambda x: gc_corr[int(x)], gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio))))
          , bin_size, "RD", his_p, flags=FLAG_USEMASK)
          , bin_size, "RD unique", his_u, flags=FLAG_USEMASK)
          , bin_size, "RD", his_p_corr, flags=FLAG_GC_CORR | FLAG_USEMASK)

    def partition(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_gc_corr=True, use_mask=False, repeats=3, genome_size=2.9e9):
        Calculates segmentation of RD signal.

        bin_sizes : list of int
            List of histogram bin sizes
        chroms : list of str
            List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
        use_gc_corr : bool
            Use GC corrected signal if True. Default: True.
        use_mask : bool
            Use P-mask filter if True. Default: False.

        bin_bands = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128]

        rd_gc_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_gc.gc_chromosomes():
            rd_name =
            if not rd_name is None:
                rd_gc_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

        rd_mask_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
            rd_name =
            if not rd_name is None:
                rd_mask_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

        for bin_size in bin_sizes:
            for c in
                if (c in rd_gc_chromosomes or not use_gc_corr) and (c in rd_mask_chromosomes or not use_mask) and (
                        len(chroms) == 0 or (c in chroms)):
                    flag_stat = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                    if use_gc_corr:
                        flag_stat |= FLAG_GC_CORR
                    flag_rd = (FLAG_GC_CORR if use_gc_corr else 0) | (FLAG_USEMASK if use_mask else 0)
                    if, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat) and, bin_size,
              "Calculating partition using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                        stat =, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat)
                        mean = stat[4]
                        std = stat[5]
                        rd =, bin_size, "RD", flag_rd)
                        rd = np.nan_to_num(rd)
                        masked = np.zeros_like(rd, dtype=bool)
                        levels = np.copy(rd)

                        for bin_band in bin_bands:
                            _logger.debug("Bin band is %d." % bin_band)
                            levels[np.logical_not(masked)] = rd[np.logical_not(masked)]
                            nm_levels = levels[np.logical_not(masked)]
                            mask_borders = [0]
                            count = 0
                            for i in range(len(masked)):
                                if masked[i]:
                                    if count > 0:
                                        mask_borders.append(mask_borders[-1] + count - 1)
                                        count = 0
                                    count += 1
                            mask_borders = mask_borders[1:]

                            kk = np.arange(3 * bin_band + 1)
                            exp_kk = kk * np.exp(-0.5 * kk ** 2 / bin_band ** 2)
                            for step in range(repeats):

                                isig = np.ones_like(nm_levels) * 4. / std ** 2
                                isig[nm_levels >= (mean / 4)] = mean / std ** 2 / nm_levels[nm_levels >= (mean / 4)]

                                def calc_grad(k):
                                    if k < len(nm_levels):
                                        t1 = np.concatenate((
                                            np.exp(-0.5 * (nm_levels - np.roll(nm_levels, -k)) ** 2 * isig)[:-k],
                                            [0] * k))
                                        t2 = np.concatenate(([0] * k,
                                                             np.exp(-0.5 * (nm_levels - np.roll(nm_levels,
                                                                                                k)) ** 2 * isig)[k:]))
                                        return exp_kk[k] * (t1 - t2)
                                        return np.zeros_like(nm_levels)

                                grad = np.sum([calc_grad(k) for k in range(1, 3 * bin_band + 1)], axis=0)

                                border = [i for i in range(grad.size - 1) if grad[i] < 0 and grad[i + 1] >= 0]
                                border.append(grad.size - 1)
                                border = sorted(list(set(border + mask_borders)))
                                # border = sorted(list(set([0]+border+[len(nm_levels)-1])))
                                pb = 0
                                for b in border:
                                    nm_levels[pb:b + 1] = np.mean(nm_levels[pb:b + 1])
                                    pb = b + 1

                            levels[np.logical_not(masked)] = nm_levels
                            border = [0] + list(np.argwhere(np.abs(np.diff(levels)) > 0.01)[:, 0] + 1) + [levels.size]
                            masked = np.zeros_like(rd, dtype=bool)

                            for i in range(1, len(border)):
                                seg = [border[i - 1], border[i]]
                                seg_left = [border[i - 1], border[i - 1]]
                                if i > 1:
                                    seg_left[0] = border[i - 2]
                                seg_right = [border[i], border[i]]
                                if i < (len(border) - 1):
                                    seg_right[1] = border[i + 1]
                                n = seg[1] - seg[0]
                                n_left = seg_left[1] - seg_left[0]
                                n_right = seg_right[1] - seg_right[0]
                                if n <= 1:
                                seg_mean = np.mean(levels[seg[0]:seg[1]])
                                seg_std = np.std(levels[seg[0]:seg[1]])
                                if (n_right <= 15) or (n_left <= 15) or (n <= 15):
                                    ns = 1.8 * np.sqrt(levels[seg_left[0]] / mean) * std
                                    if np.abs(levels[seg_left[0]] - levels[seg[0]]) < ns:
                                    ns = 1.8 * np.sqrt(levels[seg_right[0]] / mean) * std
                                    if np.abs(levels[seg_right[0]] - levels[seg[0]]) < ns:
                                    seg_left_mean = np.mean(levels[seg_left[0]:seg_left[1]])
                                    seg_left_std = np.std(levels[seg_left[0]:seg_left[1]])
                                    seg_right_mean = np.mean(levels[seg_right[0]:seg_right[1]])
                                    seg_right_std = np.std(levels[seg_right[0]:seg_right[1]])
                                    if t_test_2_samples(seg_mean, seg_std, n, seg_left_mean, seg_left_std, n_left) > (
                                            0.01 / genome_size * bin_size * (n + n_left)):
                                    if t_test_2_samples(seg_mean, seg_std, n, seg_right_mean, seg_right_std,
                                                        n_right) > (
                                            0.01 / genome_size * bin_size * (n + n_right)):
                                if t_test_1_sample(mean, seg_mean, seg_std, n) > 0.05:
                                masked[seg[0]:seg[1]] = True
                                levels[seg[0]:seg[1]] = np.mean(rd[seg[0]:seg[1]])

              , bin_size, "RD partition", levels, flags=flag_rd)

    def call(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], print_calls=False, use_gc_corr=True, use_mask=False, genome_size=2.9e9,
        CNV caller based on the segmented RD signal.

        bin_sizes : list of int
            List of histogram bin sizes
        chroms : list of str
            List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
        print_calls : bool
            Print to stdout list of calls if true.
        use_gc_corr : bool
            Use GC corrected signal if True. Default: True.
        use_mask : bool
            Use P-mask filter if True. Default: False.

        calls: dist
            Dictionary bin_size -> list of calls
            Each call is list with values:
                type ("deletion" or "duplication"),
                chromosome name, start, end,
                size, cnv level
                e1, e2, e3, e4 - estimations of p-Value
                q0 - percentage of uniquely mapped reads in cnv region

        ret = {}
        normal_genome_size = genome_size * (1 - genome_cnv_fraction)
        rd_gc_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_gc.gc_chromosomes():
            rd_name =
            if not rd_name is None:
                rd_gc_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

        rd_mask_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
            rd_name =
            if not rd_name is None:
                rd_mask_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

        for bin_size in bin_sizes:
            ret[bin_size] = []
            for c in
                if (c in rd_gc_chromosomes or not use_gc_corr) and (c in rd_mask_chromosomes or not use_mask) and (
                        len(chroms) == 0 or (c in chroms)):
                    flag_stat = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                    flag_auto = FLAG_AUTO
                    if use_gc_corr:
                        flag_stat |= FLAG_GC_CORR
                        flag_auto |= FLAG_GC_CORR
                    flag_rd = (FLAG_GC_CORR if use_gc_corr else 0) | (FLAG_USEMASK if use_mask else 0)
                    if, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat) and \
                  , bin_size, "RD", flag_rd) and \
                  , bin_size, "RD partition", flag_rd):
                        _logger.debug("Calculating CNV calls using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                        calls_list = []
                        stat =, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat)
                        mean = stat[4]
                        std = stat[5]
                        rd =, bin_size, "RD", flag_rd)
                        rd = np.nan_to_num(rd)
                        gc, at, NN, distN = False, False, False, False
                        if c in rd_gc_chromosomes and self.io_gc.signal_exists(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT"):
                            gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                            gc, at = gc_at_decompress(gcat)
                            NN = 100 - np.array(gc) - np.array(at)
                            distN = np.zeros_like(NN, dtype="long") - 1
                            distN[NN == 100] = 0
                            prev = 0
                            for Ni in range(0, distN.size):
                                if distN[Ni] == -1:
                                    prev += 100
                                    distN[Ni] = prev
                                    prev = 0
                            prev = 0
                            for Ni in range(distN.size - 1, -1, -1):
                                if distN[Ni] > 0:
                                    prev += 100
                                    if prev < distN[Ni]:
                                        distN[Ni] = prev
                                    prev = 0

                        levels =, bin_size, "RD partition", flag_rd)
                        delta = 0.25
                        if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) and, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_auto):
                            stat_auto =, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_auto)
                            if stat_auto[4] * 0.66 > mean:
                                _logger.debug("Assuming male individual!")
                                delta *= 2

                        _logger.debug("Merging levels with relative difference smaller than %f.", delta)
                        delta *= mean
                        done = False
                        while not done:
                            done = True
                            # border - list of borders between segments
                            border = [0] + list(np.argwhere(np.abs(np.diff(levels)) > 0.01)[:, 0] + 1) + [levels.size]
                            for ix in range(len(border) - 2):
                                if ix < len(border) - 2:
                                    v1 = np.abs(levels[border[ix]] - levels[border[ix + 1]])
                                    if v1 < delta:
                                        v2 = v1 + 1
                                        v3 = v1 + 1
                                        if ix > 0:
                                            v2 = np.abs(levels[border[ix]] - levels[border[ix - 1]])
                                        if ix < len(border) - 3:
                                            v3 = np.abs(levels[border[ix + 1]] - levels[border[ix + 2]])
                                        if v1 < v2 and v1 < v3:
                                            done = False
                                            levels[border[ix]:border[ix + 2]] = np.mean(
                                                levels[border[ix]:border[ix + 2]])
                                            del border[ix + 1]

                        _logger.debug("Calling segments")
                        min = mean - delta
                        max = mean + delta

                        flags = [""] * len(levels)
                        segments = []

                        b = 0
                        while b < len(levels):
                            b0 = b
                            bs = b
                            while b < len(levels) and levels[b] < min:
                                b += 1
                            be = b
                            if be > bs + 1:
                                adj = adjustToEvalue(mean, std, rd, bs, be, 0.05 * bin_size / normal_genome_size)
                                if adj is not None:
                                    bs, be = adj
                                    segments.append([bs, be, -1])
                                    flags[bs:be] = ["D"] * (be - bs)

                            bs = b
                            while b < len(levels) and levels[b] > max:
                                b += 1
                            be = b
                            if be > bs + 1:
                                adj = adjustToEvalue(mean, std, rd, bs, be, 0.05 * bin_size / normal_genome_size)
                                if adj is not None:
                                    bs, be = adj
                                    segments.append([bs, be, +1])
                                    flags[bs:be] = ["A"] * (be - bs)
                            if b == b0:
                                b += 1

                        _logger.debug("Calling additional deletions")
                        b = 0
                        while b < len(levels):
                            while b < len(levels) and flags[b] != "":
                                b += 1
                            bs = b
                            while b < len(levels) and levels[b] < min:
                                b += 1
                            be = b
                            if be > bs + 1:
                                if gaussianEValue(mean, std, rd, bs, be) < 0.05 / normal_genome_size:
                                    segments.append([bs, be, -1])
                                    flags[bs:be] = ["d"] * (be - bs)
                                b -= 1
                            b += 1

                        b = 0
                        if b < len(levels):
                            cf = flags[b]
                        bs = 0
                        merge = rd.copy()
                        while b < len(levels):
                            while flags[b] == cf:
                                b += 1
                                if b >= len(flags):
                            if b > bs:
                                merge[bs:b] = np.mean(merge[bs:b])
                            if b < len(levels):
                                cf = flags[b]
                            bs = b

              , bin_size, "RD call", merge, flags=flag_rd)

                        _logger.debug("Calculate/print calls")
                        b = 0
                        while b < len(levels):
                            cf = flags[b]
                            if cf == "":
                                b += 1
                            bs = b
                            while b < len(levels) and cf == flags[b]:
                                b += 1
                            cnv = np.mean(rd[bs:b]) / mean
                            if cf.upper() == "D":
                                etype = "deletion"
                                netype = -1
                                etype = "duplication"
                                netype = 1
                            start = bin_size * bs + 1
                            end = bin_size * b
                            size = end - start + 1
                            e1 = getEValue(mean, std, rd, bs, b) * normal_genome_size / bin_size
                            e2 = gaussianEValue(mean, std, rd, bs, b) * normal_genome_size
                            e3, e4 = 1, 1
                            tmp = int(1000. / bin_size + 0.5)
                            if bs + tmp < b - tmp:
                                e3 = getEValue(mean, std, rd, bs + tmp, b - tmp) * normal_genome_size / bin_size
                                e4 = gaussianEValue(mean, std, rd, bs + tmp, b - tmp) * normal_genome_size
                            rd_p =, bin_size, "RD")
                            rd_u =, bin_size, "RD unique")
                            q0 = -1
                            if sum(rd_p[bs:b]) > 0:
                                q0 = (sum(rd_p[bs:b]) - sum(rd_u[bs:b])) / sum(rd_p[bs:b])
                            pN = -1
                            dG = -1
                            if gc:
                                pN = (size - sum(gc[start // 100:end // 100]) - sum(at[start // 100:end // 100])) / size
                                dG = np.min(distN[start // 100:end // 100])

                            if print_calls:
                                print("%s\t%s:%d-%d\t%d\t%.4f\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%d" % (
                                    etype, c, start, end, size, cnv, e1, e2, e3, e4, q0, pN, dG))
                            ret[bin_size].append([etype, c, start, end, size, cnv, e1, e2, e3, e4, q0, pN, dG])
                                "type": netype,
                                "start": start,
                                "end": end,
                                "size": size,
                                "cnv": cnv,
                                "p_val": e1,
                                "p_val_2": e2,
                                "p_val_3": e3,
                                "p_val_4": e4,
                                "Q0": q0,
                                "pN": pN,
                                "dG": dG
              , bin_size, "calls", calls_list, flags=flag_rd)
        return ret

    def call_mosaic(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_gc_corr=True, use_mask=False, omin=None,
                    max_distance=0.3, anim=""):
        CNV caller based on likelihood merger.

        bin_sizes : list of int
            List of histogram bin sizes
        chroms : list of str
            List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
        use_gc_corr : bool
            Use GC corrected signal if True. Default: True.
        use_mask : bool
            Use P-mask filter if True. Default: False.

        rd_gc_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_gc.gc_chromosomes():
            rd_name =
            if not rd_name is None:
                rd_gc_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

        rd_mask_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
            rd_name =
            if not rd_name is None:
                rd_mask_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

        for bin_size in bin_sizes:
            if omin is None:
                overlap_min = 0.05 * bin_size / 3e9
                overlap_min = omin

            for c in
                if (c in rd_gc_chromosomes or not use_gc_corr) and (c in rd_mask_chromosomes or not use_mask) and (
                        len(chroms) == 0 or (c in chroms)):
                    flag_stat = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                    flag_auto = FLAG_AUTO
                    if use_gc_corr:
                        flag_stat |= FLAG_GC_CORR
                        flag_auto |= FLAG_GC_CORR
                    flag_rd = (FLAG_GC_CORR if use_gc_corr else 0) | (FLAG_USEMASK if use_mask else 0)
                    if, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat) and \
                  , bin_size, "RD", flag_rd):
              "Calculating mosaic calls using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                        stat =, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat)
                        mean = stat[4]
                        std = stat[5]
                        rd =, bin_size, "RD", flag_rd)
                        bins = len(rd)
                        valid = np.isfinite(rd)
                        level = rd[valid]
                        error = np.sqrt(level) ** 2 + std ** 2
                        loc_fl = np.min(list(zip(np.abs(np.diff(level))[:-1], np.abs(np.diff(level))[1:])), axis=1)
                        loc_fl = np.concatenate(([0], loc_fl, [0]))
                        error += (loc_fl / 2) ** 2
                        error = np.sqrt(error)
                        level = list(level)
                        error = list(error)
                        segments = [[i] for i in range(bins) if np.isfinite(rd[i])]
                        overlaps = [normal_overlap(level[i], error[i], level[i + 1], error[i + 1]) for i in
                                    range(len(segments) - 1)]

                        iter = 0
                        if anim != "":
                            anim_plot_rd(level, error, segments, bins, iter, anim + c + "_0_" + str(bin_size), 0,
                                         0, mean)

                        while len(overlaps) > 0:
                            maxo = max(overlaps)
                            if maxo < overlap_min:
                            i = overlaps.index(maxo)
                            nl, ne = normal_merge(level[i], error[i], level[i + 1], error[i + 1])
                            level[i] = nl
                            error[i] = ne
                            segments[i] += segments[i + 1]
                            del level[i + 1]
                            del error[i + 1]
                            del segments[i + 1]
                            del overlaps[i]
                            if i < len(overlaps):
                                overlaps[i] = normal_overlap(level[i], error[i], level[i + 1], error[i + 1])
                            if i > 0:
                                overlaps[i - 1] = normal_overlap(level[i - 1], error[i - 1], level[i], error[i])
                            iter = iter + 1
                            if anim != "" and (iter % 100) == 0:
                                anim_plot_rd(level, error, segments, bins, iter, anim + c + "_0_" + str(bin_size), maxo,
                                             mino, mean)

                        iter = 0
                        ons = -1

              "Second stage. Number of segments: %d." % len(level))

                        while True:
                            overlaps = [normal_overlap(level[i], error[i], level[j], error[j]) for i in
                                        range(len(level)) for j in range(i + 1, len(level)) if
                                        (segments[j][0] - segments[i][-1]) < max_distance * (
                                                len(segments[i]) + len(segments[j]))]
                            if len(overlaps) == 0:

                            maxo = max(overlaps)
                            if maxo < overlap_min:
                            i, j = 0, 1
                            while i < len(segments) - 1:

                                if (segments[j][0] - segments[i][-1]) < max_distance * (
                                        len(segments[i]) + len(segments[j])) and normal_overlap(level[i], error[i],
                                                                                                error[j]) == maxo:
                                    nl, ne = normal_merge(level[i], error[i], level[j], error[j])
                                    level[i] = nl
                                    error[i] = ne
                                    segments[i] += segments[j]
                                    segments[i] = sorted(segments[i])
                                    del level[j]
                                    del error[j]
                                    del segments[j]

                                    if j >= len(segments):
                                        i += 1
                                        j = i + 1
                                    j += 1
                                    if j >= len(segments):
                                        i += 1
                                        j = i + 1
                            iter = iter + 1
                            if anim != "" and (iter % 100) == 0:
                                anim_plot_rd(level, error, segments, bins, iter, anim + c + "_1_" + str(bin_size), maxo,
                                             mino, mean)
                  "Iteration: %d. Number of segments: %d." % (iter, len(level)))
                            if ons == len(segments):
                            ons = len(segments)

                        for i in range(len(segments)):
                            i1 = level[i] / mean
                            i2 = t_test_1_sample(mean, level[i], error[i], len(segments[i]))
                            if i2 is not None and i2 < (0.05 * bin_size / 3e9) and abs(i1 - 1.) > 0.01:
                                print(c + ":" + str(segments[i][0] * bin_size + 1) + "-" + str(
                                    segments[i][-1] * bin_size + bin_size),
                                      (segments[i][-1] - segments[i][0] + 1) * bin_size, bin_size, len(segments[i]),
                                      i1, i2)

