
class IO: Reading/writing CNVpytor files (extension .pytor) using h5py library.

Source code

class IO: Reading/writing CNVpytor files (extension .pytor) using h5py library.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
from .genome import Genome
from .utils import *
from .version import __version__
import datetime
import logging
import os.path
import io
import numpy as np
import h5py
import re

_logger = logging.getLogger("")

FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001
FLAG_SEX = 0x0002
FLAG_MT = 0x0004
FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020
FLAG_USEID = 0x0200
FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400

class Signals(object):
    signals = {
        "RD p": "%(chr)s_rd_p",
        "RD u": "%(chr)s_rd_u",
        "GC/AT": "%(chr)s_gc",
        "mask": "%(chr)s_mask",
        "GC corr": "gc_corr_%(bin_size)d%(flag)s",
        "RD p dist": "dist_rd_p_%(bin_size)d%(flag)s",
        "RD u dist": "dist_rd_u_%(bin_size)d%(flag)s",
        "RD GC dist": "dist_rd_gc_%(bin_size)d%(flag)s",
        "RD stat": "rd_stat_%(bin_size)d%(flag)s",
        "RD": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s",
        "RD unique": "his_rd_u_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s",
        "RD raw": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s_raw",
        "RD l1": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s_l1",
        "RD l2": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s_l2",
        "RD l3": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s_l3",
        "RD partition": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d_partition%(rd_flag)s",
        "RD call": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d_partition%(rd_flag)s_merge",
        "RD mosaic segments": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d_partition%(rd_flag)s_mosaic_segments",
        "RD mosaic call": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d_partition%(rd_flag)s_mosaic_call",
        "RD mosaic segments 2d": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d_partition%(rd_flag)s_mosaic_segments_2d",
        "RD mosaic call 2d": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d_partition%(rd_flag)s_mosaic_call_2d",
        "RD level": "rd_level_%(bin_size)d%(flag)s",
        "GC": "%(chr)s_gc_%(bin_size)",
        "SNP pos": "%(chr)s_snp_pos",
        "SNP desc": "%(chr)s_snp_desc",
        "SNP counts": "%(chr)s_snp_counts",
        "SNP qual": "%(chr)s_snp_qual",
        "SNP bin count 0|0": "snp_bafc_00_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP bin count 0|1": "snp_bafc_01_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP bin count 1|0": "snp_bafc_10_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP bin count 1|1": "snp_bafc_11_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP bin reads 0|0": "snp_readc_00_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP bin reads 0|1": "snp_readc_01_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP bin reads 1|0": "snp_readc_10_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP bin reads 1|1": "snp_readc_11_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP baf": "snp_baf_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP maf": "snp_maf_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP likelihood": "snp_likelihood_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP i1": "snp_i1_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP i2": "snp_i2_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP i3": "snp_i3_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP i4": "snp_i4_bafc_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP likelihood partition": "snp_likelihood_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_partition",
        "SNP maf partition": "snp_maf_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_partition",
        "SNP i1 partition": "snp_i1_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_partition",
        "SNP i2 partition": "snp_i2_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_partition",
        "SNP i3 partition": "snp_i3_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_partition",
        "SNP i4 partition": "snp_i4_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_partition",
        "SNP likelihood segments": "snp_likelihood_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_segments",
        "SNP likelihood call": "snp_likelihood_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_call",
        "SNP likelihood segments 2d": "snp_likelihood_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_segments_2d",
        "SNP likelihood call 2d": "snp_likelihood_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_call_2d",
        "SNP maf call": "snp_maf_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_call",
        "SNP i1 call": "snp_i1_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_call",
        "SNP i2 call": "snp_i2_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_call",
        "SNP i3 call": "snp_i3_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_call",
        "SNP i4 call": "snp_i4_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_call",
        "calls": "calls_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s",
        "calls rd": "calls_rd_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s",
        "calls baf": "calls_baf_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "calls combined": "calls_2d_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s%(rd_flag)s",
        "somatic SNP pos": "somatic_%(name)s_%(chr)s_snp_pos",
        "somatic SNP desc": "somatic_%(name)s_%(chr)s_snp_desc",
        "somatic SNP counts": "somatic_%(name)s_%(chr)s_snp_counts",
        "somatic SNP qual": "somatic_%(name)s_%(chr)s_snp_qual",
        "RD chromosomes": "rd_chromosomes",
        "SNP chromosomes": "snp_chromosomes",
        "chromosome lengths": "chr_len",
        "read frg dist": "read_frg_len",
        "reference genome": "reference_genome",
        "use reference": "use_reference"

    def __init__(self):

    def suffix_rd_flag(flags):
        Converts binary flags into suffix used in RD signal names.

        flags : int
            Binary flag (FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010, FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100).

        s : str
            Suffix string used in RD signal names.

        s = ""
        if flags & FLAG_AT_CORR:
            s += "_AT"
        if flags & FLAG_GC_CORR:
            s += "_GC"
        if flags & FLAG_USEMASK:
            s += "_mask"
        return s

    def suffix_snp_flag(flags):
        Converts binary flags into suffix used in SNP signal names.

        flags : int
            Binary flag (FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

        s : str
            Suffix string used in SNP signal names.