              , bin_size, "RD mosaic segments",
                                              data=segments_code(segments), flags=flag_rd)
              , bin_size, "RD mosaic call",
                                              data=np.array([level, error], dtype="float32"), flags=flag_rd)

    def mask_snps(self, callset=None):
        """ Flags SNPs in P-region (sets second bit of the flag to 1 for SNP inside P region, or to 0 otherwise).
        Requires imported mask data or recognized reference genome with mask data.

        callset : str or None
            It will assume SNP data if None. Otherwise it will assume SNV data
            stored under the name provided by callset variable.

        snp_mask_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
            snp_name =
            if snp_name is not None:
                snp_mask_chromosomes[snp_name] = c

        for c in
            if c in snp_mask_chromosomes:
      "Masking SNP data for chromosome '%s'." % c)
                pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual =, callset=callset)
                mask = mask_decompress(self.io_mask.get_signal(snp_mask_chromosomes[c], None, "mask"))
                mask_ix = 0
                for snp_ix in range(len(pos)):
                    while mask_ix < len(mask) and mask[mask_ix][1] < pos[snp_ix]:
                        mask_ix += 1
                    if mask_ix < len(mask) and mask[mask_ix][0] < pos[snp_ix] and pos[snp_ix] < (
                            mask[mask_ix][1] + 1):
                        flag[snp_ix] = flag[snp_ix] | 2
                        flag[snp_ix] = flag[snp_ix] & 1
                if len(pos) > 0:
          , pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual, update=True, callset=callset)

    def variant_id(self, vcf_file, chroms, callset=None):
        vcff = Vcf(vcf_file)
        chrs = [c for c in vcff.get_chromosomes() if len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms]

        def set_id_flag(chr, id_pos, id_ref, id_alt):
            snp_chr_name =
            if snp_chr_name is not None:
                pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual =, callset=callset)
                id_ix = 0
                f0 = 0
                f1 = 0
                for snp_ix in range(len(pos)):
                    while id_ix < len(id_pos) and id_pos[id_ix] < pos[snp_ix]:
                        id_ix += 1
                    if id_ix < len(id_pos):
                        if id_pos[id_ix] == pos[snp_ix] and id_ref[id_ix] == ref[snp_ix] and id_alt[id_ix] == alt[
                            flag[snp_ix] = flag[snp_ix] | 1
                            f1 += 1
                            flag[snp_ix] = flag[snp_ix] & 2
                            f0 += 1
      "%d of %d variants found in '%s'." % (f1, f0 + f1, vcf_file))
                if len(pos) > 0:
          , pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual, update=True,

        return vcff.read_all_snp_positions(set_id_flag)

    def calculate_baf(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_mask=True, use_id=False, use_phase=False, res=200,
                      reduce_noise=False, blw=0.8, use_hom=False):
        Calculates BAF histograms and store data into cnvpytor file.

        bin_sizes : list of int
            List of histogram bin sizes
        chroms : list of str
            List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
        use_mask : bool
            Use P-mask filter if True. Default: True.
        use_id : bool
            Use id flag filter if True. Default: False.
        use_phase : bool
            Use phasing information if True and available. Default: False.
        res: int
            Likelihood function resolution. Default: 200.

        snp_flag = (FLAG_USEMASK if use_mask else 0) | (FLAG_USEID if use_id else 0)
        for c in
            if len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms:
      "Calculating BAF histograms for chromosome '%s'." % c)
                pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual =
                max_bin = {}
                count00 = {}
                count01 = {}
                count10 = {}
                count11 = {}
                reads00 = {}
                reads01 = {}
                reads10 = {}
                reads11 = {}
                baf = {}
                maf = {}
                likelihood = {}
                i1 = {}
                i2 = {}
                lh_x = np.arange(1.0 / res, 1., 1.0 / res)
                for bs in bin_sizes:
                    max_bin[bs] = (pos[-1] - 1) // bs + 1
                    count00[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                    count01[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                    count10[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                    count11[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                    reads00[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                    reads01[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                    reads10[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                    reads11[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                    baf[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                    maf[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                    likelihood[bs] = np.ones((max_bin[bs], res - 1)).astype("float") / (res - 1)
                    i1[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                    i2[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])

                for i in range(len(pos)):
                    if (nalt[i] + nref[i]) > 0 and (not use_id or (flag[i] & 1)) and (not use_mask or (flag[i] & 2)):
                        if gt[i] == 1 or gt[i] == 5 or gt[i] == 6:
                            for bs in bin_sizes:
                                b = (pos[i] - 1) // bs
                                if use_phase and (gt[i] == 5):
                                    reads01[bs][b] += nref[i]
                                    reads10[bs][b] += nalt[i]
                                    count10[bs][b] += 1
                                    snp_baf = 1.0 * nalt[i] / (nalt[i] + nref[i])
                                    likelihood[bs][b] *= beta(nalt[i], nref[i], lh_x, phased=True)
                                    s = np.sum(likelihood[bs][b])
                                    if s != 0.0:
                                        likelihood[bs][b] /= s
                                elif use_phase and (gt[i] == 6):
                                    reads01[bs][b] += nalt[i]
                                    reads10[bs][b] += nref[i]
                                    count01[bs][b] += 1
                                    snp_baf = 1.0 * nref[i] / (nalt[i] + nref[i])
                                    likelihood[bs][b] *= beta(nref[i], nalt[i], lh_x, phased=True)
                                    s = np.sum(likelihood[bs][b])
                                    if s != 0.0:
                                        likelihood[bs][b] /= s
                                    snp_baf = 1.0 * nalt[i] / (nalt[i] + nref[i])
                                    reads01[bs][b] += nalt[i]
                                    reads10[bs][b] += nref[i]
                                    count01[bs][b] += 1
                                    if reduce_noise:
                                        likelihood[bs][b] *= beta(nalt[i] + (1 if nalt[i] < nref[i] else 0),
                                                                  nref[i] + (1 if nref[i] < nalt[i] else 0), lh_x)
                                        likelihood[bs][b] *= beta(nalt[i] * blw, nref[i] * blw, lh_x)
                                    s = np.sum(likelihood[bs][b])
                                    if s != 0.0:
                                        likelihood[bs][b] /= s

                                baf[bs][b] += snp_baf
                                maf[bs][b] += 1.0 - snp_baf if snp_baf > 0.5 else snp_baf
                            for bs in bin_sizes:
                                b = (pos[i] - 1) // bs
                                if use_phase and (gt[i] == 7):
                                    count11[bs][b] += 1
                                    reads11[bs][b] += nalt[i]
                                    reads00[bs][b] += nref[i]
                                elif use_phase and (gt[i] == 4):
                                    count00[bs][b] += 1
                                    count11[bs][b] += 1
                                    reads11[bs][b] += nalt[i]
                                    reads00[bs][b] += nref[i]

                for bs in bin_sizes:
                    for i in range(max_bin[bs]):
                        count = count01[bs][i] + count10[bs][i]
                        if count > 0:
                            baf[bs][i] /= count
                            maf[bs][i] /= count
                            max_lh = np.amax(likelihood[bs][i])
                            ix = np.where(likelihood[bs][i] == max_lh)[0][0]
                            i1[bs][i] = 1.0 * (res // 2 - 1 - ix) / res if ix <= (res // 2 - 1) else 1.0 * (
                                    ix - res // 2 + 1) / res
                            i2[bs][i] = likelihood[bs][i][res // 2 - 1] / max_lh
                        elif use_hom:
                            likelihood[bs][i] = lh_x * 0. + 1 / res
                            likelihood[bs][i][0] = 0.5 * (count11[bs][i] + count00[bs][i])
                            likelihood[bs][i][-1] = 0.5 * (count11[bs][i] + count00[bs][i])
                            s = np.sum(likelihood[bs][i])
                            likelihood[bs][i] /= s
                            max_lh = np.amax(likelihood[bs][i])
                            ix = np.where(likelihood[bs][i] == max_lh)[0][0]
                            i1[bs][i] = 1.0 * (res // 2 - 1 - ix) / res if ix <= (res // 2 - 1) else 1.0 * (
                                    ix - res // 2 + 1) / res
                            i2[bs][i] = likelihood[bs][i][res // 2 - 1] / max_lh

          "Saving BAF histograms with bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bs, c))
          , bs, "SNP bin count 0|0", count00[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
          , bs, "SNP bin count 0|1", count01[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
          , bs, "SNP bin count 1|0", count10[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
          , bs, "SNP bin count 1|1", count11[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
          , bs, "SNP bin reads 0|0", reads00[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
          , bs, "SNP bin reads 0|1", reads01[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
          , bs, "SNP bin reads 1|0", reads10[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
          , bs, "SNP bin reads 1|1", reads11[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
          , bs, "SNP baf", baf[bs].astype("float32"), snp_flag)
          , bs, "SNP maf", maf[bs].astype("float32"), snp_flag)
          , bs, "SNP likelihood", likelihood[bs].astype("float32"), snp_flag)
          , bs, "SNP i1", i1[bs].astype("float32"), snp_flag)
          , bs, "SNP i2", i2[bs].astype("float32"), snp_flag)

    def call_baf(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_mask=True, use_id=False, odec=0.9, omin=None, mcount=None,
                 max_distance=0.1, anim=""):
        """ CNV caller based on BAF likelihood mearger

        bin_sizes : list of int
            List of histogram bin sizes
        chroms : list of str
            List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
        use_mask : bool
            Use P-mask filter if True. Default: False.
        use_id : bool
            Use ID filter if True. Default: False.

        for bin_size in bin_sizes:
            if omin is None:
                overlap_min = 1e-7 * bin_size
                overlap_min = omin
            if mcount is None:
                min_count = bin_size // 10000
                min_count = mcount

            snp_flag = (FLAG_USEMASK if use_mask else 0) | (FLAG_USEID if use_id else 0)
            for c in
                if len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms and, bin_size, "SNP likelihood", snp_flag):
                    #    "Caling CNV-s by merging BAF likelihood with bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                    likelihood = list(, bin_size, "SNP likelihood", snp_flag).astype("float64"))
                    snp_hets =, bin_size, "SNP bin count 0|1", snp_flag)
                    snp_hets +=, bin_size, "SNP bin count 1|0", snp_flag)

                    bins = len(likelihood)
                    res = likelihood[0].size
                    segments = [[i] for i in range(bins) if
                                snp_hets[i] >= min_count and np.sum(likelihood[i]) > 0.0]
                    likelihood = [likelihood[i] for i in range(bins) if
                                  snp_hets[i] >= min_count and np.sum(likelihood[i]) > 0.0]
                    overlaps = [likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i], likelihood[i + 1]) for i in range(len(segments) - 1)]

                    iter = 0
                    while len(overlaps) > 0:
                        maxo = max(overlaps)
                        mino = max(maxo * odec, overlap_min)
                        if maxo < overlap_min:
                        i = 0
                        while i < len(overlaps):
                            if overlaps[i] > mino:
                                nlh = likelihood[i] * likelihood[i + 1]
                                likelihood[i] = nlh / np.sum(nlh)
                                segments[i] += segments[i + 1]
                                del likelihood[i + 1]
                                del segments[i + 1]
                                del overlaps[i]
                                if i < len(overlaps):
                                    overlaps[i] = likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i], likelihood[i + 1])
                                if i > 0:
                                    overlaps[i - 1] = likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i - 1], likelihood[i])
                                i = i + 1

                        iter = iter + 1
                        if anim != "":
                            anim_plot_likelihood(likelihood, segments, bins, res, iter,
                                                 anim + c + "_0_" + str(bin_size), maxo, mino)

                    overlaps = [[
                        likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i], likelihood[j])
                        if (segments[j][0] - segments[i][-1]) < max_distance * (
                                len(segments[i]) + len(segments[j])) and i < j
                        else 0 for j in range(len(segments))]
                        for i in range(len(segments))]

                    iter = 0
                    ons = -1

                    while True:
                        overlaps = [likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i], likelihood[j]) for i in range(len(likelihood))
                                    for j in range(i + 1, len(likelihood)) if
                                    (segments[j][0] - segments[i][-1]) < max_distance * (
                                            len(segments[i]) + len(segments[j]))]
                        if len(overlaps) == 0:
                        maxo = max(overlaps)
                        mino = max(maxo * odec, overlap_min)
                        if maxo < overlap_min:
                        i, j = 0, 1
                        while i < len(segments) - 1:
                            #                            if overlaps[i][j] > mino:
                            if likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i], likelihood[j]) > mino and (
                                    segments[j][0] - segments[i][-1]) < max_distance * (
                                    len(segments[i]) + len(segments[j])):
                                nlh = likelihood[i] * likelihood[j]
                                likelihood[i] = nlh / np.sum(nlh)
                                segments[i] += segments[j]
                                segments[i] = sorted(segments[i])
                                del likelihood[j]
                                del segments[j]

                                if j >= len(segments):
                                    i += 1
                                    j = i + 1
                                j += 1
                                if j >= len(segments):
                                    i += 1
                                    j = i + 1
                        iter = iter + 1
                        if anim != "":
                            anim_plot_likelihood(likelihood, segments, bins, res, iter,
                                                 anim + c + "_1_" + str(bin_size), maxo, mino)

                        if ons == len(segments):
                        ons = len(segments)

                    for i in range(len(segments)):
                        i1, i2 = likelihood_baf_pval(likelihood[i])

                        print(c + ":" + str(segments[i][0] * bin_size + 1) + "-" + str(
                            segments[i][-1] * bin_size + bin_size),
                              (segments[i][-1] - segments[i][0] + 1) * bin_size, bin_size, len(segments[i]),
                              i1, i2)

          , bin_size, "SNP likelihood segments",
                                          data=segments_code(segments), flags=snp_flag)
          , bin_size, "SNP likelihood call",
                                          data=np.array(likelihood, dtype="float32"), flags=snp_flag)

    def call_2d(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], event_type="both", print_calls=False, use_gc_corr=True, rd_use_mask=False,
                snp_use_mask=True, snp_use_id=False, max_copy_number=10, min_cell_fraction=0.0, baf_threshold=0,
                omin=None, mcount=None, max_distance=0.1, use_hom=False, anim=""):
        CNV caller using combined RD and BAF sigal based on likelihood merger.

        bin_sizes : list of int
            List of histogram bin sizes
        chroms : list of str
            List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
        print_calls : bool
            Print to stdout list of calls if true.
        use_gc_corr : bool
            Use GC corrected signal if True. Default: True.
        rd_use_mask : bool
            Use P-mask filter for RD if True. Default: False.
        snp_use_mask : bool
            Use P-mask filter for SNP if True. Default: True.
        snp_use_id : bool
            Use ID filter for SNP if True. Default: False.


        snp_flag = (FLAG_USEMASK if snp_use_mask else 0) | (FLAG_USEID if snp_use_id else 0)
        rd_gc_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_gc.gc_chromosomes():
            rd_name =
            if not rd_name is None:
                rd_gc_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

        rd_mask_chromosomes = {}
        for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
            rd_name =
            if not rd_name is None:
                rd_mask_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

        ret = {}
        for bin_size in bin_sizes:
            ret[bin_size] = []
            if omin is None:
                overlap_min = 0.05 * bin_size / 3e9
                overlap_min = omin
            if mcount is None:
                min_count = bin_size // 10000
                min_count = mcount

            gstat_rd0 = []
            gstat_rd = []
            gstat_baf = []
            gstat_error = []
            gstat_lh = []
            gstat_n = []
            gstat_event = []

            for c in
                if (c in rd_gc_chromosomes or not use_gc_corr) and (c in rd_mask_chromosomes or not rd_use_mask) and (
              , bin_size, "SNP likelihood", snp_flag)) and (
                        len(chroms) == 0 or (c in chroms)):
                    flag_stat = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                    flag_auto = FLAG_AUTO
                    if use_gc_corr:
                        flag_stat |= FLAG_GC_CORR
                        flag_auto |= FLAG_GC_CORR
                    flag_rd = (FLAG_GC_CORR if use_gc_corr else 0) | (FLAG_USEMASK if rd_use_mask else 0)
                    if, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat) and \
                  , bin_size, "RD", flag_rd):
              "Calculating 2d calls using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                        stat =, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat)
                        mean = stat[4]
                        std = stat[5]
                        rd =, bin_size, "RD", flag_rd)
                        qrd_p =, bin_size, "RD")
                        qrd_u =, bin_size, "RD unique")
                        rd_bins = len(rd)
                        gc, at = False, False
                        if c in rd_gc_chromosomes and self.io_gc.signal_exists(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT"):
                            gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                            gc, at = gc_at_decompress(gcat)
                        P_per_bin = None
                        if c in rd_mask_chromosomes and self.io_mask.signal_exists(rd_mask_chromosomes[c], None,
                            P_per_bin = np.zeros(rd_bins)
                            mask = mask_decompress(self.io_mask.get_signal(rd_mask_chromosomes[c], None, "mask"))
                            for m in mask:
                                p1 = m[0] / bin_size
                                p2 = m[1] / bin_size
                                p1i = int(p1)
                                p2i = int(p2)
                                p1f = p1 - int(p1)
                                p2f = p2 - int(p2)
                                if p2i > p1i:
                                    P_per_bin[p1i] += 1 - p1f
                                    P_per_bin[p2i] += p2f
                                    for pix in range(p1i + 1, p2i):
                                        P_per_bin[pix] = 1
                                    P_per_bin[p1i] += p2f - p1f

                        snp_likelihood = list(
                  , bin_size, "SNP likelihood", snp_flag).astype("float64"))
                        snp_hets =, bin_size, "SNP bin count 0|1", snp_flag)
                        snp_hets +=, bin_size, "SNP bin count 1|0", snp_flag)
                        snp_homs =, bin_size, "SNP bin count 1|1", snp_flag)
                        snp_count = np.copy(snp_hets)
                        if use_hom:
                            snp_count += snp_homs

                        snp_bins = len(snp_likelihood)
                        res = snp_likelihood[0].size
                        bins = min(rd_bins, snp_bins)

                        segments = [[i] for i in range(bins) if
                                    snp_count[i] >= min_count and np.sum(snp_likelihood[i]) > 0.0 and np.isfinite(

                        # Skip chromosome if less then 5 bins with signal:
                        if len(segments) < 5:

                        level = [rd[i] for i in range(bins) if
                                 snp_count[i] >= min_count and np.sum(snp_likelihood[i]) > 0.0 and np.isfinite(rd[i])]
                        level = np.array(level)
                        error = np.sqrt(level) ** 2 + std ** 2
                        loc_fl = np.min(list(zip(np.abs(np.diff(level))[:-1], np.abs(np.diff(level))[1:])), axis=1)
                        loc_fl = np.concatenate(([0], loc_fl, [0]))
                        error += (loc_fl / 2) ** 2
                        error = np.sqrt(error)
                        level = list(level)
                        error = list(error)

                        likelihood = [snp_likelihood[i] for i in range(bins) if
                                      snp_count[i] >= min_count and np.sum(snp_likelihood[i]) > 0.0 and np.isfinite(

                        overlaps = [normal_overlap(level[i], error[i], level[i + 1], error[i + 1]) * likelihood_overlap(
                            likelihood[i], likelihood[i + 1]) for i in range(len(segments) - 1)]

                        iter = 0
                        if anim != "":
                            anim_plot_rd_likelihood(level, error, likelihood, segments, bins, res, iter,
                                                    anim + c + "_0_" + str(bin_size), 1, mean)

                        while len(overlaps) > 0:
                            maxo = max(overlaps)
                            if maxo < overlap_min:
                            i = overlaps.index(maxo)
                            nl, ne = normal_merge(level[i], error[i], level[i + 1], error[i + 1])
                            nlh = likelihood[i] * likelihood[i + 1]
                            level[i] = nl
                            error[i] = ne
                            likelihood[i] = nlh / np.sum(nlh)
                            segments[i] += segments[i + 1]
                            del level[i + 1]
                            del error[i + 1]
                            del segments[i + 1]
                            del likelihood[i + 1]
                            del overlaps[i]
                            if i < len(overlaps):
                                overlaps[i] = normal_overlap(level[i], error[i], level[i + 1],
                                                             error[i + 1]) * likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i],
                                                                                                likelihood[i + 1])
                            if i > 0:
                                overlaps[i - 1] = normal_overlap(level[i - 1], error[i - 1], level[i],
                                                                 error[i]) * likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i - 1],
                            iter = iter + 1
                            if anim != "" and (iter % 5) == 0:
                                anim_plot_rd_likelihood(level, error, likelihood, segments, bins, res, iter,
                                                        anim + c + "_0_" + str(bin_size), maxo,

                        iter = 0
                        ons = -1

              "Second stage. Number of segments: %d." % len(level))

                        while True:
                            overlaps = [normal_overlap(level[i], error[i], level[j], error[j]) * likelihood_overlap(
                                likelihood[i], likelihood[j]) for i in range(len(level)) for j in
                                        range(i + 1, len(level)) if
                                        (segments[j][0] - segments[i][-1]) < max_distance * (
                                                len(segments[i]) + len(segments[j]))]
                            if len(overlaps) == 0:

                            maxo = max(overlaps)
                            if maxo < overlap_min:
                            i, j = 0, 1
                            while i < len(segments) - 1:

                                if (segments[j][0] - segments[i][-1]) < max_distance * (
                                        len(segments[i]) + len(segments[j])) and \
                                        normal_overlap(level[i], error[i], level[j], error[j]) * likelihood_overlap(
                                    likelihood[i], likelihood[j]) == maxo:
                                    nl, ne = normal_merge(level[i], error[i], level[j], error[j])
                                    nlh = likelihood[i] * likelihood[j]

                                    level[i] = nl
                                    error[i] = ne
                                    likelihood[i] = nlh / np.sum(nlh)
                                    segments[i] += segments[j]
                                    segments[i] = sorted(segments[i])
                                    del level[j]
                                    del error[j]
                                    del likelihood[j]
                                    del segments[j]

                                    if j >= len(segments):
                                        i += 1
                                        j = i + 1
                                    j += 1
                                    if j >= len(segments):
                                        i += 1
                                        j = i + 1
                            iter = iter + 1
                            if anim != "":  # and (iter % 50) == 0:
                                anim_plot_rd_likelihood(level, error, likelihood, segments, bins, res, iter,
                                                        anim + c + "_1_" + str(bin_size), maxo,

                            _logger.debug("Iteration: %d. Number of segments: %d." % (iter, len(level)))
                            if ons == len(segments):
                            ons = len(segments)

                        for i in range(len(segments)):

                            baf_mean, baf_p = likelihood_baf_pval(likelihood[i])

                            if Genome.is_autosome(c) and len(segments[i]) > 1:
                                q0 = 0
                                srdp = 0
                                homs = 0
                                hets = 0
                                for bin in segments[i]:
                                    if baf_mean <= baf_threshold:
                                    srdp += qrd_p[bin]
                                    q0 += (qrd_p[bin] - qrd_u[bin])
                                    homs += snp_homs[bin]
                                    hets += snp_hets[bin]
                                q0 /= srdp
                                pN = -1
                                pNS = -1
                                if gc:
                                    start = segments[i][0] * bin_size // 100
                                    end = (segments[i][-1] + 1) * bin_size // 100
                                    size = 100 * (end - start)
                                    pN = (size - sum(gc[start:end]) - sum(at[start:end])) / size
                                    size = 0
                                    pNS = 0
                                    for bin in segments[i]:
                                        size += bin_size
                                        pNS += sum(gc[bin * bin_size // 100:(bin + 1) * bin_size // 100]) + sum(
                                            at[bin * bin_size // 100:(bin + 1) * bin_size // 100])
                                    pNS = (size - pNS) / size
                                pP = -1
                                if P_per_bin is not None:
                                    size = 0
                                    pP = 0
                                    for bin in segments[i]:
                                        size += 1
                                        pP += P_per_bin[bin]
                                    pP /= size

                                    "c": c,
                                    "start": segments[i][0] * bin_size + 1,
                                    "end": segments[i][-1] * bin_size + bin_size,
                                    "size": (segments[i][-1] - segments[i][0] + 1) * bin_size,
                                    "baf": baf_mean,
                                    "baf_pval": baf_p,
                                    "Q0": q0,
                                    "pN": pN,
                                    "pNS": pNS,
                                    "pP": pP,
                                    "hets": hets,
                                    "homs": homs,
                                    "segment": i


              , bin_size, "RD mosaic segments 2d",
                                              data=segments_code(segments), flags=flag_rd)
              , bin_size, "RD mosaic call 2d",
                                              data=np.array([level, error], dtype="float32"), flags=flag_rd)
              , bin_size, "SNP likelihood segments 2d",
                                              data=segments_code(segments), flags=snp_flag)
              , bin_size, "SNP likelihood call 2d",
                                              data=np.array(likelihood, dtype="float32"), flags=snp_flag)

            data = np.array(gstat_rd0)
            dmin = np.min(data)
            dmax = np.max(data)
            p1 = np.percentile(data, 1)
            p99 = np.percentile(data, 99)
            data = data[data > p1]
            data = data[data < p99]
            mean = np.mean(data)
            std = np.std(data)
            n_bins = 101
            rd_min = mean - 5 * std
            rd_max = mean + 5 * std
            bins = np.linspace(rd_min, rd_max, n_bins)
            hist, binsr = np.histogram(data, bins=bins)

            fitn, fitm, fits = fit_normal(bins[:-1], hist)[0]
  "Estimating normal RD level:")
  "    * fit_mean = %.4f" % fitm)
  "    * fit_std  = %.4f" % fits)
  "    * rd_min   = %.4f" % dmin)
  "    * rd_max   = %.4f" % dmax)
  "    * rd_01p   = %.4f" % p1)
  "    * rd_99p   = %.4f" % p99)
  "    * rd_mean  = %.4f" % mean)
  "    * rd_std   = %.4f" % std)

            #"Checking bimodal hypothesis...")
            # bim = fit_bimodal(bins[:-1], hist)
            # if False and bim is not None:
            #         #and bim[0][0] > 0 and bim[0][1] > 0 and bim[0][3] > 0 and bim[0][4] > 0:
            #         #and np.sum(np.sqrt(np.diag(bim[1])) / np.array(bim[0])) < 10:
            #"Fit successful:")
            #"    * a1   = %.4f" % bim[0][0])
            #"    * mean1   = %.4f" % bim[0][1])
            #"    * std1   = %.4f" % bim[0][2])
            #"    * a2   = %.4f" % bim[0][3])
            #"    * mean2   = %.4f" % bim[0][4])
            #"    * std2   = %.4f" % bim[0][5])
            #"    * mean2/mean1   = %.4f" % (bim[0][4] / bim[0][1]))
            #     if bim[0][4] / bim[0][1] > 1.75:
            #         if bim[0][4] / bim[0][1] < 2.5:
            #   "Using both peaks to estimate normal levels")
            #             fitm = (bim[0][0] * bim[0][1] + bim[0][3] * bim[0][4] / 2) / (bim[0][0] + bim[0][3])
            #             fits = (bim[0][0] * bim[0][2] + bim[0][3] * bim[0][5] / 2) / (bim[0][0] + bim[0][3])
            #         else:
            #   "Using first peak to estimate normal levels")
            #             fitm = bim[0][1]
            #             fits = bim[0][2]
            #     else:
            #"Ratio mean2/mean1 is smaller than expected. Using single peak fit values.")
            #     # plt.hist(data, bins=bins, alpha=.5, label='RD in bins with BAF=1/2', edgecolor='blue', linewidth=1)
            #     # plt.plot(np.linspace(0, rd_max, 400), bimodal(np.linspace(0, rd_max, 400), *bim[0]), color='red', lw=3,
            #     #          label='Bimodal fit')
            #     # plt.xlabel("RD")
            #     # plt.ylabel("Number of bins")
            #     # plt.legend()
            #     #
            # else:
            #"Fit was not successful. Rejecting hypothesis.")

  "Updating RD normal levels: mean = %.4f, stdev = %.4f !" % (fitm, fits))
  , fitm, fits, flags=flag_rd)

  "Detecting event type for %d events!" % len(gstat_event))

            points = int(1000 * (1 - min_cell_fraction))
            if points == 0:
                points = 1
            x = np.linspace(min_cell_fraction, 1, points)
            master_lh = {}
            germline_lh = {}
            for ei in range(len(gstat_rd)):
                master_lh[ei] = []
                germline_lh[ei] = []
            for cn in range(max_copy_number, -1, -1):
                for h1 in range(cn // 2 + 1):
                    h2 = cn - h1
                    # if h1 == 1 and h2 == 1:
                    #     continue
                    mrd = 1 - x + x * cn / 2
                    g_mrd = cn / 2
                    if cn > 0:
                        g_mbaf = 0.5 - (h1 / (h1 + h2))
                        mbaf = 0.5 - (1 - x + x * h1) / (2 - 2 * x + (h1 + h2) * x)
                        g_mbaf = 0.
                        mbaf = 0. * x
                    for ei in range(len(gstat_rd)):
                        g_lh = normal(g_mrd * fitm, 1., gstat_rd[ei], gstat_error[ei]) * \
                               likelihood_of_baf(gstat_lh[ei], 0.5 + g_mbaf)
                        germline_lh[ei].append([cn, h1, h2, g_lh, 1.0])

                        slh = 0
                        max_lh = 0
                        max_x = 0
                        for mi in range(len(mrd)):
                            if not np.isnan(mbaf[mi]):
                                tmpl = normal(mrd[mi] * fitm, 1., gstat_rd[ei], gstat_error[ei]) * likelihood_of_baf(
                                    0.5 + mbaf[
                                slh += tmpl
                                if tmpl > max_lh:
                                    max_lh = tmpl
                                    max_x = x[mi]

                        master_lh[ei].append([cn, h1, h2, slh / len(x), max_x])
                        # master_lh[ei].append([cn, h1, h2, max_lh, max_x])

            for ei in range(len(gstat_rd)):
                if event_type == "germline":
                    master_lh[ei] = sorted(germline_lh[ei], key=lambda x: -x[3])
                    master_lh[ei] = sorted(master_lh[ei], key=lambda x: -x[3])
                    if event_type == "both":
                        germline_lh[ei] = sorted(germline_lh[ei], key=lambda x: -x[3])
                        if germline_lh[ei][0][3] > master_lh[ei][0][3]:
                            master_lh[ei] = [germline_lh[ei][0]] + \
                                                lambda x: x[0] != germline_lh[ei][0][0] and x[1] != germline_lh[ei][0][

            chrcalls = {}
            for ei in range(len(gstat_rd)):
                etype = "cnnloh"
                netype = 0
                if master_lh[ei][0][0] > 2:
                    etype = "duplication"
                    netype = 1
                if master_lh[ei][0][0] < 2:
                    etype = "deletion"
                    netype = -1
                cnv = gstat_rd[ei] / fitm;
                rd_pval = t_test_1_sample(fitm, gstat_rd[ei], gstat_error[ei], gstat_n[ei])

                pval = rd_pval * gstat_event[ei]["baf_pval"];
                lh_del = 0
                lh_loh = 0
                lh_dup = 0
                for mi in range(len(master_lh[ei])):
                    if master_lh[ei][mi][0] > 2:
                        lh_dup += master_lh[ei][mi][3]
                    elif master_lh[ei][mi][0] < 2:
                        lh_del += master_lh[ei][mi][3]
                        lh_loh += master_lh[ei][mi][3]

                if gstat_baf[ei] <= baf_threshold and cnv < 1.01 and cnv > 0.99:
                if master_lh[ei][0][1] == 1 and master_lh[ei][0][2] == 1:

                ret[bin_size].append([etype, gstat_event[ei]["c"], gstat_event[ei]["start"], gstat_event[ei]["end"],
                                      gstat_event[ei]["size"], cnv, pval, lh_del, lh_loh, lh_dup,
                                      gstat_event[ei]["Q0"], gstat_event[ei]["pN"], gstat_event[ei]["pNS"],
                                      gstat_event[ei]["pP"], bin_size, gstat_n[ei], gstat_baf[ei], pval,
                                      gstat_event[ei]["baf_pval"], gstat_event[ei]["hets"], gstat_event[ei]["homs"],
                                      master_lh[ei][0][0], master_lh[ei][0][1],
                                      master_lh[ei][0][2], master_lh[ei][0][3], master_lh[ei][0][4],
                                      master_lh[ei][1][0], master_lh[ei][1][1], master_lh[ei][1][2],
                                      master_lh[ei][1][3], master_lh[ei][1][4]])

                if gstat_event[ei]["c"] not in chrcalls:
                    chrcalls[gstat_event[ei]["c"]] = []

                    "type": netype,
                    "start": gstat_event[ei]["start"],
                    "end": gstat_event[ei]["end"],
                    "size": gstat_event[ei]["size"],
                    "cnv": cnv,
                    "p_val": pval,
                    "lh_del": lh_del,
                    "lh_loh": lh_loh,
                    "lh_dup": lh_dup,
                    "Q0": gstat_event[ei]["Q0"],
                    "pN": gstat_event[ei]["pN"],
                    "pNS": gstat_event[ei]["pNS"],
                    "pP": gstat_event[ei]["pP"],
                    "bins": gstat_n[ei],
                    "baf": gstat_baf[ei],
                    "rd_p_val": pval,
                    "baf_p_val": gstat_event[ei]["baf_pval"],
                    "segment": gstat_event[ei]["segment"],
                    "hets": gstat_event[ei]["hets"],
                    "homs": gstat_event[ei]["homs"],
                    "models": master_lh[ei][:10]

                if print_calls:
                    print(("%s\t%s:%d-%d\t%d\t%.4f\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%.4f\t" +
                           "%d\t%d\t%.4f\t%e\t%e\t%d\t%d\t%d\tCN%d/CN%d\t%e\t%.4f\t%d\tCN%d/CN%d\t%e\t%.4f") % tuple(
            for c in chrcalls:
      , bin_size, "calls combined", chrcalls[c], flags=(snp_flag | flag_rd))

        return ret

    def ls(self):
        """ Print to stdout content of cnvpytor file.



class Root (filename, create=False, max_cores=8)

Class constructor opens CNVpytor file. The class implements all core CNVpytor calculations.


filename : str
CNVpytor filename
create : bool
Creates cnvpytor file if not exists
max_cores : int
Maximal number of cores used in parallel calculations
Source code
class Root: main CNVpytor class


def calculate_baf(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_mask=True, use_id=False, use_phase=False, res=200, reduce_noise=False, blw=0.8, use_hom=False)

Calculates BAF histograms and store data into cnvpytor file.


bin_sizes : list of int
List of histogram bin sizes
chroms : list of str
List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
use_mask : bool
Use P-mask filter if True. Default: True.
use_id : bool
Use id flag filter if True. Default: False.
use_phase : bool
Use phasing information if True and available. Default: False.
res : int
Likelihood function resolution. Default: 200.
Source code
def calculate_baf(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_mask=True, use_id=False, use_phase=False, res=200,
                  reduce_noise=False, blw=0.8, use_hom=False):
    Calculates BAF histograms and store data into cnvpytor file.

    bin_sizes : list of int
        List of histogram bin sizes
    chroms : list of str
        List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
    use_mask : bool
        Use P-mask filter if True. Default: True.
    use_id : bool
        Use id flag filter if True. Default: False.
    use_phase : bool
        Use phasing information if True and available. Default: False.
    res: int
        Likelihood function resolution. Default: 200.

    snp_flag = (FLAG_USEMASK if use_mask else 0) | (FLAG_USEID if use_id else 0)
    for c in
        if len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms:
  "Calculating BAF histograms for chromosome '%s'." % c)
            pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual =
            max_bin = {}
            count00 = {}
            count01 = {}
            count10 = {}
            count11 = {}
            reads00 = {}
            reads01 = {}
            reads10 = {}
            reads11 = {}
            baf = {}
            maf = {}
            likelihood = {}
            i1 = {}
            i2 = {}
            lh_x = np.arange(1.0 / res, 1., 1.0 / res)
            for bs in bin_sizes:
                max_bin[bs] = (pos[-1] - 1) // bs + 1
                count00[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                count01[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                count10[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                count11[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                reads00[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                reads01[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                reads10[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                reads11[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                baf[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                maf[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                likelihood[bs] = np.ones((max_bin[bs], res - 1)).astype("float") / (res - 1)
                i1[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])
                i2[bs] = np.zeros(max_bin[bs])

            for i in range(len(pos)):
                if (nalt[i] + nref[i]) > 0 and (not use_id or (flag[i] & 1)) and (not use_mask or (flag[i] & 2)):
                    if gt[i] == 1 or gt[i] == 5 or gt[i] == 6:
                        for bs in bin_sizes:
                            b = (pos[i] - 1) // bs
                            if use_phase and (gt[i] == 5):
                                reads01[bs][b] += nref[i]
                                reads10[bs][b] += nalt[i]
                                count10[bs][b] += 1
                                snp_baf = 1.0 * nalt[i] / (nalt[i] + nref[i])
                                likelihood[bs][b] *= beta(nalt[i], nref[i], lh_x, phased=True)
                                s = np.sum(likelihood[bs][b])
                                if s != 0.0:
                                    likelihood[bs][b] /= s
                            elif use_phase and (gt[i] == 6):
                                reads01[bs][b] += nalt[i]
                                reads10[bs][b] += nref[i]
                                count01[bs][b] += 1
                                snp_baf = 1.0 * nref[i] / (nalt[i] + nref[i])
                                likelihood[bs][b] *= beta(nref[i], nalt[i], lh_x, phased=True)
                                s = np.sum(likelihood[bs][b])
                                if s != 0.0:
                                    likelihood[bs][b] /= s
                                snp_baf = 1.0 * nalt[i] / (nalt[i] + nref[i])
                                reads01[bs][b] += nalt[i]
                                reads10[bs][b] += nref[i]
                                count01[bs][b] += 1
                                if reduce_noise:
                                    likelihood[bs][b] *= beta(nalt[i] + (1 if nalt[i] < nref[i] else 0),
                                                              nref[i] + (1 if nref[i] < nalt[i] else 0), lh_x)
                                    likelihood[bs][b] *= beta(nalt[i] * blw, nref[i] * blw, lh_x)
                                s = np.sum(likelihood[bs][b])
                                if s != 0.0:
                                    likelihood[bs][b] /= s

                            baf[bs][b] += snp_baf
                            maf[bs][b] += 1.0 - snp_baf if snp_baf > 0.5 else snp_baf
                        for bs in bin_sizes:
                            b = (pos[i] - 1) // bs
                            if use_phase and (gt[i] == 7):
                                count11[bs][b] += 1
                                reads11[bs][b] += nalt[i]
                                reads00[bs][b] += nref[i]
                            elif use_phase and (gt[i] == 4):
                                count00[bs][b] += 1
                                count11[bs][b] += 1
                                reads11[bs][b] += nalt[i]
                                reads00[bs][b] += nref[i]

            for bs in bin_sizes:
                for i in range(max_bin[bs]):
                    count = count01[bs][i] + count10[bs][i]
                    if count > 0:
                        baf[bs][i] /= count
                        maf[bs][i] /= count
                        max_lh = np.amax(likelihood[bs][i])
                        ix = np.where(likelihood[bs][i] == max_lh)[0][0]
                        i1[bs][i] = 1.0 * (res // 2 - 1 - ix) / res if ix <= (res // 2 - 1) else 1.0 * (
                                ix - res // 2 + 1) / res
                        i2[bs][i] = likelihood[bs][i][res // 2 - 1] / max_lh
                    elif use_hom:
                        likelihood[bs][i] = lh_x * 0. + 1 / res
                        likelihood[bs][i][0] = 0.5 * (count11[bs][i] + count00[bs][i])
                        likelihood[bs][i][-1] = 0.5 * (count11[bs][i] + count00[bs][i])
                        s = np.sum(likelihood[bs][i])
                        likelihood[bs][i] /= s
                        max_lh = np.amax(likelihood[bs][i])
                        ix = np.where(likelihood[bs][i] == max_lh)[0][0]
                        i1[bs][i] = 1.0 * (res // 2 - 1 - ix) / res if ix <= (res // 2 - 1) else 1.0 * (
                                ix - res // 2 + 1) / res
                        i2[bs][i] = likelihood[bs][i][res // 2 - 1] / max_lh