        s = ""
        if flags & FLAG_USEMASK:
            s += "_mask"
        if flags & FLAG_USEID:
            s += "_id"
        if flags & FLAG_USEHAP:
            s += "_hap"
        return s

    def suffix_flag(flags):
        Converts binary flags into suffix used in distribution signal names.

        flags : int
            Binary flag (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004).

        s : str
            Suffix string used in distribution signal names.

        s = ""
        if flags & FLAG_AUTO:
            s += "_auto"
        if flags & FLAG_SEX:
            s += "_sex"
        if flags & FLAG_MT:
            s += "_mt"
        if flags & FLAG_GC_CORR:
            s += "_GC"
        return s

    def signal_name(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags=0, name=''):
        Returns h5py variable name for a given signal.

        chr_name : str or None
            Name of the chromosome or None.
        bin_size : int or None
            Bin size or None.
        signal : str
            Signal name.
        flags : int
            Binary flag
            (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
            FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

        sig_name : str
            Signal h5py variable name

        if signal in self.signals:
                return self.signals[signal] % {"chr": chr_name, "bin_size": bin_size,
                                               "rd_flag": self.suffix_rd_flag(flags),
                                               "snp_flag": self.suffix_snp_flag(flags), "flag": self.suffix_flag(flags),
                                               "name": name}
            except TypeError:
                return None
            return None

class IO(Signals):

    def __init__(self, filename, ro=False, buffer=False, create=True):
        Opens CNVpytor file for reading/writing

        filename : str
            Name of the file.
        ro : bool
            Opens file in read-only mode. Default: False.
        buffer : bool
            It will copy hdf5 file in RAM buffer before opening. Works with read-only mode. Default: False.
        create : bool
            It will create file when set and when file does not exist. Otherwise, if file does not exist
            it will log an error. Default: True.

        self.filename = filename
        self.file = None
        _logger.debug("Opening h5 file '%s'" % self.filename)
        if ro:
                if buffer:
                    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
                        self.bytesio = io.BytesIO(
                    self.file = h5py.File(self.bytesio, "r")
                    self.file = h5py.File(filename, "r")
                _logger.debug("File '%s' successfully opened in read-only mode." % self.filename)
            except IOError:
                _logger.error("Unable to open file %s!" % filename)
        elif os.path.exists(filename):
                self.file = h5py.File(filename, "r+")
                _logger.debug("File '%s' successfully opened." % self.filename)
            except IOError:
                _logger.error("Unable to open file %s!" % filename)
        elif create:
                self.file = h5py.File(filename, "w")
                now =
                # Meta data
                self.add_meta_attribute('Version', __version__)
                self.add_meta_attribute('Date', now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
                _logger.debug("File '%s' successfully created." % self.filename)
            except IOError:
                _logger.error("Unable to create file %s!" % filename)
            _logger.error("File %s is missing!" % filename)

    def __del__(self):
        _logger.debug("Closing h5 file '%s'" % self.filename)

    def chromosomes_with_signal(self, bin_size, signal, flags=0, name=''):
        Returns list of chromosomes with signal stored in CNVpytor file

        bin_size : int or None
            Bin size or None.
        signal : str
            Signal name.
        flags : int
            Binary flag
            (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
            FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

        chrs : list of str
            List of chromosome names.

        # search_string = "^" + self.signal_name("(.[^_]*)", bin_size, signal, flags, name) + "$"
        search_string = "^" + self.signal_name("(.*)", bin_size, signal, flags, name) + "$"
        chrs = []
        for key in self.file.keys():
            res = re.findall(search_string, key)
            if len(res) > 0:
        return chrs

    def chromosomes_bin_sizes_with_signal(self, signal, flags=0, name=''):
        Returns list of chromosome bin_size pairs with signal stored in CNVpytor file

        bin_size : int or None
            Bin size or None.
        signal : str
            Signal name.
        flags : int
            Binary flag
            (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
            FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

        chrs_bss : list of (str, int)
            List of tuples (chromosome name, bin size).

        # search_string = "^" + self.signal_name("(.[^_]*)", 17110806, signal, flags, name) + "$"
        search_string = "^" + self.signal_name("(.*)", 17110806, signal, flags, name) + "$"
        search_string = search_string.replace("17110806", "(.[0-9]*)")
        chrs_bss = []
        for key in self.file.keys():
            res = re.findall(search_string, key)
            if len(res) > 0:
        return chrs_bss

    def signal_exists(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags=0, name=''):
        Checks does signal exist.

        chr_name : str or None
            Name of the chromosome or None.
        bin_size : int or None
            Bin size or None.
        signal : str
            Signal name.
        flags : int
            Binary flag
            (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
            FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

        exists : bool
            True if signal exists in CNVpytor file

        signame = self.signal_name(chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags, name)
        if not signame:
            return False
        return signame in self.file

    def create_signal(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, data, flags=0, name=''):
        Stores signal data into CNVpytor file and returns data set instance.

        chr_name : str or None
            Name of the chromosome or None.
        bin_size : int or None
            Bin size or None.
        signal : str
            Signal name.
        data : numpy.ndarray
            Array contains data.
        flags : int
            Binary flag
            (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
            FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

        data_set : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
            Data set instance.