      "Saving BAF histograms with bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bs, c))
      , bs, "SNP bin count 0|0", count00[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
      , bs, "SNP bin count 0|1", count01[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
      , bs, "SNP bin count 1|0", count10[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
      , bs, "SNP bin count 1|1", count11[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
      , bs, "SNP bin reads 0|0", reads00[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
      , bs, "SNP bin reads 0|1", reads01[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
      , bs, "SNP bin reads 1|0", reads10[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
      , bs, "SNP bin reads 1|1", reads11[bs].astype("uint16"), snp_flag)
      , bs, "SNP baf", baf[bs].astype("float32"), snp_flag)
      , bs, "SNP maf", maf[bs].astype("float32"), snp_flag)
      , bs, "SNP likelihood", likelihood[bs].astype("float32"), snp_flag)
      , bs, "SNP i1", i1[bs].astype("float32"), snp_flag)
      , bs, "SNP i2", i2[bs].astype("float32"), snp_flag)
def calculate_histograms(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[])

Calculates RD histograms and store data into cnvpytor file.


bin_sizes : list of int
List of histogram bin sizes
chroms : list of str
List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
Source code
def calculate_histograms(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[]):
    Calculates RD histograms and store data into cnvpytor file.

    bin_sizes : list of int
        List of histogram bin sizes
    chroms : list of str
        List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.

    rd_gc_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_gc.gc_chromosomes():
        rd_name =
        if not rd_name is None and (len(chroms) == 0 or (rd_name in chroms) or (c in chroms)):
            rd_gc_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

    rd_mask_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
        rd_name =
        if not rd_name is None and (len(chroms) == 0 or (rd_name in chroms) or (c in chroms)):
            rd_mask_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

    for bin_size in bin_sizes:
        his_stat = []
        auto, sex, mt = False, False, False
        bin_ratio = bin_size // 100

        for c in
            if c in rd_gc_chromosomes:
      "Calculating histograms using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                flag = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                rd_p, rd_u =
                his_p = np.concatenate(
                    (rd_p, np.zeros(bin_ratio - len(rd_p) + (len(rd_p) // bin_ratio * bin_ratio))))
                his_p.resize((len(his_p) // bin_ratio, bin_ratio))
                his_p = his_p.sum(axis=1)
                his_u = np.concatenate(
                    (rd_u, np.zeros(bin_ratio - len(rd_u) + (len(rd_u) // bin_ratio * bin_ratio))))
                his_u.resize((len(his_u) // bin_ratio, bin_ratio))
                his_u = his_u.sum(axis=1)
                if bin_ratio == 1:
                    his_p = his_p[:-1]
                    his_u = his_u[:-1]
      , bin_size, "RD", his_p)
      , bin_size, "RD unique", his_u)

                max_bin = max(int(10 * np.mean(his_u) + 1), int(10 * np.mean(his_p) + 1))
                if max_bin < 10000:
                    max_bin = 10000
                rd_bin_size = max_bin // 10000
                rd_bins = range(0, max_bin // rd_bin_size * rd_bin_size + rd_bin_size, rd_bin_size)
                dist_p, bins = np.histogram(his_p, bins=rd_bins)
                dist_u, bins = np.histogram(his_u, bins=rd_bins)
                n_p, m_p, s_p = fit_normal(bins[1:-1], dist_p[1:])[0]
                n_u, m_u, s_u = fit_normal(bins[1:-1], dist_u[1:])[0]
                    "Chromosome '%s' bin size %d stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                        c, bin_size, m_p, s_p))
                    "Chromosome '%s' bin size %d stat - RD unique distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                        c, bin_size, m_u, s_u))
                his_stat.append((c, m_p, s_p, m_u, s_u))
                auto = auto or Genome.is_autosome(c)
                sex = sex or Genome.is_sex_chrom(c)
                mt = mt or Genome.is_mt_chrom(c)

        mt = mt and (bin_size <= 1000)

        if auto:
            max_bin_auto = int(
                max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_autosome(x[0]), his_stat))))
            _logger.debug("Max RD for autosome histograms calculated: %d." % max_bin_auto)
            if max_bin_auto < 1000:
                max_bin_auto = 1000
            bin_size_auto = max_bin_auto // 1000
            bins_auto = range(0, max_bin_auto // bin_size_auto * bin_size_auto + bin_size_auto, bin_size_auto)
            n_bins_auto = len(bins_auto) - 1
                "Using %d RD bin size, %d bins for autosome RD - GC distributions." % (bin_size_auto, n_bins_auto))
            dist_p_auto = np.zeros(n_bins_auto)
            dist_p_gccorr_auto = np.zeros(n_bins_auto)
            dist_u_auto = np.zeros(n_bins_auto)
            dist_p_gc_auto = np.zeros((n_bins_auto, 101))

        if sex:
            max_bin_sex = int(
                max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_sex_chrom(x[0]), his_stat))))
            _logger.debug("Max RD for sex chromosome histograms calculated: %d." % max_bin_sex)
            if max_bin_sex < 1000:
                max_bin_sex = 1000
            bin_size_sex = max_bin_sex // 1000
            bins_sex = range(0, max_bin_sex // bin_size_sex * bin_size_sex + bin_size_sex, bin_size_sex)
            n_bins_sex = len(bins_sex) - 1
                "Using %d RD bin size, %d bins for sex chromosome RD - GC distributions." % (
                    bin_size_sex, n_bins_sex))
            dist_p_sex = np.zeros(n_bins_sex)
            dist_p_gccorr_sex = np.zeros(n_bins_sex)
            dist_u_sex = np.zeros(n_bins_sex)
            dist_p_gc_sex = np.zeros((n_bins_sex, 101))

        if mt:
            max_bin_mt = int(
                max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_mt_chrom(x[0]), his_stat))))
            _logger.debug("Max RD for mitochondria histogram calculated: %d." % max_bin_mt)
            if max_bin_mt < 1000:
                max_bin_mt = 1000
            bin_size_mt = max_bin_mt // 1000
            bins_mt = range(0, max_bin_mt // bin_size_mt * bin_size_mt + bin_size_mt, bin_size_mt)
            n_bins_mt = len(bins_mt) - 1
            _logger.debug("Using %d bin size, %d bins for mitochondria chromosome." % (bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt))
            dist_p_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
            dist_p_gccorr_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
            dist_u_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
            dist_p_gc_mt = np.zeros((n_bins_mt, 101))"Calculating global statistics.")
        for c in
            if c in rd_gc_chromosomes:
                _logger.debug("Chromosome '%s'." % c)
                his_p =, bin_size, "RD")
                his_u =, bin_size, "RD unique")
                if Genome.is_autosome(c):
                    dist_p, bins = np.histogram(his_p, bins=bins_auto)
                    dist_u, bins = np.histogram(his_u, bins=bins_auto)
                    gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                    dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(his_p, gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio),
                                                             bins=(bins_auto, range(102)))
                    dist_p_auto += dist_p
                    dist_u_auto += dist_u
                    dist_p_gc_auto += dist_p_gc
                elif Genome.is_sex_chrom(c):
                    dist_p, bins = np.histogram(his_p, bins=bins_sex)
                    dist_u, bins = np.histogram(his_u, bins=bins_sex)
                    gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                    dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(his_p, gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio),
                                                             bins=(bins_sex, range(102)))
                    dist_p_sex += dist_p
                    dist_u_sex += dist_u
                    dist_p_gc_sex += dist_p_gc
                elif Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) and mt:
                    dist_p, bins = np.histogram(his_p, bins=bins_mt)
                    dist_u, bins = np.histogram(his_u, bins=bins_mt)
                    gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                    dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(his_p, gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio),
                                                             bins=(bins_mt, range(102)))
                    dist_p_mt += dist_p
                    dist_u_mt += dist_u
                    dist_p_gc_mt += dist_p_gc

        if auto:
            n_auto, m_auto, s_auto = fit_normal(np.array(bins_auto[1:-1]), dist_p_auto[1:])[0]
  "Autosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_auto, s_auto))
            stat_auto = np.array([max_bin_auto, bin_size_auto, n_bins_auto, n_auto, m_auto, s_auto])
  , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
  , bin_size, "RD u dist", dist_u_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
  , bin_size, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
  , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
            gc_corr_auto = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_auto, m_auto, s_auto, bin_size_auto)
  , bin_size, "GC corr", gc_corr_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)

        if sex:
            n_sex, m_sex, s_sex = fit_normal(np.array(bins_sex[1:-1]), dist_p_sex[1:])[0]
                "Sex chromosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_sex, s_sex))
            stat_sex = np.array([max_bin_sex, bin_size_sex, n_bins_sex, n_sex, m_sex, s_sex])
  , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
  , bin_size, "RD u dist", dist_u_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
  , bin_size, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
  , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
            gc_corr_sex = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_sex, m_sex, s_sex, bin_size_sex)
  , bin_size, "GC corr", gc_corr_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)

        if mt:
            n_mt, m_mt, s_mt = fit_normal(np.array(bins_mt[1:-1]), dist_p_mt[1:])[0]
  "Mitochondria stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_mt, s_mt))
            if auto:
      "Mitochondria stat - number of mitochondria per cell:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                    2. * m_mt / m_auto, 2. * s_mt / m_auto + s_auto * m_mt / (m_auto * m_auto)))
            stat_mt = np.array([max_bin_mt, bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt, n_mt, m_mt, s_mt])
  , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
  , bin_size, "RD u dist", dist_u_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
  , bin_size, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
  , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
            gc_corr_mt = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_mt, m_mt, s_mt, bin_size_mt)
  , bin_size, "GC corr", gc_corr_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)

        for c in
            if c in rd_gc_chromosomes and (mt or not Genome.is_mt_chrom(c)):
                    "Calculating GC corrected RD histogram using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                flag = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                his_p =, bin_size, "RD")
                _logger.debug("Calculating GC corrected RD")
                gc_corr =, bin_size, "GC corr", flag)
                gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                his_p_corr = his_p / np.array(list(map(lambda x: gc_corr[int(x)], gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio))))
      , bin_size, "RD", his_p_corr, flags=FLAG_GC_CORR)
                if Genome.is_autosome(c):
                    dist_p_gc, bins = np.histogram(his_p_corr, bins=bins_auto)
                    dist_p_gccorr_auto += dist_p_gc
                elif Genome.is_sex_chrom(c):
                    dist_p_gc, bins = np.histogram(his_p_corr, bins=bins_sex)
                    dist_p_gccorr_sex += dist_p_gc
                elif Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) and mt:
                    dist_p_gc, bins = np.histogram(his_p_corr, bins=bins_mt)
                    dist_p_gccorr_mt += dist_p_gc

        if auto:
            n_auto, m_auto, s_auto = fit_normal(np.array(bins_auto[1:-1]), dist_p_gccorr_auto[1:])[0]
                "Autosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                    m_auto, s_auto))
            stat_auto = np.array([max_bin_auto, bin_size_auto, n_bins_auto, n_auto, m_auto, s_auto])
  , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_gccorr_auto, flags=(FLAG_AUTO | FLAG_GC_CORR))
  , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_auto, flags=(FLAG_AUTO | FLAG_GC_CORR))
  , m_auto, s_auto, FLAG_GC_CORR)

        if sex:
            n_sex, m_sex, s_sex = fit_normal(np.array(bins_sex[1:-1]), dist_p_gccorr_sex[1:])[0]
                "Sex chromosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                    m_sex, s_sex))
            stat_sex = np.array([max_bin_sex, bin_size_sex, n_bins_sex, n_sex, m_sex, s_sex])
  , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_gccorr_sex, flags=(FLAG_SEX | FLAG_GC_CORR))
  , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_sex, flags=(FLAG_SEX | FLAG_GC_CORR))
            if not auto:
      , m_sex, s_sex, FLAG_GC_CORR)

        if mt:
            n_mt, m_mt, s_mt = fit_normal(np.array(bins_mt[1:-1]), dist_p_gccorr_mt[1:])[0]
                "Mitochondria stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                    m_mt, s_mt))
            if auto:
                    "Mitochondria stat - number of mitochondria per cell after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                        2. * m_mt / m_auto, 2. * s_mt / m_auto + s_auto * m_mt / (m_auto * m_auto)))
            stat_mt = np.array([max_bin_mt, bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt, n_mt, m_mt, s_mt])
  , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_gccorr_mt, flags=(FLAG_MT | FLAG_GC_CORR))
  , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_mt, flags=(FLAG_MT | FLAG_GC_CORR))

        for c in
            if (c in rd_gc_chromosomes) and (c in rd_mask_chromosomes):
      "Calculating P-mask histograms using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                flag = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                rd_p, rd_u =
                mask = mask_decompress(self.io_mask.get_signal(rd_mask_chromosomes[c], None, "mask"))
                bin_ratio = bin_size // 100
                n_bins = len(rd_p) // bin_ratio + 1
                his_p = np.zeros(n_bins)
                his_p_corr = np.zeros(n_bins)
                his_u = np.zeros(n_bins)
                his_count = np.zeros(n_bins)
                for (b, e) in mask:
                    for p in range((b - 1) // 100 + 2, (e - 1) // 100):
                        his_p[p // bin_ratio] += rd_p[p]
                        his_u[p // bin_ratio] += rd_u[p]
                        his_count[p // bin_ratio] += 1
                np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
                his_p = his_p / his_count * bin_ratio
                his_u = his_u / his_count * bin_ratio
                if bin_ratio == 1:
                    his_p = his_p[:-1]
                    his_u = his_u[:-1]
                gc_corr =, bin_size, "GC corr", flag)
                gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                his_p_corr = his_p / np.array(list(map(lambda x: gc_corr[int(x)], gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio))))
      , bin_size, "RD", his_p, flags=FLAG_USEMASK)
      , bin_size, "RD unique", his_u, flags=FLAG_USEMASK)
      , bin_size, "RD", his_p_corr, flags=FLAG_GC_CORR | FLAG_USEMASK)
def calculate_histograms_from_snp_counts(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_mask=True, use_id=False, callset=None, min_count=None)

Calculates RD histograms from SNP data and store data into cnvpytor file.


bin_sizes : list of int
List of histogram bin sizes
chroms : list of str
List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
use_mask : bool
Use P-mask filter if True. Default: True.
use_id : bool
Use id flag filter if True. Default: False.
callset : str or None
It will assume SNP data if None. Otherwise it will assume SNV data stored under the name provided by callset variable.
min_count : int
minimal number of SNPs within bin
Source code
def calculate_histograms_from_snp_counts(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_mask=True, use_id=False, callset=None,
    Calculates RD histograms from SNP data and store data into cnvpytor file.

    bin_sizes : list of int
        List of histogram bin sizes
    chroms : list of str
        List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
    use_mask : bool
        Use P-mask filter if True. Default: True.
    use_id : bool
        Use id flag filter if True. Default: False.
    callset : str or None
        It will assume SNP data if None. Otherwise it will assume SNV data
        stored under the name provided by callset variable.
    min_count : int
        minimal number of SNPs within bin

    if min_count is None:
        min_count = 0
    snp_gc_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_gc.gc_chromosomes():
        snp_name =
        if not snp_name is None and (len(chroms) == 0 or (snp_name in chroms) or (c in chroms)):
            snp_gc_chromosomes[snp_name] = c

    snp_mask_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
        snp_name =
        if not snp_name is None and (len(chroms) == 0 or (snp_name in chroms) or (c in chroms)):
            snp_mask_chromosomes[snp_name] = c

    for bin_size in bin_sizes:
        his_stat = []
        auto, sex, mt = False, False, False
        bin_ratio = bin_size // 100

        for c in
            if c in snp_gc_chromosomes:
                    "Calculating histograms from SNP counts using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                flag = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, sflag, qual =, callset=callset)
                ncg = ( // 100 + 1) // bin_ratio + 1
                rdcg = np.zeros(ncg)
                rdc = np.zeros(ncg)
                for p, c1, c2, f in zip(pos, nref, nalt, sflag):
                    if (c1 + c2) > 0 and (not use_id or (f & 1)) and (not use_mask or (f & 2)):
                        rdcg[(p - 1) // bin_size] += c1 + c2
                        rdc[(p - 1) // bin_size] += 1
                np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
                scale = bin_size / 150
                rdcg = scale * rdcg / rdc
                rdcg[rdc < min_count] = np.NaN

      , bin_size, "RD", rdcg)
      , bin_size, "RD unique", rdcg)

                max_bin = max(int(10 * np.nanmean(rdcg) + 1), int(10 * np.nanmean(rdcg) + 1))
                if max_bin < 10000:
                    max_bin = 10000
                rd_bin_size = max_bin // 10000
                rd_bins = range(0, max_bin // rd_bin_size * rd_bin_size + rd_bin_size, rd_bin_size)
                dist_p, bins = np.histogram(rdcg, bins=rd_bins)
                dist_u, bins = np.histogram(rdcg, bins=rd_bins)
                n_p, m_p, s_p = fit_normal(bins[1:-1], dist_p[1:])[0]
                n_u, m_u, s_u = fit_normal(bins[1:-1], dist_u[1:])[0]
                    "Chromosome '%s' bin size %d stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                        c, bin_size, m_p, s_p))
                    "Chromosome '%s' bin size %d stat - RD unique distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                        c, bin_size, m_u, s_u))
                his_stat.append((c, m_p, s_p, m_u, s_u))
                auto = auto or Genome.is_autosome(c)
                sex = sex or Genome.is_sex_chrom(c)
                mt = mt or Genome.is_mt_chrom(c)

        mt = mt and (bin_size <= 1000)

        if auto:
            max_bin_auto = int(
                max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_autosome(x[0]), his_stat))))
            _logger.debug("Max RD for autosome histograms calculated: %d." % max_bin_auto)
            if max_bin_auto < 1000:
                max_bin_auto = 1000
            bin_size_auto = max_bin_auto // 1000
            bins_auto = range(0, max_bin_auto // bin_size_auto * bin_size_auto + bin_size_auto, bin_size_auto)
            n_bins_auto = len(bins_auto) - 1
                "Using %d RD bin size, %d bins for autosome RD - GC distributions." % (bin_size_auto, n_bins_auto))
            dist_p_auto = np.zeros(n_bins_auto)
            dist_p_gccorr_auto = np.zeros(n_bins_auto)
            dist_u_auto = np.zeros(n_bins_auto)
            dist_p_gc_auto = np.zeros((n_bins_auto, 101))

        if sex:
            max_bin_sex = int(
                max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_sex_chrom(x[0]), his_stat))))
            _logger.debug("Max RD for sex chromosome histograms calculated: %d." % max_bin_sex)
            if max_bin_sex < 1000:
                max_bin_sex = 1000
            bin_size_sex = max_bin_sex // 1000
            bins_sex = range(0, max_bin_sex // bin_size_sex * bin_size_sex + bin_size_sex, bin_size_sex)
            n_bins_sex = len(bins_sex) - 1
                "Using %d RD bin size, %d bins for sex chromosome RD - GC distributions." % (
                    bin_size_sex, n_bins_sex))
            dist_p_sex = np.zeros(n_bins_sex)
            dist_p_gccorr_sex = np.zeros(n_bins_sex)
            dist_u_sex = np.zeros(n_bins_sex)
            dist_p_gc_sex = np.zeros((n_bins_sex, 101))

        if mt:
            max_bin_mt = int(
                max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_mt_chrom(x[0]), his_stat))))
            _logger.debug("Max RD for mitochondria histogram calculated: %d." % max_bin_mt)
            if max_bin_mt < 1000:
                max_bin_mt = 1000
            bin_size_mt = max_bin_mt // 1000
            bins_mt = range(0, max_bin_mt // bin_size_mt * bin_size_mt + bin_size_mt, bin_size_mt)
            n_bins_mt = len(bins_mt) - 1
            _logger.debug("Using %d bin size, %d bins for mitochondria chromosome." % (bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt))
            dist_p_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
            dist_p_gccorr_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
            dist_u_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
            dist_p_gc_mt = np.zeros((n_bins_mt, 101))"Calculating global statistics.")
        for c in
            if c in snp_gc_chromosomes:
                _logger.debug("Chromosome '%s'." % c)
                his_p =, bin_size, "RD")
                his_u =, bin_size, "RD unique")
                if Genome.is_autosome(c):
                    dist_p, bins = np.histogram(his_p, bins=bins_auto)
                    dist_u, bins = np.histogram(his_u, bins=bins_auto)
                    gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(snp_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                    print(len(his_p),len(gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio)))
                    dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(his_p, gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio),
                                                             bins=(bins_auto, range(102)))
                    dist_p_auto += dist_p
                    dist_u_auto += dist_u
                    dist_p_gc_auto += dist_p_gc
                elif Genome.is_sex_chrom(c):
                    dist_p, bins = np.histogram(his_p, bins=bins_sex)
                    dist_u, bins = np.histogram(his_u, bins=bins_sex)
                    gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(snp_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                    dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(his_p, gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio),
                                                             bins=(bins_sex, range(102)))
                    dist_p_sex += dist_p
                    dist_u_sex += dist_u
                    dist_p_gc_sex += dist_p_gc
                elif Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) and mt:
                    dist_p, bins = np.histogram(his_p, bins=bins_mt)
                    dist_u, bins = np.histogram(his_u, bins=bins_mt)
                    gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(snp_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                    dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(his_p, gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio),
                                                             bins=(bins_mt, range(102)))
                    dist_p_mt += dist_p
                    dist_u_mt += dist_u
                    dist_p_gc_mt += dist_p_gc

        if auto:
            n_auto, m_auto, s_auto = fit_normal(np.array(bins_auto[1:-1]), dist_p_auto[1:])[0]
  "Autosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_auto, s_auto))
            stat_auto = np.array([max_bin_auto, bin_size_auto, n_bins_auto, n_auto, m_auto, s_auto])
  , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
  , bin_size, "RD u dist", dist_u_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
  , bin_size, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
  , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
            gc_corr_auto = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_auto, m_auto, s_auto, bin_size_auto)
  , bin_size, "GC corr", gc_corr_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
  , m_auto, s_auto)

        if sex:
            n_sex, m_sex, s_sex = fit_normal(np.array(bins_sex[1:-1]), dist_p_sex[1:])[0]
                "Sex chromosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_sex, s_sex))
            stat_sex = np.array([max_bin_sex, bin_size_sex, n_bins_sex, n_sex, m_sex, s_sex])
  , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
  , bin_size, "RD u dist", dist_u_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
  , bin_size, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
  , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
            gc_corr_sex = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_sex, m_sex, s_sex, bin_size_sex)
  , bin_size, "GC corr", gc_corr_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
            if not auto:
      , m_auto, s_auto)

        if mt:
            n_mt, m_mt, s_mt = fit_normal(np.array(bins_mt[1:-1]), dist_p_mt[1:])[0]
  "Mitochondria stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_mt, s_mt))
            if auto:
      "Mitochondria stat - number of mitochondria per cell:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                    2. * m_mt / m_auto, 2. * s_mt / m_auto + s_auto * m_mt / (m_auto * m_auto)))
            stat_mt = np.array([max_bin_mt, bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt, n_mt, m_mt, s_mt])
  , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
  , bin_size, "RD u dist", dist_u_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
  , bin_size, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
  , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
            gc_corr_mt = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_mt, m_mt, s_mt, bin_size_mt)
  , bin_size, "GC corr", gc_corr_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)

        for c in
            if c in snp_gc_chromosomes and (mt or not Genome.is_mt_chrom(c)):
                    "Calculating GC corrected RD histogram using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                flag = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                his_p =, bin_size, "RD")
                _logger.debug("Calculating GC corrected RD")
                gc_corr =, bin_size, "GC corr", flag)
                gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(snp_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                his_p_corr = his_p / np.array(list(map(lambda x: gc_corr[int(x)], gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio))))
      , bin_size, "RD", his_p_corr, flags=FLAG_GC_CORR)
                if Genome.is_autosome(c):
                    dist_p_gc, bins = np.histogram(his_p_corr, bins=bins_auto)
                    dist_p_gccorr_auto += dist_p_gc
                elif Genome.is_sex_chrom(c):
                    dist_p_gc, bins = np.histogram(his_p_corr, bins=bins_sex)
                    dist_p_gccorr_sex += dist_p_gc
                elif Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) and mt:
                    dist_p_gc, bins = np.histogram(his_p_corr, bins=bins_mt)
                    dist_p_gccorr_mt += dist_p_gc

        if auto:
            n_auto, m_auto, s_auto = fit_normal(np.array(bins_auto[1:-1]), dist_p_gccorr_auto[1:])[0]
                "Autosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                    m_auto, s_auto))
            stat_auto = np.array([max_bin_auto, bin_size_auto, n_bins_auto, n_auto, m_auto, s_auto])
  , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_gccorr_auto, flags=(FLAG_AUTO | FLAG_GC_CORR))
  , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_auto, flags=(FLAG_AUTO | FLAG_GC_CORR))
  , m_auto, s_auto, FLAG_GC_CORR)

        if sex:
            n_sex, m_sex, s_sex = fit_normal(np.array(bins_sex[1:-1]), dist_p_gccorr_sex[1:])[0]
                "Sex chromosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                    m_sex, s_sex))
            stat_sex = np.array([max_bin_sex, bin_size_sex, n_bins_sex, n_sex, m_sex, s_sex])
  , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_gccorr_sex, flags=(FLAG_SEX | FLAG_GC_CORR))
  , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_sex, flags=(FLAG_SEX | FLAG_GC_CORR))
            if not auto:
      , m_sex, s_sex, FLAG_GC_CORR)

        if mt:
            n_mt, m_mt, s_mt = fit_normal(np.array(bins_mt[1:-1]), dist_p_gccorr_mt[1:])[0]
                "Mitochondria stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                    m_mt, s_mt))
            if auto:
                    "Mitochondria stat - number of mitochondria per cell after GC correction:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                        2. * m_mt / m_auto, 2. * s_mt / m_auto + s_auto * m_mt / (m_auto * m_auto)))
            stat_mt = np.array([max_bin_mt, bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt, n_mt, m_mt, s_mt])
  , bin_size, "RD p dist", dist_p_gccorr_mt, flags=(FLAG_MT | FLAG_GC_CORR))
  , bin_size, "RD stat", stat_mt, flags=(FLAG_MT | FLAG_GC_CORR))

        for c in
            if (c in snp_gc_chromosomes) and (c in snp_mask_chromosomes):
      "Calculating P-mask histograms using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                flag = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                rd_p, rd_u =
                mask = mask_decompress(self.io_mask.get_signal(snp_mask_chromosomes[c], None, "mask"))
                bin_ratio = bin_size // 100
                n_bins = len(rd_p) // bin_ratio + 1
                his_p = np.zeros(n_bins)
                his_p_corr = np.zeros(n_bins)
                his_u = np.zeros(n_bins)
                his_count = np.zeros(n_bins)
                for (b, e) in mask:
                    for p in range((b - 1) // 100 + 2, (e - 1) // 100):
                        his_p[p // bin_ratio] += rd_p[p]
                        his_u[p // bin_ratio] += rd_u[p]
                        his_count[p // bin_ratio] += 1
                np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
                his_p = his_p / his_count * bin_ratio
                his_u = his_u / his_count * bin_ratio
                if bin_ratio == 1:
                    his_p = his_p[:-1]
                    his_u = his_u[:-1]
                gc_corr =, bin_size, "GC corr", flag)
                gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(snp_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                his_p_corr = his_p / np.array(list(map(lambda x: gc_corr[int(x)], gcp_decompress(gcat, bin_ratio))))
      , bin_size, "RD", his_p, flags=FLAG_USEMASK)
      , bin_size, "RD unique", his_u, flags=FLAG_USEMASK)
      , bin_size, "RD", his_p_corr, flags=FLAG_GC_CORR | FLAG_USEMASK)
def call(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], print_calls=False, use_gc_corr=True, use_mask=False, genome_size=2900000000.0, genome_cnv_fraction=0.01)

CNV caller based on the segmented RD signal.


bin_sizes : list of int
List of histogram bin sizes
chroms : list of str
List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
print_calls : bool
Print to stdout list of calls if true.
use_gc_corr : bool
Use GC corrected signal if True. Default: True.
use_mask : bool
Use P-mask filter if True. Default: False.


calls : dist
Dictionary bin_size -> list of calls Each call is list with values: type ("deletion" or "duplication"), chromosome name, start, end, size, cnv level e1, e2, e3, e4 - estimations of p-Value q0 - percentage of uniquely mapped reads in cnv region
Source code
def call(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], print_calls=False, use_gc_corr=True, use_mask=False, genome_size=2.9e9,
    CNV caller based on the segmented RD signal.

    bin_sizes : list of int
        List of histogram bin sizes
    chroms : list of str
        List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
    print_calls : bool
        Print to stdout list of calls if true.
    use_gc_corr : bool
        Use GC corrected signal if True. Default: True.
    use_mask : bool
        Use P-mask filter if True. Default: False.

    calls: dist
        Dictionary bin_size -> list of calls
        Each call is list with values:
            type ("deletion" or "duplication"),
            chromosome name, start, end,
            size, cnv level
            e1, e2, e3, e4 - estimations of p-Value
            q0 - percentage of uniquely mapped reads in cnv region

    ret = {}
    normal_genome_size = genome_size * (1 - genome_cnv_fraction)
    rd_gc_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_gc.gc_chromosomes():
        rd_name =
        if not rd_name is None:
            rd_gc_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

    rd_mask_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
        rd_name =
        if not rd_name is None:
            rd_mask_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

    for bin_size in bin_sizes:
        ret[bin_size] = []
        for c in
            if (c in rd_gc_chromosomes or not use_gc_corr) and (c in rd_mask_chromosomes or not use_mask) and (
                    len(chroms) == 0 or (c in chroms)):
                flag_stat = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                flag_auto = FLAG_AUTO
                if use_gc_corr:
                    flag_stat |= FLAG_GC_CORR
                    flag_auto |= FLAG_GC_CORR
                flag_rd = (FLAG_GC_CORR if use_gc_corr else 0) | (FLAG_USEMASK if use_mask else 0)
                if, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat) and \
              , bin_size, "RD", flag_rd) and \
              , bin_size, "RD partition", flag_rd):
                    _logger.debug("Calculating CNV calls using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                    calls_list = []
                    stat =, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat)
                    mean = stat[4]
                    std = stat[5]
                    rd =, bin_size, "RD", flag_rd)
                    rd = np.nan_to_num(rd)
                    gc, at, NN, distN = False, False, False, False
                    if c in rd_gc_chromosomes and self.io_gc.signal_exists(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT"):
                        gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                        gc, at = gc_at_decompress(gcat)
                        NN = 100 - np.array(gc) - np.array(at)
                        distN = np.zeros_like(NN, dtype="long") - 1
                        distN[NN == 100] = 0
                        prev = 0
                        for Ni in range(0, distN.size):
                            if distN[Ni] == -1:
                                prev += 100
                                distN[Ni] = prev
                                prev = 0
                        prev = 0
                        for Ni in range(distN.size - 1, -1, -1):
                            if distN[Ni] > 0:
                                prev += 100
                                if prev < distN[Ni]:
                                    distN[Ni] = prev
                                prev = 0

                    levels =, bin_size, "RD partition", flag_rd)
                    delta = 0.25
                    if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) and, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_auto):
                        stat_auto =, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_auto)
                        if stat_auto[4] * 0.66 > mean:
                            _logger.debug("Assuming male individual!")
                            delta *= 2

                    _logger.debug("Merging levels with relative difference smaller than %f.", delta)
                    delta *= mean
                    done = False
                    while not done:
                        done = True
                        # border - list of borders between segments
                        border = [0] + list(np.argwhere(np.abs(np.diff(levels)) > 0.01)[:, 0] + 1) + [levels.size]
                        for ix in range(len(border) - 2):
                            if ix < len(border) - 2:
                                v1 = np.abs(levels[border[ix]] - levels[border[ix + 1]])
                                if v1 < delta:
                                    v2 = v1 + 1
                                    v3 = v1 + 1
                                    if ix > 0:
                                        v2 = np.abs(levels[border[ix]] - levels[border[ix - 1]])
                                    if ix < len(border) - 3:
                                        v3 = np.abs(levels[border[ix + 1]] - levels[border[ix + 2]])
                                    if v1 < v2 and v1 < v3:
                                        done = False
                                        levels[border[ix]:border[ix + 2]] = np.mean(
                                            levels[border[ix]:border[ix + 2]])
                                        del border[ix + 1]

                    _logger.debug("Calling segments")
                    min = mean - delta
                    max = mean + delta

                    flags = [""] * len(levels)
                    segments = []

                    b = 0
                    while b < len(levels):
                        b0 = b
                        bs = b
                        while b < len(levels) and levels[b] < min:
                            b += 1
                        be = b
                        if be > bs + 1:
                            adj = adjustToEvalue(mean, std, rd, bs, be, 0.05 * bin_size / normal_genome_size)
                            if adj is not None:
                                bs, be = adj
                                segments.append([bs, be, -1])
                                flags[bs:be] = ["D"] * (be - bs)

                        bs = b
                        while b < len(levels) and levels[b] > max:
                            b += 1
                        be = b
                        if be > bs + 1:
                            adj = adjustToEvalue(mean, std, rd, bs, be, 0.05 * bin_size / normal_genome_size)
                            if adj is not None:
                                bs, be = adj
                                segments.append([bs, be, +1])
                                flags[bs:be] = ["A"] * (be - bs)
                        if b == b0:
                            b += 1

                    _logger.debug("Calling additional deletions")
                    b = 0
                    while b < len(levels):
                        while b < len(levels) and flags[b] != "":
                            b += 1
                        bs = b
                        while b < len(levels) and levels[b] < min:
                            b += 1
                        be = b
                        if be > bs + 1:
                            if gaussianEValue(mean, std, rd, bs, be) < 0.05 / normal_genome_size:
                                segments.append([bs, be, -1])
                                flags[bs:be] = ["d"] * (be - bs)
                            b -= 1
                        b += 1

                    b = 0
                    if b < len(levels):
                        cf = flags[b]
                    bs = 0
                    merge = rd.copy()
                    while b < len(levels):
                        while flags[b] == cf:
                            b += 1
                            if b >= len(flags):
                        if b > bs:
                            merge[bs:b] = np.mean(merge[bs:b])
                        if b < len(levels):
                            cf = flags[b]
                        bs = b

          , bin_size, "RD call", merge, flags=flag_rd)

                    _logger.debug("Calculate/print calls")
                    b = 0
                    while b < len(levels):
                        cf = flags[b]
                        if cf == "":
                            b += 1
                        bs = b
                        while b < len(levels) and cf == flags[b]:
                            b += 1
                        cnv = np.mean(rd[bs:b]) / mean
                        if cf.upper() == "D":
                            etype = "deletion"
                            netype = -1
                            etype = "duplication"
                            netype = 1
                        start = bin_size * bs + 1
                        end = bin_size * b
                        size = end - start + 1
                        e1 = getEValue(mean, std, rd, bs, b) * normal_genome_size / bin_size
                        e2 = gaussianEValue(mean, std, rd, bs, b) * normal_genome_size
                        e3, e4 = 1, 1
                        tmp = int(1000. / bin_size + 0.5)
                        if bs + tmp < b - tmp:
                            e3 = getEValue(mean, std, rd, bs + tmp, b - tmp) * normal_genome_size / bin_size
                            e4 = gaussianEValue(mean, std, rd, bs + tmp, b - tmp) * normal_genome_size
                        rd_p =, bin_size, "RD")
                        rd_u =, bin_size, "RD unique")
                        q0 = -1
                        if sum(rd_p[bs:b]) > 0:
                            q0 = (sum(rd_p[bs:b]) - sum(rd_u[bs:b])) / sum(rd_p[bs:b])
                        pN = -1
                        dG = -1
                        if gc:
                            pN = (size - sum(gc[start // 100:end // 100]) - sum(at[start // 100:end // 100])) / size
                            dG = np.min(distN[start // 100:end // 100])

                        if print_calls:
                            print("%s\t%s:%d-%d\t%d\t%.4f\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%d" % (
                                etype, c, start, end, size, cnv, e1, e2, e3, e4, q0, pN, dG))
                        ret[bin_size].append([etype, c, start, end, size, cnv, e1, e2, e3, e4, q0, pN, dG])
                            "type": netype,
                            "start": start,
                            "end": end,
                            "size": size,
                            "cnv": cnv,
                            "p_val": e1,
                            "p_val_2": e2,
                            "p_val_3": e3,
                            "p_val_4": e4,
                            "Q0": q0,
                            "pN": pN,
                            "dG": dG
          , bin_size, "calls", calls_list, flags=flag_rd)
    return ret
def call_2d(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], event_type='both', print_calls=False, use_gc_corr=True, rd_use_mask=False, snp_use_mask=True, snp_use_id=False, max_copy_number=10, min_cell_fraction=0.0, baf_threshold=0, omin=None, mcount=None, max_distance=0.1, use_hom=False, anim='')

CNV caller using combined RD and BAF sigal based on likelihood merger.


bin_sizes : list of int
List of histogram bin sizes
chroms : list of str
List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
print_calls : bool
Print to stdout list of calls if true.
use_gc_corr : bool
Use GC corrected signal if True. Default: True.
rd_use_mask : bool
Use P-mask filter for RD if True. Default: False.
snp_use_mask : bool
Use P-mask filter for SNP if True. Default: True.
snp_use_id : bool
Use ID filter for SNP if True. Default: False.
Source code
def call_2d(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], event_type="both", print_calls=False, use_gc_corr=True, rd_use_mask=False,
            snp_use_mask=True, snp_use_id=False, max_copy_number=10, min_cell_fraction=0.0, baf_threshold=0,
            omin=None, mcount=None, max_distance=0.1, use_hom=False, anim=""):
    CNV caller using combined RD and BAF sigal based on likelihood merger.

    bin_sizes : list of int
        List of histogram bin sizes
    chroms : list of str
        List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
    print_calls : bool
        Print to stdout list of calls if true.
    use_gc_corr : bool
        Use GC corrected signal if True. Default: True.
    rd_use_mask : bool
        Use P-mask filter for RD if True. Default: False.
    snp_use_mask : bool
        Use P-mask filter for SNP if True. Default: True.
    snp_use_id : bool
        Use ID filter for SNP if True. Default: False.