        signame = self.signal_name(chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags, name)
        if not signame:
            return None
        if signame in self.file:
            del self.file[signame]
        ds = self.file.create_dataset(signame, data.shape, dtype=str(data.dtype), compression="gzip",
                                      compression_opts=9, data=data)
        return ds

    def update_signal(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, data, flags=0, name=''):
        Updates signal data in CNVpytor file and returns data set instance.

        chr_name : str
            Name of the chromosome or None.
        bin_size : int
            Bin size or None.
        signal : str
            Signal name.
        data : numpy.ndarray
            Array contains data.
        flags : int
            Binary flag
            (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
            FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

        data_set : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
            Data set instance.

        signame = self.signal_name(chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags, name)
        if not signame:
            return None
        if not (signame in self.file):
            _logger.warning("Signal %s does not exist in file %s!" % (signame, self.filename))
            return None
        self.file[signame] = data
        return self.file[signame]

    def get_signal(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags=0, name=''):
        Reads signal data from CNVpytor file and returns pointer to data set.

        chr_name : str or None
            Name of the chromosome or None.
        bin_size : int or None
            Bin size or None.
        signal : str
            Signal name.
        flags : int
            Binary flag
            (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
            FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

        array : numpy.nparray
            Array contains data.

        signame = self.signal_name(chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags, name)
        if not signame:
            return None
        if not (signame in self.file):
            _logger.debug("Signal '%s' does not exist in file '%s'!" % (signame, self.filename))
            return []
        return np.array(self.file[signame])

    def _flush(self):
        Flush pyh5 file.



    def ls(self):
        Prints content of CNVpytor file.


        print("Filename '%s'" % self.filename)
        print("-----------" + "-" * len(self.filename))

        parameter_list = ['Date', 'Version']
        if parameter_list and self.file.attrs.keys():
            date = self.file.attrs['Date']
            version = self.file.attrs['Version']
            print("File created: {} using CNVpytor ver {}\n".format(date, version))

        print("Chromosomes with RD signal: " + ", ".join(self.rd_chromosomes()))
        print("Chromosomes with SNP signal: " + ", ".join(self.snp_chromosomes()))
        if self.signal_exists(None, None, "reference genome") and self.signal_exists(None, None, "use reference"):
            rg_name = np.array(self.get_signal(None, None, "reference genome")).astype("str")[0]
            print("Using reference genome: " + rg_name + " [ ", end='')
            if rg_name in Genome.reference_genomes:
                rg_use = self.get_signal(None, None, "use reference")
                if "gc_file" in Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name] and rg_use[0] == 1:
                    print("GC: yes, ", end='')
                    print("GC: no, ", end='')
                if "mask_file" in Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name] and rg_use[1] == 1:
                    print("mask: yes ]")
                    print("mask: no ]")
            print("Reference genome is not set.")

        chr_bs = self.chromosomes_bin_sizes_with_signal("RD")
        chrs = {}
        bss = []
        for c, b in chr_bs:
            if c not in chrs:
                chrs[c] = []
            if int(b) not in bss:

        print("Chromosomes with RD histograms [bin sizes]: " + ", ".join(chrs.keys()) + " " + str(sorted(bss)))
        chr_bs = self.chromosomes_bin_sizes_with_signal("SNP likelihood", FLAG_USEMASK)
        chrs = {}
        bss = []
        for c, b in chr_bs:
            if c not in chrs:
                chrs[c] = []
            if int(b) not in bss:

        print("Chromosomes with SNP histograms [bin sizes]: " + ", ".join(chrs.keys()) + " " + str(sorted(bss)))
        chr_len = list(np.array(self.get_signal(None, None, "chromosome lengths")).astype("str"))
        chr_len = dict(zip(chr_len[::2], chr_len[1::2]))
        print("Chromosome lengths: " + str(chr_len))

    def save_root_trees(root_filename):
        Save RD and VCF data into root file. Requires ROOT installed.

        root_filename : sr
            Name of the root file.


        Not implemented yet!

            import ROOT
        except ImportError:
            logging.warning("ROOT package is not installed - root file not saved!")
            # Save RD and SNP data into root file - TODO
            _logger.debug(root_filename, ROOT.__version__)

    def add_rd(self, chr_name, rd_p, rd_u, chromosome_length=None):
        Add RD signal, compress and stores into CNVpytor file and returns data set instances.

        chr_name : str
            Name of the chromosome.
        rd_p : numpy.ndarray
            Array with RD parity data.
        rd_u : numpy.ndarray
            Array with RD unique data.

        ds_p : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
            Data set instance with RD parity signal.
        ds_u : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
            Data set instance with RD unique signal.

        """"Adding RD data for chromosome '%s'." % chr_name)
        ord_p, ord_u = self.read_rd(chr_name)
        if rd_p.size > ord_p.size:
            _logger.warning("Different lengths (%d, %d). Using larger." % (rd_p.size, ord_p.size))
            ord_p.resize(rd_p.size, refcheck=False)
            ord_u.resize(rd_p.size, refcheck=False)
        elif rd_p.size < ord_p.size:
            _logger.warning("Different lengths (%d, %d). Using larger." % (rd_p.size, ord_p.size))
            rd_p.resize(od_p.size, refcheck=False)
            rd_u.resize(od_p.size, refcheck=False)

        rd_p += ord_p
        rd_u += ord_u

        data_type = "uint32" if Genome.is_mt_chrom(chr_name) or (np.max(rd_p) > 65535) else "uint16"
        crd_p, crd_u = rd_compress(rd_p, rd_u, data_type)
        ds_p = self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "RD p", crd_p)
        ds_u = self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "RD u", crd_u)
        if not (chr_name in self.rd_chromosomes()):
            rd_chroms = self.rd_chromosomes()
            self.update_signal(None, None, "RD chromosomes", np.array([np.string_(x) for x in rd_chroms]))
        return ds_p, ds_u

    def save_rd(self, chr_name, rd_p, rd_u, chromosome_length=None):
        Compress and stores RD data into CNVpytor file and returns data set instances.

        chr_name : str
            Name of the chromosome.
        rd_p : numpy.ndarray
            Array with RD parity data.
        rd_u : numpy.ndarray
            Array with RD unique data.

        ds_p : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
            Data set instance with RD parity signal.
        ds_u : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
            Data set instance with RD unique signal.

        """"Saving chromosome RD data for chromosome '%s'." % chr_name)
        data_type = "uint32" if Genome.is_mt_chrom(chr_name) or (np.max(rd_p) > 65535) else "uint16"
        crd_p, crd_u = rd_compress(rd_p, rd_u, data_type)
        snp_name = self.snp_chromosome_name(chr_name)
        if not (snp_name is None):
            if snp_name == chr_name:
      "Detecting SNP data in file '%s' for the same chromosome." % self.filename)
                    "Detecting RD data in file '%s' for the same chromosome with different name '%s'. SNP name will be used." % (
                        self.filename, snp_name))
                chr_name = snp_name
        if chromosome_length is not None:
            self.set_chromosome_length(chr_name, chromosome_length)
        ds_p = self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "RD p", crd_p)
        ds_u = self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "RD u", crd_u)
        if not (chr_name in self.rd_chromosomes()):
            rd_chroms = self.rd_chromosomes()
            self.create_signal(None, None, "RD chromosomes", np.array([np.string_(x) for x in rd_chroms]))
        return ds_p, ds_u

    def add_rd_chromosome(self, chr_name):
        Add RD chromosome name to rd chromosomes list
        chr_name : str
            Name of the chromosome.
        if not (chr_name in self.rd_chromosomes()):
            rd_chroms = self.rd_chromosomes()
            self.create_signal(None, None, "RD chromosomes", np.array([np.string_(x) for x in rd_chroms]))
            _logger.debug("Chromosome '%s' added to 'RD chromosomes' list" % c)

    def save_snp(self, chr_name, pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual, update=False, callset=None,
        Compress and stores SNP data into CNVpytor file.

        chr_name : str
            Name of the chromosome.
        pos : list of int
            List of SNP positions.
        ref : list of str
            List of SNP reference base (A, T, G, C or .).
        alt : list of str
            List of SNP alternative base (A, T, G, C or .).
        nref : list of int
            Count of reads contains reference SNP.
        nalt : list of int
            Count of reads contains alternative SNP.
        gt : list of int
            List of genotypes (0 - "0/0", 1 - "0/1", 3- "1/1", 4 - "0|0" , 5 - "0|1", 6 - "1|0", 7 - "1|1").
        flag : list of int
            Binary flag: first bit 1 - SNP exists in database, second bit 1 - SNP in P region of strict mask.
        qual : list of int
            SNP quality (scale 0 - 255).

        if callset is None:
            if update:
      "Updating SNP data for chromosome '%s'. Number of variants: %d." % (chr_name, len(pos)))
      "Saving SNP data for chromosome '%s'. Number of variants: %d." % (chr_name, len(pos)))
            if update:
      "Updating somatic '%s' SNV data for chromosome '%s'. Number of variants: %d." % (
                    callset, chr_name, len(pos)))
      "Saving somatic '%s' SNV data for chromosome '%s'. Number of variants: %d." % (
                    callset, chr_name, len(pos)))
        snp_pos, snp_desc, snp_counts, snp_qual = snp_compress(pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual)
        rd_name = self.rd_chromosome_name(chr_name)
        if not update and not (rd_name is None):
            if rd_name == chr_name:
      "Detecting RD data in file '%s' for the same chromosome." % self.filename)
                    "Detecting RD data in file '%s' for the same chromosome with different name '%s'. RD name will be used." % (
                        self.filename, rd_name))
                chr_name = rd_name
        if not self.is_chromosome_length_set(chr_name):
            if chromosome_length is not None:
                self.set_chromosome_length(chr_name, chromosome_length)
            elif chromosome_length is None:
                self.set_chromosome_length(chr_name, pos[-1] + 1)

        if callset is None:
            self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP pos", snp_pos)
            self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP desc", snp_desc)
            self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP counts", snp_counts)
            self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP qual", snp_qual)
            self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP pos", snp_pos, name=callset)
            self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP desc", snp_desc, name=callset)
            self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP counts", snp_counts, name=callset)
            self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP qual", snp_qual, name=callset)
        if not (chr_name in self.snp_chromosomes()):
            snp_chroms = self.snp_chromosomes()
            self.create_signal(None, None, "SNP chromosomes", np.array([np.string_(x) for x in snp_chroms]))

    def read_rd(self, chr_name):
        Reads RD signals

        chr_name : str
            Name of the chromosome.