    snp_flag = (FLAG_USEMASK if snp_use_mask else 0) | (FLAG_USEID if snp_use_id else 0)
    rd_gc_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_gc.gc_chromosomes():
        rd_name =
        if not rd_name is None:
            rd_gc_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

    rd_mask_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
        rd_name =
        if not rd_name is None:
            rd_mask_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

    ret = {}
    for bin_size in bin_sizes:
        ret[bin_size] = []
        if omin is None:
            overlap_min = 0.05 * bin_size / 3e9
            overlap_min = omin
        if mcount is None:
            min_count = bin_size // 10000
            min_count = mcount

        gstat_rd0 = []
        gstat_rd = []
        gstat_baf = []
        gstat_error = []
        gstat_lh = []
        gstat_n = []
        gstat_event = []

        for c in
            if (c in rd_gc_chromosomes or not use_gc_corr) and (c in rd_mask_chromosomes or not rd_use_mask) and (
          , bin_size, "SNP likelihood", snp_flag)) and (
                    len(chroms) == 0 or (c in chroms)):
                flag_stat = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                flag_auto = FLAG_AUTO
                if use_gc_corr:
                    flag_stat |= FLAG_GC_CORR
                    flag_auto |= FLAG_GC_CORR
                flag_rd = (FLAG_GC_CORR if use_gc_corr else 0) | (FLAG_USEMASK if rd_use_mask else 0)
                if, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat) and \
              , bin_size, "RD", flag_rd):
          "Calculating 2d calls using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                    stat =, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat)
                    mean = stat[4]
                    std = stat[5]
                    rd =, bin_size, "RD", flag_rd)
                    qrd_p =, bin_size, "RD")
                    qrd_u =, bin_size, "RD unique")
                    rd_bins = len(rd)
                    gc, at = False, False
                    if c in rd_gc_chromosomes and self.io_gc.signal_exists(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT"):
                        gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                        gc, at = gc_at_decompress(gcat)
                    P_per_bin = None
                    if c in rd_mask_chromosomes and self.io_mask.signal_exists(rd_mask_chromosomes[c], None,
                        P_per_bin = np.zeros(rd_bins)
                        mask = mask_decompress(self.io_mask.get_signal(rd_mask_chromosomes[c], None, "mask"))
                        for m in mask:
                            p1 = m[0] / bin_size
                            p2 = m[1] / bin_size
                            p1i = int(p1)
                            p2i = int(p2)
                            p1f = p1 - int(p1)
                            p2f = p2 - int(p2)
                            if p2i > p1i:
                                P_per_bin[p1i] += 1 - p1f
                                P_per_bin[p2i] += p2f
                                for pix in range(p1i + 1, p2i):
                                    P_per_bin[pix] = 1
                                P_per_bin[p1i] += p2f - p1f

                    snp_likelihood = list(
              , bin_size, "SNP likelihood", snp_flag).astype("float64"))
                    snp_hets =, bin_size, "SNP bin count 0|1", snp_flag)
                    snp_hets +=, bin_size, "SNP bin count 1|0", snp_flag)
                    snp_homs =, bin_size, "SNP bin count 1|1", snp_flag)
                    snp_count = np.copy(snp_hets)
                    if use_hom:
                        snp_count += snp_homs

                    snp_bins = len(snp_likelihood)
                    res = snp_likelihood[0].size
                    bins = min(rd_bins, snp_bins)

                    segments = [[i] for i in range(bins) if
                                snp_count[i] >= min_count and np.sum(snp_likelihood[i]) > 0.0 and np.isfinite(

                    # Skip chromosome if less then 5 bins with signal:
                    if len(segments) < 5:

                    level = [rd[i] for i in range(bins) if
                             snp_count[i] >= min_count and np.sum(snp_likelihood[i]) > 0.0 and np.isfinite(rd[i])]
                    level = np.array(level)
                    error = np.sqrt(level) ** 2 + std ** 2
                    loc_fl = np.min(list(zip(np.abs(np.diff(level))[:-1], np.abs(np.diff(level))[1:])), axis=1)
                    loc_fl = np.concatenate(([0], loc_fl, [0]))
                    error += (loc_fl / 2) ** 2
                    error = np.sqrt(error)
                    level = list(level)
                    error = list(error)

                    likelihood = [snp_likelihood[i] for i in range(bins) if
                                  snp_count[i] >= min_count and np.sum(snp_likelihood[i]) > 0.0 and np.isfinite(

                    overlaps = [normal_overlap(level[i], error[i], level[i + 1], error[i + 1]) * likelihood_overlap(
                        likelihood[i], likelihood[i + 1]) for i in range(len(segments) - 1)]

                    iter = 0
                    if anim != "":
                        anim_plot_rd_likelihood(level, error, likelihood, segments, bins, res, iter,
                                                anim + c + "_0_" + str(bin_size), 1, mean)

                    while len(overlaps) > 0:
                        maxo = max(overlaps)
                        if maxo < overlap_min:
                        i = overlaps.index(maxo)
                        nl, ne = normal_merge(level[i], error[i], level[i + 1], error[i + 1])
                        nlh = likelihood[i] * likelihood[i + 1]
                        level[i] = nl
                        error[i] = ne
                        likelihood[i] = nlh / np.sum(nlh)
                        segments[i] += segments[i + 1]
                        del level[i + 1]
                        del error[i + 1]
                        del segments[i + 1]
                        del likelihood[i + 1]
                        del overlaps[i]
                        if i < len(overlaps):
                            overlaps[i] = normal_overlap(level[i], error[i], level[i + 1],
                                                         error[i + 1]) * likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i],
                                                                                            likelihood[i + 1])
                        if i > 0:
                            overlaps[i - 1] = normal_overlap(level[i - 1], error[i - 1], level[i],
                                                             error[i]) * likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i - 1],
                        iter = iter + 1
                        if anim != "" and (iter % 5) == 0:
                            anim_plot_rd_likelihood(level, error, likelihood, segments, bins, res, iter,
                                                    anim + c + "_0_" + str(bin_size), maxo,

                    iter = 0
                    ons = -1

          "Second stage. Number of segments: %d." % len(level))

                    while True:
                        overlaps = [normal_overlap(level[i], error[i], level[j], error[j]) * likelihood_overlap(
                            likelihood[i], likelihood[j]) for i in range(len(level)) for j in
                                    range(i + 1, len(level)) if
                                    (segments[j][0] - segments[i][-1]) < max_distance * (
                                            len(segments[i]) + len(segments[j]))]
                        if len(overlaps) == 0:

                        maxo = max(overlaps)
                        if maxo < overlap_min:
                        i, j = 0, 1
                        while i < len(segments) - 1:

                            if (segments[j][0] - segments[i][-1]) < max_distance * (
                                    len(segments[i]) + len(segments[j])) and \
                                    normal_overlap(level[i], error[i], level[j], error[j]) * likelihood_overlap(
                                likelihood[i], likelihood[j]) == maxo:
                                nl, ne = normal_merge(level[i], error[i], level[j], error[j])
                                nlh = likelihood[i] * likelihood[j]

                                level[i] = nl
                                error[i] = ne
                                likelihood[i] = nlh / np.sum(nlh)
                                segments[i] += segments[j]
                                segments[i] = sorted(segments[i])
                                del level[j]
                                del error[j]
                                del likelihood[j]
                                del segments[j]

                                if j >= len(segments):
                                    i += 1
                                    j = i + 1
                                j += 1
                                if j >= len(segments):
                                    i += 1
                                    j = i + 1
                        iter = iter + 1
                        if anim != "":  # and (iter % 50) == 0:
                            anim_plot_rd_likelihood(level, error, likelihood, segments, bins, res, iter,
                                                    anim + c + "_1_" + str(bin_size), maxo,

                        _logger.debug("Iteration: %d. Number of segments: %d." % (iter, len(level)))
                        if ons == len(segments):
                        ons = len(segments)

                    for i in range(len(segments)):

                        baf_mean, baf_p = likelihood_baf_pval(likelihood[i])

                        if Genome.is_autosome(c) and len(segments[i]) > 1:
                            q0 = 0
                            srdp = 0
                            homs = 0
                            hets = 0
                            for bin in segments[i]:
                                if baf_mean <= baf_threshold:
                                srdp += qrd_p[bin]
                                q0 += (qrd_p[bin] - qrd_u[bin])
                                homs += snp_homs[bin]
                                hets += snp_hets[bin]
                            q0 /= srdp
                            pN = -1
                            pNS = -1
                            if gc:
                                start = segments[i][0] * bin_size // 100
                                end = (segments[i][-1] + 1) * bin_size // 100
                                size = 100 * (end - start)
                                pN = (size - sum(gc[start:end]) - sum(at[start:end])) / size
                                size = 0
                                pNS = 0
                                for bin in segments[i]:
                                    size += bin_size
                                    pNS += sum(gc[bin * bin_size // 100:(bin + 1) * bin_size // 100]) + sum(
                                        at[bin * bin_size // 100:(bin + 1) * bin_size // 100])
                                pNS = (size - pNS) / size
                            pP = -1
                            if P_per_bin is not None:
                                size = 0
                                pP = 0
                                for bin in segments[i]:
                                    size += 1
                                    pP += P_per_bin[bin]
                                pP /= size

                                "c": c,
                                "start": segments[i][0] * bin_size + 1,
                                "end": segments[i][-1] * bin_size + bin_size,
                                "size": (segments[i][-1] - segments[i][0] + 1) * bin_size,
                                "baf": baf_mean,
                                "baf_pval": baf_p,
                                "Q0": q0,
                                "pN": pN,
                                "pNS": pNS,
                                "pP": pP,
                                "hets": hets,
                                "homs": homs,
                                "segment": i


          , bin_size, "RD mosaic segments 2d",
                                          data=segments_code(segments), flags=flag_rd)
          , bin_size, "RD mosaic call 2d",
                                          data=np.array([level, error], dtype="float32"), flags=flag_rd)
          , bin_size, "SNP likelihood segments 2d",
                                          data=segments_code(segments), flags=snp_flag)
          , bin_size, "SNP likelihood call 2d",
                                          data=np.array(likelihood, dtype="float32"), flags=snp_flag)

        data = np.array(gstat_rd0)
        dmin = np.min(data)
        dmax = np.max(data)
        p1 = np.percentile(data, 1)
        p99 = np.percentile(data, 99)
        data = data[data > p1]
        data = data[data < p99]
        mean = np.mean(data)
        std = np.std(data)
        n_bins = 101
        rd_min = mean - 5 * std
        rd_max = mean + 5 * std
        bins = np.linspace(rd_min, rd_max, n_bins)
        hist, binsr = np.histogram(data, bins=bins)

        fitn, fitm, fits = fit_normal(bins[:-1], hist)[0]"Estimating normal RD level:")"    * fit_mean = %.4f" % fitm)"    * fit_std  = %.4f" % fits)"    * rd_min   = %.4f" % dmin)"    * rd_max   = %.4f" % dmax)"    * rd_01p   = %.4f" % p1)"    * rd_99p   = %.4f" % p99)"    * rd_mean  = %.4f" % mean)"    * rd_std   = %.4f" % std)

        #"Checking bimodal hypothesis...")
        # bim = fit_bimodal(bins[:-1], hist)
        # if False and bim is not None:
        #         #and bim[0][0] > 0 and bim[0][1] > 0 and bim[0][3] > 0 and bim[0][4] > 0:
        #         #and np.sum(np.sqrt(np.diag(bim[1])) / np.array(bim[0])) < 10:
        #"Fit successful:")
        #"    * a1   = %.4f" % bim[0][0])
        #"    * mean1   = %.4f" % bim[0][1])
        #"    * std1   = %.4f" % bim[0][2])
        #"    * a2   = %.4f" % bim[0][3])
        #"    * mean2   = %.4f" % bim[0][4])
        #"    * std2   = %.4f" % bim[0][5])
        #"    * mean2/mean1   = %.4f" % (bim[0][4] / bim[0][1]))
        #     if bim[0][4] / bim[0][1] > 1.75:
        #         if bim[0][4] / bim[0][1] < 2.5:
        #   "Using both peaks to estimate normal levels")
        #             fitm = (bim[0][0] * bim[0][1] + bim[0][3] * bim[0][4] / 2) / (bim[0][0] + bim[0][3])
        #             fits = (bim[0][0] * bim[0][2] + bim[0][3] * bim[0][5] / 2) / (bim[0][0] + bim[0][3])
        #         else:
        #   "Using first peak to estimate normal levels")
        #             fitm = bim[0][1]
        #             fits = bim[0][2]
        #     else:
        #"Ratio mean2/mean1 is smaller than expected. Using single peak fit values.")
        #     # plt.hist(data, bins=bins, alpha=.5, label='RD in bins with BAF=1/2', edgecolor='blue', linewidth=1)
        #     # plt.plot(np.linspace(0, rd_max, 400), bimodal(np.linspace(0, rd_max, 400), *bim[0]), color='red', lw=3,
        #     #          label='Bimodal fit')
        #     # plt.xlabel("RD")
        #     # plt.ylabel("Number of bins")
        #     # plt.legend()
        #     #
        # else:
        #"Fit was not successful. Rejecting hypothesis.")"Updating RD normal levels: mean = %.4f, stdev = %.4f !" % (fitm, fits)), fitm, fits, flags=flag_rd)"Detecting event type for %d events!" % len(gstat_event))

        points = int(1000 * (1 - min_cell_fraction))
        if points == 0:
            points = 1
        x = np.linspace(min_cell_fraction, 1, points)
        master_lh = {}
        germline_lh = {}
        for ei in range(len(gstat_rd)):
            master_lh[ei] = []
            germline_lh[ei] = []
        for cn in range(max_copy_number, -1, -1):
            for h1 in range(cn // 2 + 1):
                h2 = cn - h1
                # if h1 == 1 and h2 == 1:
                #     continue
                mrd = 1 - x + x * cn / 2
                g_mrd = cn / 2
                if cn > 0:
                    g_mbaf = 0.5 - (h1 / (h1 + h2))
                    mbaf = 0.5 - (1 - x + x * h1) / (2 - 2 * x + (h1 + h2) * x)
                    g_mbaf = 0.
                    mbaf = 0. * x
                for ei in range(len(gstat_rd)):
                    g_lh = normal(g_mrd * fitm, 1., gstat_rd[ei], gstat_error[ei]) * \
                           likelihood_of_baf(gstat_lh[ei], 0.5 + g_mbaf)
                    germline_lh[ei].append([cn, h1, h2, g_lh, 1.0])

                    slh = 0
                    max_lh = 0
                    max_x = 0
                    for mi in range(len(mrd)):
                        if not np.isnan(mbaf[mi]):
                            tmpl = normal(mrd[mi] * fitm, 1., gstat_rd[ei], gstat_error[ei]) * likelihood_of_baf(
                                0.5 + mbaf[
                            slh += tmpl
                            if tmpl > max_lh:
                                max_lh = tmpl
                                max_x = x[mi]

                    master_lh[ei].append([cn, h1, h2, slh / len(x), max_x])
                    # master_lh[ei].append([cn, h1, h2, max_lh, max_x])

        for ei in range(len(gstat_rd)):
            if event_type == "germline":
                master_lh[ei] = sorted(germline_lh[ei], key=lambda x: -x[3])
                master_lh[ei] = sorted(master_lh[ei], key=lambda x: -x[3])
                if event_type == "both":
                    germline_lh[ei] = sorted(germline_lh[ei], key=lambda x: -x[3])
                    if germline_lh[ei][0][3] > master_lh[ei][0][3]:
                        master_lh[ei] = [germline_lh[ei][0]] + \
                                            lambda x: x[0] != germline_lh[ei][0][0] and x[1] != germline_lh[ei][0][

        chrcalls = {}
        for ei in range(len(gstat_rd)):
            etype = "cnnloh"
            netype = 0
            if master_lh[ei][0][0] > 2:
                etype = "duplication"
                netype = 1
            if master_lh[ei][0][0] < 2:
                etype = "deletion"
                netype = -1
            cnv = gstat_rd[ei] / fitm;
            rd_pval = t_test_1_sample(fitm, gstat_rd[ei], gstat_error[ei], gstat_n[ei])

            pval = rd_pval * gstat_event[ei]["baf_pval"];
            lh_del = 0
            lh_loh = 0
            lh_dup = 0
            for mi in range(len(master_lh[ei])):
                if master_lh[ei][mi][0] > 2:
                    lh_dup += master_lh[ei][mi][3]
                elif master_lh[ei][mi][0] < 2:
                    lh_del += master_lh[ei][mi][3]
                    lh_loh += master_lh[ei][mi][3]

            if gstat_baf[ei] <= baf_threshold and cnv < 1.01 and cnv > 0.99:
            if master_lh[ei][0][1] == 1 and master_lh[ei][0][2] == 1:

            ret[bin_size].append([etype, gstat_event[ei]["c"], gstat_event[ei]["start"], gstat_event[ei]["end"],
                                  gstat_event[ei]["size"], cnv, pval, lh_del, lh_loh, lh_dup,
                                  gstat_event[ei]["Q0"], gstat_event[ei]["pN"], gstat_event[ei]["pNS"],
                                  gstat_event[ei]["pP"], bin_size, gstat_n[ei], gstat_baf[ei], pval,
                                  gstat_event[ei]["baf_pval"], gstat_event[ei]["hets"], gstat_event[ei]["homs"],
                                  master_lh[ei][0][0], master_lh[ei][0][1],
                                  master_lh[ei][0][2], master_lh[ei][0][3], master_lh[ei][0][4],
                                  master_lh[ei][1][0], master_lh[ei][1][1], master_lh[ei][1][2],
                                  master_lh[ei][1][3], master_lh[ei][1][4]])

            if gstat_event[ei]["c"] not in chrcalls:
                chrcalls[gstat_event[ei]["c"]] = []

                "type": netype,
                "start": gstat_event[ei]["start"],
                "end": gstat_event[ei]["end"],
                "size": gstat_event[ei]["size"],
                "cnv": cnv,
                "p_val": pval,
                "lh_del": lh_del,
                "lh_loh": lh_loh,
                "lh_dup": lh_dup,
                "Q0": gstat_event[ei]["Q0"],
                "pN": gstat_event[ei]["pN"],
                "pNS": gstat_event[ei]["pNS"],
                "pP": gstat_event[ei]["pP"],
                "bins": gstat_n[ei],
                "baf": gstat_baf[ei],
                "rd_p_val": pval,
                "baf_p_val": gstat_event[ei]["baf_pval"],
                "segment": gstat_event[ei]["segment"],
                "hets": gstat_event[ei]["hets"],
                "homs": gstat_event[ei]["homs"],
                "models": master_lh[ei][:10]

            if print_calls:
                print(("%s\t%s:%d-%d\t%d\t%.4f\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%.4f\t" +
                       "%d\t%d\t%.4f\t%e\t%e\t%d\t%d\t%d\tCN%d/CN%d\t%e\t%.4f\t%d\tCN%d/CN%d\t%e\t%.4f") % tuple(
        for c in chrcalls:
  , bin_size, "calls combined", chrcalls[c], flags=(snp_flag | flag_rd))

    return ret
def call_baf(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_mask=True, use_id=False, odec=0.9, omin=None, mcount=None, max_distance=0.1, anim='')

CNV caller based on BAF likelihood mearger


bin_sizes : list of int
List of histogram bin sizes
chroms : list of str
List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
use_mask : bool
Use P-mask filter if True. Default: False.
use_id : bool
Use ID filter if True. Default: False.
Source code
def call_baf(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_mask=True, use_id=False, odec=0.9, omin=None, mcount=None,
             max_distance=0.1, anim=""):
    """ CNV caller based on BAF likelihood mearger

    bin_sizes : list of int
        List of histogram bin sizes
    chroms : list of str
        List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
    use_mask : bool
        Use P-mask filter if True. Default: False.
    use_id : bool
        Use ID filter if True. Default: False.