        rd_p : numpy.ndarray
            Array with RD parity data.
        rd_u : numpy.ndarray
            Array with RD unique data.

        crd_p = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "RD p")
        crd_u = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "RD u")
        rd_p, rd_u = rd_decompress(crd_p, crd_u)
        return rd_p, rd_u

    def read_snp(self, chr_name, callset=None):
        Reads SNP signals

        chr_name : str
            Name of the chromosome.

        pos : list of int
            List of SNP positions.
        ref : list of str
            List of SNP reference base (A, T, G, C or .).
        alt : list of str
            List of SNP alternative base (A, T, G, C or .).
        nref : list of int
            Count of reads contains reference SNP.
        nalt : list of int
            Count of reads contains alternative SNP.
        gt : list of int
            List of genotypes (0 - "0/0", 1 - "0/1", 3- "1/1", 4 - "0|0" , 5 - "0|1", 6 - "1|0", 7 - "1|1").
        flag : list of int
            Binary flag: first bit 1 - SNP exists in database, second bit 1 - SNP in P region of strict mask.
        qual : list of int
            SNP quality (scale 0 - 255).

        if callset is None:
            snp_pos = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP pos")
            snp_desc = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP desc")
            snp_counts = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP counts")
            snp_qual = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP qual")
            snp_pos = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP pos", name=callset)
            snp_desc = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP desc", name=callset)
            snp_counts = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP counts", name=callset)
            snp_qual = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP qual", name=callset)
        pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual = snp_decompress(snp_pos, snp_desc, snp_counts, snp_qual)
        return pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual

    def rd_chromosomes(self):
        Lists all chromosomes with RD signal stored in CNVpytor file.

        chrs : list of str
            List of chromosome names with RD signal.

        return list(np.array(self.get_signal(None, None, "RD chromosomes")).astype("str"))

    def gc_chromosomes(self):
        Lists all chromosomes with GC/AT content data stored in CNVpytor file.

        chrs : list of str
            List of chromosome names with GC/AT content data.

        return self.chromosomes_with_signal(None, "GC/AT")

    def snp_chromosomes(self):
        Lists all chromosomes with SNP signal stored in CNVpytor file.

        chrs : list of str
            List of chromosome names with SNP signal.

        return list(np.array(self.get_signal(None, None, "SNP chromosomes")).astype("str"))

    def mask_chromosomes(self):
        Lists all chromosomes with strict P mask stored in CNVpytor file.

        chrs : list of str
            List of chromosome names with strict P mask.

        return self.chromosomes_with_signal(None, "mask")

    def rd_chromosome_name(self, name):
        Finds name of the chromosome used for RD signal variable name.

        name : str
            Chromosome name

        chr : str or None
            Synonym for provided chromosome name used for RD signal.
            If such chromosome does not exist returns None.

        rdcs = self.rd_chromosomes()
        if name in rdcs:
            return name
        if Genome.extended_chrom_name(name) in rdcs:
            return Genome.extended_chrom_name(name)
        if Genome.canonical_chrom_name(name) in rdcs:
            return Genome.canonical_chrom_name(name)
        for rdc in rdcs:
            if Genome.canonical_chrom_name(name) == Genome.canonical_chrom_name(rdc):
                return rdc
        return None

    def snp_chromosome_name(self, name):
        Finds name of the chromosome used for SNP signal variable name.

        name : str
            Chromosome name

        chr : str or None
            Synonym for provided chromosome name used for SNP signal.
            If such chromosome does not exist returns None.

        snpcs = self.snp_chromosomes()
        if name in snpcs:
            return name
        if Genome.extended_chrom_name(name) in snpcs:
            return Genome.extended_chrom_name(name)
        if Genome.canonical_chrom_name(name) in snpcs:
            return Genome.canonical_chrom_name(name)
        for snpc in snpcs:
            if Genome.canonical_chrom_name(name) == Genome.canonical_chrom_name(snpc):
                return snpc
        return None

    def set_chromosome_length(self, chromosome, length):

        chromosome : str
            Chromosome name
        length: int
            Chromosome length


        chr_len = list(np.array(self.get_signal(None, None, "chromosome lengths")).astype("str"))
        chr_len = dict(zip(chr_len[::2], chr_len[1::2]))
        chr_len[chromosome] = str(length)
        self.create_signal(None, None, "chromosome lengths",
                           np.array([np.string_(x) for s in chr_len.items() for x in s]))

    def get_chromosome_length(self, chromosome):

        chromosome : str
            Chromosome name

        len : int or None
            Chromosome length

        chr_len = list(np.array(self.get_signal(None, None, "chromosome lengths")).astype("str"))
        chr_len = dict(zip(chr_len[::2], chr_len[1::2]))
        if chromosome in chr_len:
            return int(chr_len[chromosome])
        return None