    for bin_size in bin_sizes:
        if omin is None:
            overlap_min = 1e-7 * bin_size
            overlap_min = omin
        if mcount is None:
            min_count = bin_size // 10000
            min_count = mcount

        snp_flag = (FLAG_USEMASK if use_mask else 0) | (FLAG_USEID if use_id else 0)
        for c in
            if len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms and, bin_size, "SNP likelihood", snp_flag):
                #    "Caling CNV-s by merging BAF likelihood with bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                likelihood = list(, bin_size, "SNP likelihood", snp_flag).astype("float64"))
                snp_hets =, bin_size, "SNP bin count 0|1", snp_flag)
                snp_hets +=, bin_size, "SNP bin count 1|0", snp_flag)

                bins = len(likelihood)
                res = likelihood[0].size
                segments = [[i] for i in range(bins) if
                            snp_hets[i] >= min_count and np.sum(likelihood[i]) > 0.0]
                likelihood = [likelihood[i] for i in range(bins) if
                              snp_hets[i] >= min_count and np.sum(likelihood[i]) > 0.0]
                overlaps = [likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i], likelihood[i + 1]) for i in range(len(segments) - 1)]

                iter = 0
                while len(overlaps) > 0:
                    maxo = max(overlaps)
                    mino = max(maxo * odec, overlap_min)
                    if maxo < overlap_min:
                    i = 0
                    while i < len(overlaps):
                        if overlaps[i] > mino:
                            nlh = likelihood[i] * likelihood[i + 1]
                            likelihood[i] = nlh / np.sum(nlh)
                            segments[i] += segments[i + 1]
                            del likelihood[i + 1]
                            del segments[i + 1]
                            del overlaps[i]
                            if i < len(overlaps):
                                overlaps[i] = likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i], likelihood[i + 1])
                            if i > 0:
                                overlaps[i - 1] = likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i - 1], likelihood[i])
                            i = i + 1

                    iter = iter + 1
                    if anim != "":
                        anim_plot_likelihood(likelihood, segments, bins, res, iter,
                                             anim + c + "_0_" + str(bin_size), maxo, mino)

                overlaps = [[
                    likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i], likelihood[j])
                    if (segments[j][0] - segments[i][-1]) < max_distance * (
                            len(segments[i]) + len(segments[j])) and i < j
                    else 0 for j in range(len(segments))]
                    for i in range(len(segments))]

                iter = 0
                ons = -1

                while True:
                    overlaps = [likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i], likelihood[j]) for i in range(len(likelihood))
                                for j in range(i + 1, len(likelihood)) if
                                (segments[j][0] - segments[i][-1]) < max_distance * (
                                        len(segments[i]) + len(segments[j]))]
                    if len(overlaps) == 0:
                    maxo = max(overlaps)
                    mino = max(maxo * odec, overlap_min)
                    if maxo < overlap_min:
                    i, j = 0, 1
                    while i < len(segments) - 1:
                        #                            if overlaps[i][j] > mino:
                        if likelihood_overlap(likelihood[i], likelihood[j]) > mino and (
                                segments[j][0] - segments[i][-1]) < max_distance * (
                                len(segments[i]) + len(segments[j])):
                            nlh = likelihood[i] * likelihood[j]
                            likelihood[i] = nlh / np.sum(nlh)
                            segments[i] += segments[j]
                            segments[i] = sorted(segments[i])
                            del likelihood[j]
                            del segments[j]

                            if j >= len(segments):
                                i += 1
                                j = i + 1
                            j += 1
                            if j >= len(segments):
                                i += 1
                                j = i + 1
                    iter = iter + 1
                    if anim != "":
                        anim_plot_likelihood(likelihood, segments, bins, res, iter,
                                             anim + c + "_1_" + str(bin_size), maxo, mino)

                    if ons == len(segments):
                    ons = len(segments)

                for i in range(len(segments)):
                    i1, i2 = likelihood_baf_pval(likelihood[i])

                    print(c + ":" + str(segments[i][0] * bin_size + 1) + "-" + str(
                        segments[i][-1] * bin_size + bin_size),
                          (segments[i][-1] - segments[i][0] + 1) * bin_size, bin_size, len(segments[i]),
                          i1, i2)

      , bin_size, "SNP likelihood segments",
                                      data=segments_code(segments), flags=snp_flag)
      , bin_size, "SNP likelihood call",
                                      data=np.array(likelihood, dtype="float32"), flags=snp_flag)
def call_mosaic(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_gc_corr=True, use_mask=False, omin=None, max_distance=0.3, anim='')

CNV caller based on likelihood merger.


bin_sizes : list of int
List of histogram bin sizes
chroms : list of str
List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
use_gc_corr : bool
Use GC corrected signal if True. Default: True.
use_mask : bool
Use P-mask filter if True. Default: False.
Source code
def call_mosaic(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_gc_corr=True, use_mask=False, omin=None,
                max_distance=0.3, anim=""):
    CNV caller based on likelihood merger.

    bin_sizes : list of int
        List of histogram bin sizes
    chroms : list of str
        List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
    use_gc_corr : bool
        Use GC corrected signal if True. Default: True.
    use_mask : bool
        Use P-mask filter if True. Default: False.

    rd_gc_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_gc.gc_chromosomes():
        rd_name =
        if not rd_name is None:
            rd_gc_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

    rd_mask_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
        rd_name =
        if not rd_name is None:
            rd_mask_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

    for bin_size in bin_sizes:
        if omin is None:
            overlap_min = 0.05 * bin_size / 3e9
            overlap_min = omin

        for c in
            if (c in rd_gc_chromosomes or not use_gc_corr) and (c in rd_mask_chromosomes or not use_mask) and (
                    len(chroms) == 0 or (c in chroms)):
                flag_stat = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                flag_auto = FLAG_AUTO
                if use_gc_corr:
                    flag_stat |= FLAG_GC_CORR
                    flag_auto |= FLAG_GC_CORR
                flag_rd = (FLAG_GC_CORR if use_gc_corr else 0) | (FLAG_USEMASK if use_mask else 0)
                if, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat) and \
              , bin_size, "RD", flag_rd):
          "Calculating mosaic calls using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                    stat =, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat)
                    mean = stat[4]
                    std = stat[5]
                    rd =, bin_size, "RD", flag_rd)
                    bins = len(rd)
                    valid = np.isfinite(rd)
                    level = rd[valid]
                    error = np.sqrt(level) ** 2 + std ** 2
                    loc_fl = np.min(list(zip(np.abs(np.diff(level))[:-1], np.abs(np.diff(level))[1:])), axis=1)
                    loc_fl = np.concatenate(([0], loc_fl, [0]))
                    error += (loc_fl / 2) ** 2
                    error = np.sqrt(error)
                    level = list(level)
                    error = list(error)
                    segments = [[i] for i in range(bins) if np.isfinite(rd[i])]
                    overlaps = [normal_overlap(level[i], error[i], level[i + 1], error[i + 1]) for i in
                                range(len(segments) - 1)]

                    iter = 0
                    if anim != "":
                        anim_plot_rd(level, error, segments, bins, iter, anim + c + "_0_" + str(bin_size), 0,
                                     0, mean)

                    while len(overlaps) > 0:
                        maxo = max(overlaps)
                        if maxo < overlap_min:
                        i = overlaps.index(maxo)
                        nl, ne = normal_merge(level[i], error[i], level[i + 1], error[i + 1])
                        level[i] = nl
                        error[i] = ne
                        segments[i] += segments[i + 1]
                        del level[i + 1]
                        del error[i + 1]
                        del segments[i + 1]
                        del overlaps[i]
                        if i < len(overlaps):
                            overlaps[i] = normal_overlap(level[i], error[i], level[i + 1], error[i + 1])
                        if i > 0:
                            overlaps[i - 1] = normal_overlap(level[i - 1], error[i - 1], level[i], error[i])
                        iter = iter + 1
                        if anim != "" and (iter % 100) == 0:
                            anim_plot_rd(level, error, segments, bins, iter, anim + c + "_0_" + str(bin_size), maxo,
                                         mino, mean)

                    iter = 0
                    ons = -1

          "Second stage. Number of segments: %d." % len(level))

                    while True:
                        overlaps = [normal_overlap(level[i], error[i], level[j], error[j]) for i in
                                    range(len(level)) for j in range(i + 1, len(level)) if
                                    (segments[j][0] - segments[i][-1]) < max_distance * (
                                            len(segments[i]) + len(segments[j]))]
                        if len(overlaps) == 0:

                        maxo = max(overlaps)
                        if maxo < overlap_min:
                        i, j = 0, 1
                        while i < len(segments) - 1:

                            if (segments[j][0] - segments[i][-1]) < max_distance * (
                                    len(segments[i]) + len(segments[j])) and normal_overlap(level[i], error[i],
                                                                                            error[j]) == maxo:
                                nl, ne = normal_merge(level[i], error[i], level[j], error[j])
                                level[i] = nl
                                error[i] = ne
                                segments[i] += segments[j]
                                segments[i] = sorted(segments[i])
                                del level[j]
                                del error[j]
                                del segments[j]

                                if j >= len(segments):
                                    i += 1
                                    j = i + 1
                                j += 1
                                if j >= len(segments):
                                    i += 1
                                    j = i + 1
                        iter = iter + 1
                        if anim != "" and (iter % 100) == 0:
                            anim_plot_rd(level, error, segments, bins, iter, anim + c + "_1_" + str(bin_size), maxo,
                                         mino, mean)
              "Iteration: %d. Number of segments: %d." % (iter, len(level)))
                        if ons == len(segments):
                        ons = len(segments)

                    for i in range(len(segments)):
                        i1 = level[i] / mean
                        i2 = t_test_1_sample(mean, level[i], error[i], len(segments[i]))
                        if i2 is not None and i2 < (0.05 * bin_size / 3e9) and abs(i1 - 1.) > 0.01:
                            print(c + ":" + str(segments[i][0] * bin_size + 1) + "-" + str(
                                segments[i][-1] * bin_size + bin_size),
                                  (segments[i][-1] - segments[i][0] + 1) * bin_size, bin_size, len(segments[i]),
                                  i1, i2)

          , bin_size, "RD mosaic segments",
                                          data=segments_code(segments), flags=flag_rd)
          , bin_size, "RD mosaic call",
                                          data=np.array([level, error], dtype="float32"), flags=flag_rd)
def copy_gc(self, filename, chroms=[])

Copy GC content from another cnvnator file


  • cnvnator filename
  • list of chromosome names
Source code
def copy_gc(self, filename, chroms=[]):
    """ Copy GC content from another cnvnator file
                * cnvnator filename
                * list of chromosome names
    io_src = IO(filename)
    chr_rdn = []
    for c in io_src.chromosomes_with_signal(None, "GC/AT"):
        rd_name =
        if len(chroms) == 0 or (rd_name in chroms) or (c in chroms):
            if rd_name is None:
                _logger.debug("Not found RD signal for chromosome '%s'. Skipping..." % c)
                _logger.debug("Found RD signal for chromosome '%s' with name '%s'." % (c, rd_name))
                chr_rdn.append((c, rd_name))
    count = 0
    for c, rdn in chr_rdn:
            "Copying GC data for chromosome '%s' from file '%s' in file '%s'." % (c, filename,, None, "GC/AT", io_src.get_signal(c, None, "GC/AT").astype(dtype="uint8"))
    return count
def copy_mask(self, filename, chroms=[])

Copy strict mask data from another cnvnator file


  • cnvnator filename
  • list of chromosome names
Source code
def copy_mask(self, filename, chroms=[]):
    """ Copy strict mask data from another cnvnator file
                * cnvnator filename
                * list of chromosome names
    io_src = IO(filename)
    chr_rdn = []
    for c in io_src.chromosomes_with_signal(None, "mask"):
        rd_name =
        snp_name = self.snp_chromosome_name(c)
        if len(chroms) == 0 or (rd_name in chroms) or (snp_name in chroms) or (c in chroms):
            if (rd_name is None) and (snp_name is None):
                _logger.debug("Not found RD or SNP signal for chromosome '%s'. Skipping..." % c)
            elif (rd_name is None):
                _logger.debug("Found SNP signal for chromosome '%s' with name '%s'." % (c, snp_name))
                chr_rdn.append((c, snp_name))
                _logger.debug("Found RD signal for chromosome '%s' with name '%s'." % (c, rd_name))
                chr_rdn.append((c, rd_name))
    count = 0
    for c, rdn in chr_rdn:
            "Copying strict mask data for chromosome '%s' from file '%s' in file '%s'." % (
                c, filename,, None, "mask", io_src.get_signal(c, None, "mask").astype(dtype="uint32"))
    return count
def gc(self, filename, chroms=[], make_gc_genome_file=False)

Read GC content from reference fasta file and store in .cnvnator file


  • FASTA filename
  • list of chromosome names
Source code
def gc(self, filename, chroms=[], make_gc_genome_file=False):
    """ Read GC content from reference fasta file and store in .cnvnator file
                * FASTA filename
                * list of chromosome names
    fasta = Fasta(filename)
    chrname, chrlen = fasta.get_chr_len()
    chr_len_rdn = []
    if make_gc_genome_file:
        _logger.debug("GC data for all reference genome contigs will be read and stored in cnvnator file.")
        for (c, l) in zip(chrname, chrlen):
            chr_len_rdn.append((c, l, c))
        for (c, l) in zip(chrname, chrlen):
            rd_name =
            if len(chroms) == 0 or (rd_name in chroms) or (c in chroms):
                if rd_name is None:
                    _logger.debug("Not found RD signal for chromosome '%s'. Skipping..." % c)
                    _logger.debug("Found RD signal for chromosome '%s' with name '%s'." % (c, rd_name))
                    chr_len_rdn.append((c, l, rd_name))
    count = 0
    for c, l, rdn in chr_len_rdn:"Reading data for chromosome '%s' with length %d" % (c, l))
        gc, at = fasta.read_chromosome_gc(c)
        if not gc is None:
  , None, "GC/AT", gc_at_compress(gc, at))
            count += 1
  "GC data for chromosome '%s' saved in file '%s'." % (rdn,
    if count > 0:"Running RD statistics on chromosomes with imported GC data.")
    return count
def ls(self)

Print to stdout content of cnvpytor file.

Source code
def ls(self):
    """ Print to stdout content of cnvpytor file.

def mask(self, filename, chroms=[], make_mask_genome_file=False)

Read strict mask fasta file and store in .cnvnator file


  • FASTA filename
  • list of chromosome names
Source code
def mask(self, filename, chroms=[], make_mask_genome_file=False):
    """ Read strict mask fasta file and store in .cnvnator file
                * FASTA filename
                * list of chromosome names
    fasta = Fasta(filename)
    chrname, chrlen = fasta.get_chr_len()
    chr_len_rdn = []
    if make_mask_genome_file:
        _logger.debug("Strict mask data for all reference genome contigs will be read and stored in cnvnator file.")
        for (c, l) in zip(chrname, chrlen):
            chr_len_rdn.append((c, l, c))
        for (c, l) in zip(chrname, chrlen):
            rd_name =
            snp_name =
            if len(chroms) == 0 or (rd_name in chroms) or (snp_name in chroms) or (c in chroms):
                if (rd_name is None) and (snp_name is None):
                    _logger.debug("Not found RD or SNP signal for chromosome '%s'. Skipping..." % c)
                elif (rd_name is None):
                    _logger.debug("Found SNP signal for chromosome '%s' with name '%s'." % (c, snp_name))
                    chr_len_rdn.append((c, l, snp_name))
                    _logger.debug("Found RD signal for chromosome '%s' with name '%s'." % (c, rd_name))
                    chr_len_rdn.append((c, l, rd_name))
    count = 0
    for c, l, rdn in chr_len_rdn:"Reading data for chromosome '%s' with length %d" % (c, l))
        mask = fasta.read_chromosome_mask_p_regions(c)
        if not mask is None:
  , None, "mask", mask_compress(mask))
            count += 1
  "Strict mask data for chromosome '%s' saved in file '%s'." % (rdn,
    return count
def mask_snps(self, callset=None)

Flags SNPs in P-region (sets second bit of the flag to 1 for SNP inside P region, or to 0 otherwise). Requires imported mask data or recognized reference genome with mask data.


callset : str or None
It will assume SNP data if None. Otherwise it will assume SNV data stored under the name provided by callset variable.
Source code
def mask_snps(self, callset=None):
    """ Flags SNPs in P-region (sets second bit of the flag to 1 for SNP inside P region, or to 0 otherwise).
    Requires imported mask data or recognized reference genome with mask data.

    callset : str or None
        It will assume SNP data if None. Otherwise it will assume SNV data
        stored under the name provided by callset variable.

    snp_mask_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
        snp_name =
        if snp_name is not None:
            snp_mask_chromosomes[snp_name] = c

    for c in
        if c in snp_mask_chromosomes:
  "Masking SNP data for chromosome '%s'." % c)
            pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual =, callset=callset)
            mask = mask_decompress(self.io_mask.get_signal(snp_mask_chromosomes[c], None, "mask"))
            mask_ix = 0
            for snp_ix in range(len(pos)):
                while mask_ix < len(mask) and mask[mask_ix][1] < pos[snp_ix]:
                    mask_ix += 1
                if mask_ix < len(mask) and mask[mask_ix][0] < pos[snp_ix] and pos[snp_ix] < (
                        mask[mask_ix][1] + 1):
                    flag[snp_ix] = flag[snp_ix] | 2
                    flag[snp_ix] = flag[snp_ix] & 1
            if len(pos) > 0:
      , pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual, update=True, callset=callset)
def partition(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_gc_corr=True, use_mask=False, repeats=3, genome_size=2900000000.0)

Calculates segmentation of RD signal.


bin_sizes : list of int
List of histogram bin sizes
chroms : list of str
List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
use_gc_corr : bool
Use GC corrected signal if True. Default: True.
use_mask : bool
Use P-mask filter if True. Default: False.
Source code
def partition(self, bin_sizes, chroms=[], use_gc_corr=True, use_mask=False, repeats=3, genome_size=2.9e9):
    Calculates segmentation of RD signal.

    bin_sizes : list of int
        List of histogram bin sizes
    chroms : list of str
        List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
    use_gc_corr : bool
        Use GC corrected signal if True. Default: True.
    use_mask : bool
        Use P-mask filter if True. Default: False.

    bin_bands = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128]

    rd_gc_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_gc.gc_chromosomes():
        rd_name =
        if not rd_name is None:
            rd_gc_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

    rd_mask_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
        rd_name =
        if not rd_name is None:
            rd_mask_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

    for bin_size in bin_sizes:
        for c in
            if (c in rd_gc_chromosomes or not use_gc_corr) and (c in rd_mask_chromosomes or not use_mask) and (
                    len(chroms) == 0 or (c in chroms)):
                flag_stat = FLAG_MT if Genome.is_mt_chrom(c) else FLAG_SEX if Genome.is_sex_chrom(c) else FLAG_AUTO
                if use_gc_corr:
                    flag_stat |= FLAG_GC_CORR
                flag_rd = (FLAG_GC_CORR if use_gc_corr else 0) | (FLAG_USEMASK if use_mask else 0)
                if, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat) and, bin_size,
          "Calculating partition using bin size %d for chromosome '%s'." % (bin_size, c))
                    stat =, bin_size, "RD stat", flag_stat)
                    mean = stat[4]
                    std = stat[5]
                    rd =, bin_size, "RD", flag_rd)
                    rd = np.nan_to_num(rd)
                    masked = np.zeros_like(rd, dtype=bool)
                    levels = np.copy(rd)

                    for bin_band in bin_bands:
                        _logger.debug("Bin band is %d." % bin_band)
                        levels[np.logical_not(masked)] = rd[np.logical_not(masked)]
                        nm_levels = levels[np.logical_not(masked)]
                        mask_borders = [0]
                        count = 0
                        for i in range(len(masked)):
                            if masked[i]:
                                if count > 0:
                                    mask_borders.append(mask_borders[-1] + count - 1)
                                    count = 0
                                count += 1
                        mask_borders = mask_borders[1:]

                        kk = np.arange(3 * bin_band + 1)
                        exp_kk = kk * np.exp(-0.5 * kk ** 2 / bin_band ** 2)
                        for step in range(repeats):

                            isig = np.ones_like(nm_levels) * 4. / std ** 2
                            isig[nm_levels >= (mean / 4)] = mean / std ** 2 / nm_levels[nm_levels >= (mean / 4)]

                            def calc_grad(k):
                                if k < len(nm_levels):
                                    t1 = np.concatenate((
                                        np.exp(-0.5 * (nm_levels - np.roll(nm_levels, -k)) ** 2 * isig)[:-k],
                                        [0] * k))
                                    t2 = np.concatenate(([0] * k,
                                                         np.exp(-0.5 * (nm_levels - np.roll(nm_levels,
                                                                                            k)) ** 2 * isig)[k:]))
                                    return exp_kk[k] * (t1 - t2)
                                    return np.zeros_like(nm_levels)