    def is_chromosome_length_set(self, chromosome):

        chromosome : str
            Chromosome name

            True if chromosome length is set

        chr_len = list(np.array(self.get_signal(None, None, "chromosome lengths")).astype("str"))
        chr_len = dict(zip(chr_len[::2], chr_len[1::2]))
        return chromosome in chr_len

    def rd_normal_level(self, bin_size, flags=0):
        Returns normal rd level for CN2 and standard deviation

        bin_size : int
            Bin size

        flag : int
            RD flag

        level : float
        std : float

        if self.signal_exists(None, bin_size, "RD level", flags):
            return tuple(self.get_signal(None, bin_size, "RD level", flags))
        if self.signal_exists(None, bin_size, "RD stat", FLAG_AUTO | flags):
            stat = self.get_signal(None, bin_size, "RD stat", FLAG_AUTO | flags)
        elif self.signal_exists(None, bin_size, "RD stat", FLAG_SEX | flags):
            stat = self.get_signal(None, bin_size, "RD stat", FLAG_SEX | flags)
            return 0, 0

        return stat[4], stat[5]

    def set_rd_normal_level(self, bin_size, mean, stdev, flags=0):
        Set normal rd level for CN2 and standard deviation

        bin_size : int
            Bin size
        mean : float
            Mean RD in normal region
        stdev : float
            Standard deviation of RD signal
        flag : int
            RD flag

        self.create_signal(None, bin_size, "RD level", np.array([mean, stdev]), flags=flags)

    def save_calls(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, calls, flags):
        keys = ["type", "start", "end", "size", "cnv", "p_val", "p_val_2", "p_val_3", "p_val_4", "Q0", "pN", "dG"]
        if signal == "calls combined":
            keys = ["type", "start", "end", "size", "cnv", "p_val", "lh_del", "lh_loh", "lh_dup", "Q0", "bins", "baf",
                    "rd_p_val", "baf_p_val", "segment", "hets", "homs", "pN", "pNS", "pP"]
        data = []
        for call in calls:
            item = [len(keys)] + [call[key] for key in keys]
            if "models" in call:
                for model in call["models"]:
        data = np.array(data, dtype=np.double)
        x = self.create_signal(chr_name, bin_size, signal, data, flags=flags)

    def read_calls(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags):
        data = self.get_signal(chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags=flags)
        keys = ["type", "start", "end", "size", "cnv", "p_val", "p_val_2", "p_val_3", "p_val_4", "Q0", "pN", "dG"]
        if signal == "calls combined":
            keys = ["type", "start", "end", "size", "cnv", "p_val", "lh_del", "lh_loh", "lh_dup", "Q0", "bins", "baf",
                    "rd_p_val", "baf_p_val", "segment", "hets", "homs", "pN", "pNS", "pP"]
        calls = []
        for item in data:
            call = {}
            nkeys = int(item[0])
            for ix in range(1, nkeys + 1):
                call[keys[ix - 1]] = item[ix]

            if len(item) > (nkeys + 1):
                call["models"] = []
                for i in range((len(item) - nkeys - 1) // 5):
                    call["models"].append(list(item)[nkeys + 1 + 5 * i:nkeys + 1 + 5 * (i + 1)])
        return calls

    def add_meta_attribute(self, attribute, value):
        self.file.attrs[attribute] = str(value)

    def read_meta_attribute(self):
        print("Filename '%s'" % self.filename)
        print("-----------" + "-" * len(self.filename))
        for attribute, value in self.file.attrs.items():
            print("{}: {}".format(attribute, value))


class IO (filename, ro=False, buffer=False, create=True)

Opens CNVpytor file for reading/writing


filename : str
Name of the file.
ro : bool
Opens file in read-only mode. Default: False.
buffer : bool
It will copy hdf5 file in RAM buffer before opening. Works with read-only mode. Default: False.
create : bool
It will create file when set and when file does not exist. Otherwise, if file does not exist it will log an error. Default: True.
Source code
class IO: Reading/writing CNVpytor files (extension .pytor) using h5py library.


Static methods

def save_root_trees(root_filename)

Save RD and VCF data into root file. Requires ROOT installed.


root_filename : sr
Name of the root file.


Not implemented yet!
Source code
def save_root_trees(root_filename):
    Save RD and VCF data into root file. Requires ROOT installed.

    root_filename : sr
        Name of the root file.


    Not implemented yet!

        import ROOT
    except ImportError:
        logging.warning("ROOT package is not installed - root file not saved!")
        # Save RD and SNP data into root file - TODO
        _logger.debug(root_filename, ROOT.__version__)


def add_meta_attribute(self, attribute, value)
Source code
def add_meta_attribute(self, attribute, value):
    self.file.attrs[attribute] = str(value)
def add_rd(self, chr_name, rd_p, rd_u, chromosome_length=None)

Add RD signal, compress and stores into CNVpytor file and returns data set instances.


chr_name : str
Name of the chromosome.
rd_p : numpy.ndarray
Array with RD parity data.
rd_u : numpy.ndarray
Array with RD unique data.


ds_p : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
Data set instance with RD parity signal.
ds_u : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
Data set instance with RD unique signal.
Source code
def add_rd(self, chr_name, rd_p, rd_u, chromosome_length=None):
    Add RD signal, compress and stores into CNVpytor file and returns data set instances.

    chr_name : str
        Name of the chromosome.
    rd_p : numpy.ndarray
        Array with RD parity data.
    rd_u : numpy.ndarray
        Array with RD unique data.

    ds_p : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
        Data set instance with RD parity signal.
    ds_u : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
        Data set instance with RD unique signal.