                            grad = np.sum([calc_grad(k) for k in range(1, 3 * bin_band + 1)], axis=0)

                            border = [i for i in range(grad.size - 1) if grad[i] < 0 and grad[i + 1] >= 0]
                            border.append(grad.size - 1)
                            border = sorted(list(set(border + mask_borders)))
                            # border = sorted(list(set([0]+border+[len(nm_levels)-1])))
                            pb = 0
                            for b in border:
                                nm_levels[pb:b + 1] = np.mean(nm_levels[pb:b + 1])
                                pb = b + 1

                        levels[np.logical_not(masked)] = nm_levels
                        border = [0] + list(np.argwhere(np.abs(np.diff(levels)) > 0.01)[:, 0] + 1) + [levels.size]
                        masked = np.zeros_like(rd, dtype=bool)

                        for i in range(1, len(border)):
                            seg = [border[i - 1], border[i]]
                            seg_left = [border[i - 1], border[i - 1]]
                            if i > 1:
                                seg_left[0] = border[i - 2]
                            seg_right = [border[i], border[i]]
                            if i < (len(border) - 1):
                                seg_right[1] = border[i + 1]
                            n = seg[1] - seg[0]
                            n_left = seg_left[1] - seg_left[0]
                            n_right = seg_right[1] - seg_right[0]
                            if n <= 1:
                            seg_mean = np.mean(levels[seg[0]:seg[1]])
                            seg_std = np.std(levels[seg[0]:seg[1]])
                            if (n_right <= 15) or (n_left <= 15) or (n <= 15):
                                ns = 1.8 * np.sqrt(levels[seg_left[0]] / mean) * std
                                if np.abs(levels[seg_left[0]] - levels[seg[0]]) < ns:
                                ns = 1.8 * np.sqrt(levels[seg_right[0]] / mean) * std
                                if np.abs(levels[seg_right[0]] - levels[seg[0]]) < ns:
                                seg_left_mean = np.mean(levels[seg_left[0]:seg_left[1]])
                                seg_left_std = np.std(levels[seg_left[0]:seg_left[1]])
                                seg_right_mean = np.mean(levels[seg_right[0]:seg_right[1]])
                                seg_right_std = np.std(levels[seg_right[0]:seg_right[1]])
                                if t_test_2_samples(seg_mean, seg_std, n, seg_left_mean, seg_left_std, n_left) > (
                                        0.01 / genome_size * bin_size * (n + n_left)):
                                if t_test_2_samples(seg_mean, seg_std, n, seg_right_mean, seg_right_std,
                                                    n_right) > (
                                        0.01 / genome_size * bin_size * (n + n_right)):
                            if t_test_1_sample(mean, seg_mean, seg_std, n) > 0.05:
                            masked[seg[0]:seg[1]] = True
                            levels[seg[0]:seg[1]] = np.mean(rd[seg[0]:seg[1]])

          , bin_size, "RD partition", levels, flags=flag_rd)
def pileup(self, bamfiles, chroms=[], reference_filename=False)

Read bam/sam/cram file(s) and pile up SNP counts at positions imported with vcf(vcf_files, …) method


bamfiles : list of str
Bam files.
chroms : list of str
List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
reference_filename : str
Only for CRAM files - reference genome filename
Source code
def pileup(self, bamfiles, chroms=[], reference_filename=False):
    Read bam/sam/cram file(s) and pile up SNP counts at positions imported with vcf(vcf_files, ...) method

    bamfiles : list of str
        Bam files.
    chroms : list of str
        List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
    reference_filename : str
        Only for CRAM files - reference genome filename
    chrs = [c for c in if (len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms)]

    pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
    for c in chrs:"Decompressing and setting all SNP counts to zero for chromosome '%s'." % c)
        pos[c], ref[c], alt[c], nref[c], nalt[c], gt[c], flag[c], qual[c] =
        nref[c] = [0] * len(nref[c])
        nalt[c] = [0] * len(nalt[c])
    for bf in bamfiles:
        self._pileup_bam(bf, chrs, pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, reference_filename=reference_filename)

    for c in chrs:"Saving SNP data for chromosome '%s' in file '%s'." % (c,, pos[c], ref[c], alt[c], nref[c], nalt[c], gt[c], flag[c], qual[c])
def rd(self, bamfiles, chroms=[], reference_filename=False, overwrite=False)

Read chromosomes from bam/sam/cram file(s) and store in cnvpytor file.


bamfiles : list of str
List of bam/sam/cram files
chroms : list of str
List of chromosomes. Import all available if empty.
reference_filename : str
Only for CRAM files - reference genome filename
Source code
def rd(self, bamfiles, chroms=[], reference_filename=False, overwrite=False):
    """ Read chromosomes from bam/sam/cram file(s) and store in cnvpytor file.

    bamfiles : list of str
        List of bam/sam/cram files
    chroms : list of str
        List of chromosomes. Import all available if empty.
    reference_filename : str
        Only for CRAM files - reference genome filename

    for bf in bamfiles:
        self._read_bam(bf, chroms, reference_filename=reference_filename, overwrite=overwrite)"BAM", bf)

    if, None, "reference genome"):
        rg_name = np.array(, None, "reference genome")).astype("str")[0]
        if "mask_file" in Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name]:
  "Strict mask for reference genome '%s' found in database." % rg_name)
            self.io_mask = IO(Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name]["mask_file"])
        if "gc_file" in Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name]:
  "GC content for reference genome '%s' found in database." % rg_name)
            self.io_gc = IO(Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name]["gc_file"])
def rd_from_snp(self, chroms=[], use_mask=True, use_id=False, callset=None, s_bin_size=10000)

Create RD signal from already imported SNP signal


chroms : list of str
List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
use_mask : bool
Use P-mask filter if True. Default: True.
use_id : bool
Use id flag filter if True. Default: False.
callset : str or None
It will assume SNP data if None. Otherwise it will assume SNV data stored under the name provided by callset variable.


Source code
def rd_from_snp(self, chroms=[], use_mask=True, use_id=False, callset=None, s_bin_size=10000):
    """ Create RD signal from already imported SNP signal

    chroms : list of str
        List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
    use_mask : bool
        Use P-mask filter if True. Default: True.
    use_id : bool
        Use id flag filter if True. Default: False.
    callset : str or None
        It will assume SNP data if None. Otherwise it will assume SNV data
        stored under the name provided by callset variable.



    chromosomes = [c for c in if (len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms)]

    snp_mask_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_mask.mask_chromosomes():
        snp_name =
        if snp_name is not None:
            snp_mask_chromosomes[snp_name] = c

    for c in chromosomes:"Calculating RD signal for chromosome '%s' using SNP counts." % c)
        pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual =, callset=callset)
        n = // 100 + 1
        rd = np.zeros(n)
        ncg = // s_bin_size + 1
        rdcg = np.zeros(ncg)
        rdc = np.zeros(ncg)
        for p, c1, c2, f in zip(pos, nref, nalt, flag):
            if (c1 + c2) > 0 and (not use_id or (f & 1)) and (not use_mask or (f & 2)):
                rdcg[(p - 1) // s_bin_size] += c1 + c2
                rdc[(p - 1) // s_bin_size] += 1
        np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
        rdcg = rdcg / rdc
        for i in range(n):
            rd[i] = rdcg[i * 100 // s_bin_size], rd, rd)
def rd_from_vcf(self, vcf_file, chroms=[], sample='', ad_tag='AD', dp_tag='DP', use_index=False)

Read RD from variant file(s) and store in .cnvpytor file


vcf_file : str
Variant filename
chroms : list of str
List of chromosomes. Imports all available if empty.
sample : str
Name of the sample. It will read first sample if empty string is provided.
ad_tag : str
AD tag (default 'AD')
dp_tag : str
DP tag (default 'DP')
use_index : bool
Use index file for vcf parsing. Default is False.
Source code
def rd_from_vcf(self, vcf_file, chroms=[], sample='', ad_tag="AD", dp_tag="DP", use_index=False):
    Read RD from variant file(s) and store in .cnvpytor file

    vcf_file : str
        Variant filename
    chroms : list of str
        List of chromosomes. Imports all available if empty.
    sample : str
        Name of the sample. It will read first sample if empty string is provided.
    ad_tag : str
        AD tag (default 'AD')
    dp_tag : str
        DP tag (default 'DP')
    use_index : bool
        Use index file for vcf parsing. Default is False.

    vcff = Vcf(vcf_file)
    chrs = [c for c in vcff.get_chromosomes() if len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms]

    def save_data(chr, rd_p, rd_u):
        if (len(chroms) == 0 or chr in chroms) and (not rd_p is None) and (len(rd_p) > 0):
  , rd_p, rd_u, chromosome_length=vcff.lengths[chr])
        # TODO: Stop reading if all from chroms list are already read.

    if use_index:
        count = 0
        for c in chrs:
  "Reading variant data for chromosome %s" % c)

            rd_p, rd_u = vcff.read_chromosome_rd(c, sample, ad_tag=ad_tag, dp_tag=dp_tag)
            if not rd_p is None and len(rd_p) > 0:
      , rd_p, rd_u, chromosome_length=vcff.lengths[chr])
                count += 1"RD from VCF", vcf_file)
        return count
        count = vcff.read_all_rd(save_data, sample, ad_tag=ad_tag, dp_tag=dp_tag)"RD from VCF", vcf_file)
        return count
def rd_stat(self, chroms=[])

Calculate RD statistics for 100 bp bins.


chroms : list of str
List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.
Source code
def rd_stat(self, chroms=[]):
    """ Calculate RD statistics for 100 bp bins.

    chroms : list of str
        List of chromosomes. Calculates for all available if empty.

    rd_stat = []
    auto, sex, mt = False, False, False

    rd_gc_chromosomes = {}
    for c in self.io_gc.gc_chromosomes():
        rd_name =
        if not rd_name is None:
            rd_gc_chromosomes[rd_name] = c

    for c in rd_gc_chromosomes:
        if (len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms):
            rd_p, rd_u =
            max_bin = max(int(10 * np.mean(rd_u) + 1), int(10 * np.mean(rd_p) + 1))
            dist_p, bins = np.histogram(rd_p, bins=range(max_bin + 1))
            dist_u, bins = np.histogram(rd_u, bins=range(max_bin + 1))
            n_p, m_p, s_p = fit_normal(bins[1:-1], dist_p[1:])[0]
            n_u, m_u, s_u = fit_normal(bins[1:-1], dist_u[1:])[0]
                "Chromosome '%s' stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (c, m_p, s_p))
                "Chromosome '%s' stat - RD unique distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (c, m_u, s_u))
            rd_stat.append((c, m_p, s_p, m_u, s_u))
            auto = auto or Genome.is_autosome(c)
            sex = sex or Genome.is_sex_chrom(c)
            mt = mt or Genome.is_mt_chrom(c)

    if auto:
        max_bin_auto = int(
            max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_autosome(x[0]), rd_stat))))
        _logger.debug("Max RD for autosomes calculated: %d" % max_bin_auto)
        dist_p_auto = np.zeros(max_bin_auto)
        dist_u_auto = np.zeros(max_bin_auto)
        dist_p_gc_auto = np.zeros((max_bin_auto, 101))
        bins_auto = range(max_bin_auto + 1)
    if sex:
        max_bin_sex = int(
            max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_sex_chrom(x[0]), rd_stat))))
        _logger.debug("Max RD for sex chromosomes calculated: %d" % max_bin_sex)
        dist_p_sex = np.zeros(max_bin_sex)
        dist_u_sex = np.zeros(max_bin_sex)
        dist_p_gc_sex = np.zeros((max_bin_sex, 101))
        bins_sex = range(max_bin_sex + 1)

    if mt:
        max_bin_mt = int(
            max(map(lambda x: 5 * x[1] + 5 * x[2], filter(lambda x: Genome.is_mt_chrom(x[0]), rd_stat))))
        _logger.debug("Max RD for mitochondria calculated: %d" % max_bin_mt)
        if max_bin_mt < 100:
            max_bin_mt = 100
        bin_size_mt = max_bin_mt // 100
        bins_mt = range(0, max_bin_mt // bin_size_mt * bin_size_mt + bin_size_mt, bin_size_mt)
        n_bins_mt = len(bins_mt) - 1
        _logger.debug("Using %d bin size, %d bins for mitochondria chromosome." % (bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt))
        dist_p_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
        dist_u_mt = np.zeros(n_bins_mt)
        dist_p_gc_mt = np.zeros((n_bins_mt, 101))

    for c in rd_gc_chromosomes:
        if len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms:
  "Chromosome '%s' stat " % c)
            rd_p, rd_u =
            if Genome.is_autosome(c):
                dist_p, bins = np.histogram(rd_p, bins=bins_auto)
                dist_u, bins = np.histogram(rd_u, bins=bins_auto)
                gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                gcp = gcp_decompress(gcat)
                dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(rd_p, gcp, bins=(bins_auto, range(102)))
                dist_p_auto += dist_p
                dist_u_auto += dist_u
                dist_p_gc_auto += dist_p_gc
            elif Genome.is_sex_chrom(c):
                dist_p, bins = np.histogram(rd_p, bins=bins_sex)
                dist_u, bins = np.histogram(rd_u, bins=bins_sex)
                gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                gcp = gcp_decompress(gcat)
                dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(rd_p, gcp, bins=(bins_sex, range(102)))
                dist_p_sex += dist_p
                dist_u_sex += dist_u
                dist_p_gc_sex += dist_p_gc
            elif Genome.is_mt_chrom(c):
                dist_p, bins = np.histogram(rd_p, bins=bins_mt)
                dist_u, bins = np.histogram(rd_u, bins=bins_mt)
                gcat = self.io_gc.get_signal(rd_gc_chromosomes[c], None, "GC/AT")
                gcp = gcp_decompress(gcat)
                dist_p_gc, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(rd_p, gcp, bins=(bins_mt, range(102)))
                dist_p_mt += dist_p
                dist_u_mt += dist_u
                dist_p_gc_mt += dist_p_gc

    if auto:
        n_auto, m_auto, s_auto = fit_normal(np.array(bins_auto[1:-1]), dist_p_auto[1:])[0]"Autosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_auto, s_auto))
        stat_auto = np.array([max_bin_auto, 1, max_bin_auto, n_auto, m_auto, s_auto]), 100, "RD p dist", dist_p_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO), 100, "RD u dist", dist_u_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO), 100, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO), 100, "RD stat", stat_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)
        gc_corr_auto = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_auto, m_auto, s_auto), 100, "GC corr", gc_corr_auto, flags=FLAG_AUTO)

    if sex:
        n_sex, m_sex, s_sex = fit_normal(np.array(bins_sex[1:-1]), dist_p_sex[1:])[0]"Sex chromosomes stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_sex, s_sex))
        stat_sex = np.array([max_bin_sex, 1, max_bin_sex, n_sex, m_sex, s_sex]), 100, "RD p dist", dist_p_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX), 100, "RD u dist", dist_u_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX), 100, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX), 100, "RD stat", stat_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)
        gc_corr_sex = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_sex, m_sex, s_sex), 100, "GC corr", gc_corr_sex, flags=FLAG_SEX)

    if mt:
        n_mt, m_mt, s_mt = fit_normal(np.array(bins_mt[1:-1]), dist_p_mt[1:])[0]"Mitochondria stat - RD parity distribution gaussian fit:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (m_mt, s_mt))
        if auto:
  "Mitochondria stat - number of mitochondria per cell:  %.2f +- %.2f" % (
                2. * m_mt / m_auto, 2. * s_mt / m_auto + s_auto * m_mt / (m_auto * m_auto)))
        stat_mt = np.array([max_bin_mt, bin_size_mt, n_bins_mt, n_mt, m_mt, s_mt]), 100, "RD p dist", dist_p_mt, flags=FLAG_MT), 100, "RD u dist", dist_u_mt, flags=FLAG_MT), 100, "RD GC dist", dist_p_gc_mt, flags=FLAG_MT), 100, "RD stat", stat_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
        gc_corr_mt = calculate_gc_correction(dist_p_gc_mt, m_mt, s_mt, bin_size_mt), 100, "GC corr", gc_corr_mt, flags=FLAG_MT)
def set_reference_genome(self, rg)

Manually sets reference genome.


rg : str
Name of reference genome


True if genome exists in database
Source code
def set_reference_genome(self, rg):
    """ Manually sets reference genome.

    rg: str
        Name of reference genome

        True if genome exists in database

    if rg in Genome.reference_genomes:"Reference genome '%s' found in database." % rg), None, "reference genome", np.array([np.string_(rg)])), None, "use reference", np.array([1, 1]).astype("uint8"))
        if "mask_file" in Genome.reference_genomes[rg]:
  "Strict mask for reference genome '%s' found in database." % rg)
        if "gc_file" in Genome.reference_genomes[rg]:
  "GC content for reference genome '%s' found in database." % rg)
        _logger.warning("Reference genome '%s' not found in database." % rg)
def variant_id(self, vcf_file, chroms, callset=None)
Source code
def variant_id(self, vcf_file, chroms, callset=None):
    vcff = Vcf(vcf_file)
    chrs = [c for c in vcff.get_chromosomes() if len(chroms) == 0 or c in chroms]

    def set_id_flag(chr, id_pos, id_ref, id_alt):
        snp_chr_name =
        if snp_chr_name is not None:
            pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual =, callset=callset)
            id_ix = 0
            f0 = 0
            f1 = 0
            for snp_ix in range(len(pos)):
                while id_ix < len(id_pos) and id_pos[id_ix] < pos[snp_ix]:
                    id_ix += 1
                if id_ix < len(id_pos):
                    if id_pos[id_ix] == pos[snp_ix] and id_ref[id_ix] == ref[snp_ix] and id_alt[id_ix] == alt[
                        flag[snp_ix] = flag[snp_ix] | 1
                        f1 += 1
                        flag[snp_ix] = flag[snp_ix] & 2
                        f0 += 1
  "%d of %d variants found in '%s'." % (f1, f0 + f1, vcf_file))
            if len(pos) > 0:
      , pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual, update=True,

    return vcff.read_all_snp_positions(set_id_flag)
def vcf(self, vcf_files, chroms=[], sample='', no_counts=False, ad_tag='AD', gt_tag='GT', filter=True, callset=None, use_index=True)

Read SNP data from variant file(s) and store in .cnvpytor file


vcf_files : list of str
List of variant filenames.
chroms : list of str
List of chromosomes. Import all available if empty.
sample : str
Name of the sample. It will read first sample if empty string is provided.
no_counts : bool
Do not read AD counts if true.
ad_tag : str
AD tag (default 'AD').
gt_tag : str
GT tag (default 'GT').
filter : bool
If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all
callset : str or None
It will assume SNP data if None. Otherwise it will assume SNV data and store under the name provided by callset variable.
use_index : bool
Use index file for vcf parsing. Default is False.
Source code
def vcf(self, vcf_files, chroms=[], sample='', no_counts=False, ad_tag="AD", gt_tag="GT", filter=True,
        callset=None, use_index=True):
    """ Read SNP data from variant file(s) and store in .cnvpytor file

    vcf_files : list of str
        List of variant filenames.
    chroms : list of str
        List of chromosomes. Import all available if empty.
    sample : str
        Name of the sample. It will read first sample if empty string is provided.
    no_counts : bool
        Do not read AD counts if true.
    ad_tag : str
        AD tag (default 'AD').
    gt_tag : str
        GT tag (default 'GT').
    filter : bool
        If True it will read only variants with PASS filter, otherwise all
    callset : str or None
        It will assume SNP data if None. Otherwise it will assume SNV data and
        store under the name provided by callset variable.
    use_index : bool
        Use index file for vcf parsing. Default is False.

    for vcf_file in vcf_files:
        self._read_vcf(vcf_file, chroms, sample, no_counts=no_counts, ad_tag=ad_tag, gt_tag=gt_tag, filter=filter,
                       callset=callset, use_index=use_index)"VCF", vcf_file)