    """"Adding RD data for chromosome '%s'." % chr_name)
    ord_p, ord_u = self.read_rd(chr_name)
    if rd_p.size > ord_p.size:
        _logger.warning("Different lengths (%d, %d). Using larger." % (rd_p.size, ord_p.size))
        ord_p.resize(rd_p.size, refcheck=False)
        ord_u.resize(rd_p.size, refcheck=False)
    elif rd_p.size < ord_p.size:
        _logger.warning("Different lengths (%d, %d). Using larger." % (rd_p.size, ord_p.size))
        rd_p.resize(od_p.size, refcheck=False)
        rd_u.resize(od_p.size, refcheck=False)

    rd_p += ord_p
    rd_u += ord_u

    data_type = "uint32" if Genome.is_mt_chrom(chr_name) or (np.max(rd_p) > 65535) else "uint16"
    crd_p, crd_u = rd_compress(rd_p, rd_u, data_type)
    ds_p = self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "RD p", crd_p)
    ds_u = self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "RD u", crd_u)
    if not (chr_name in self.rd_chromosomes()):
        rd_chroms = self.rd_chromosomes()
        self.update_signal(None, None, "RD chromosomes", np.array([np.string_(x) for x in rd_chroms]))
    return ds_p, ds_u
def add_rd_chromosome(self, chr_name)

Add RD chromosome name to rd chromosomes list Parameters

chr_name : str
Name of the chromosome.
Source code
def add_rd_chromosome(self, chr_name):
    Add RD chromosome name to rd chromosomes list
    chr_name : str
        Name of the chromosome.
    if not (chr_name in self.rd_chromosomes()):
        rd_chroms = self.rd_chromosomes()
        self.create_signal(None, None, "RD chromosomes", np.array([np.string_(x) for x in rd_chroms]))
        _logger.debug("Chromosome '%s' added to 'RD chromosomes' list" % c)
def chromosomes_bin_sizes_with_signal(self, signal, flags=0, name='')

Returns list of chromosome bin_size pairs with signal stored in CNVpytor file


bin_size : int or None
Bin size or None.
signal : str
Signal name.
flags : int
Binary flag (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010 FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).


chrs_bss : list of (str, int)
List of tuples (chromosome name, bin size).
Source code
def chromosomes_bin_sizes_with_signal(self, signal, flags=0, name=''):
    Returns list of chromosome bin_size pairs with signal stored in CNVpytor file

    bin_size : int or None
        Bin size or None.
    signal : str
        Signal name.
    flags : int
        Binary flag
        (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
        FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

    chrs_bss : list of (str, int)
        List of tuples (chromosome name, bin size).

    # search_string = "^" + self.signal_name("(.[^_]*)", 17110806, signal, flags, name) + "$"
    search_string = "^" + self.signal_name("(.*)", 17110806, signal, flags, name) + "$"
    search_string = search_string.replace("17110806", "(.[0-9]*)")
    chrs_bss = []
    for key in self.file.keys():
        res = re.findall(search_string, key)
        if len(res) > 0:
    return chrs_bss
def chromosomes_with_signal(self, bin_size, signal, flags=0, name='')

Returns list of chromosomes with signal stored in CNVpytor file


bin_size : int or None
Bin size or None.
signal : str
Signal name.
flags : int
Binary flag (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010 FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).


chrs : list of str
List of chromosome names.
Source code
def chromosomes_with_signal(self, bin_size, signal, flags=0, name=''):
    Returns list of chromosomes with signal stored in CNVpytor file

    bin_size : int or None
        Bin size or None.
    signal : str
        Signal name.
    flags : int
        Binary flag
        (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
        FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

    chrs : list of str
        List of chromosome names.

    # search_string = "^" + self.signal_name("(.[^_]*)", bin_size, signal, flags, name) + "$"
    search_string = "^" + self.signal_name("(.*)", bin_size, signal, flags, name) + "$"
    chrs = []
    for key in self.file.keys():
        res = re.findall(search_string, key)
        if len(res) > 0:
    return chrs
def create_signal(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, data, flags=0, name='')

Stores signal data into CNVpytor file and returns data set instance.


chr_name : str or None
Name of the chromosome or None.
bin_size : int or None
Bin size or None.
signal : str
Signal name.
data : numpy.ndarray
Array contains data.
flags : int
Binary flag (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010 FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).


data_set : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
Data set instance.
Source code
def create_signal(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, data, flags=0, name=''):
    Stores signal data into CNVpytor file and returns data set instance.

    chr_name : str or None
        Name of the chromosome or None.
    bin_size : int or None
        Bin size or None.
    signal : str
        Signal name.
    data : numpy.ndarray
        Array contains data.
    flags : int
        Binary flag
        (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
        FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

    data_set : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
        Data set instance.

    signame = self.signal_name(chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags, name)
    if not signame:
        return None
    if signame in self.file:
        del self.file[signame]
    ds = self.file.create_dataset(signame, data.shape, dtype=str(data.dtype), compression="gzip",
                                  compression_opts=9, data=data)
    return ds
def gc_chromosomes(self)

Lists all chromosomes with GC/AT content data stored in CNVpytor file.


chrs : list of str
List of chromosome names with GC/AT content data.
Source code
def gc_chromosomes(self):
    Lists all chromosomes with GC/AT content data stored in CNVpytor file.

    chrs : list of str
        List of chromosome names with GC/AT content data.

    return self.chromosomes_with_signal(None, "GC/AT")
def get_chromosome_length(self, chromosome)


chromosome : str
Chromosome name


len : int or None
Chromosome length
Source code
def get_chromosome_length(self, chromosome):

    chromosome : str
        Chromosome name

    len : int or None
        Chromosome length

    chr_len = list(np.array(self.get_signal(None, None, "chromosome lengths")).astype("str"))
    chr_len = dict(zip(chr_len[::2], chr_len[1::2]))
    if chromosome in chr_len:
        return int(chr_len[chromosome])
    return None
def get_signal(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags=0, name='')

Reads signal data from CNVpytor file and returns pointer to data set.


chr_name : str or None
Name of the chromosome or None.
bin_size : int or None
Bin size or None.
signal : str
Signal name.
flags : int
Binary flag (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010 FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).


array : numpy.nparray
Array contains data.
Source code
def get_signal(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags=0, name=''):
    Reads signal data from CNVpytor file and returns pointer to data set.

    chr_name : str or None
        Name of the chromosome or None.
    bin_size : int or None
        Bin size or None.
    signal : str
        Signal name.
    flags : int
        Binary flag
        (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
        FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

    array : numpy.nparray
        Array contains data.

    signame = self.signal_name(chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags, name)
    if not signame:
        return None
    if not (signame in self.file):
        _logger.debug("Signal '%s' does not exist in file '%s'!" % (signame, self.filename))
        return []
    return np.array(self.file[signame])
def is_chromosome_length_set(self, chromosome)


chromosome : str
Chromosome name


True if chromosome length is set
Source code
def is_chromosome_length_set(self, chromosome):

    chromosome : str
        Chromosome name

        True if chromosome length is set

    chr_len = list(np.array(self.get_signal(None, None, "chromosome lengths")).astype("str"))
    chr_len = dict(zip(chr_len[::2], chr_len[1::2]))
    return chromosome in chr_len
def ls(self)

Prints content of CNVpytor file.


Source code
def ls(self):
    Prints content of CNVpytor file.


    print("Filename '%s'" % self.filename)
    print("-----------" + "-" * len(self.filename))

    parameter_list = ['Date', 'Version']
    if parameter_list and self.file.attrs.keys():
        date = self.file.attrs['Date']
        version = self.file.attrs['Version']
        print("File created: {} using CNVpytor ver {}\n".format(date, version))

    print("Chromosomes with RD signal: " + ", ".join(self.rd_chromosomes()))
    print("Chromosomes with SNP signal: " + ", ".join(self.snp_chromosomes()))
    if self.signal_exists(None, None, "reference genome") and self.signal_exists(None, None, "use reference"):
        rg_name = np.array(self.get_signal(None, None, "reference genome")).astype("str")[0]
        print("Using reference genome: " + rg_name + " [ ", end='')
        if rg_name in Genome.reference_genomes:
            rg_use = self.get_signal(None, None, "use reference")
            if "gc_file" in Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name] and rg_use[0] == 1:
                print("GC: yes, ", end='')
                print("GC: no, ", end='')
            if "mask_file" in Genome.reference_genomes[rg_name] and rg_use[1] == 1:
                print("mask: yes ]")
                print("mask: no ]")
        print("Reference genome is not set.")

    chr_bs = self.chromosomes_bin_sizes_with_signal("RD")
    chrs = {}
    bss = []
    for c, b in chr_bs:
        if c not in chrs:
            chrs[c] = []
        if int(b) not in bss:

    print("Chromosomes with RD histograms [bin sizes]: " + ", ".join(chrs.keys()) + " " + str(sorted(bss)))
    chr_bs = self.chromosomes_bin_sizes_with_signal("SNP likelihood", FLAG_USEMASK)
    chrs = {}
    bss = []
    for c, b in chr_bs:
        if c not in chrs:
            chrs[c] = []
        if int(b) not in bss:

    print("Chromosomes with SNP histograms [bin sizes]: " + ", ".join(chrs.keys()) + " " + str(sorted(bss)))
    chr_len = list(np.array(self.get_signal(None, None, "chromosome lengths")).astype("str"))
    chr_len = dict(zip(chr_len[::2], chr_len[1::2]))
    print("Chromosome lengths: " + str(chr_len))
def mask_chromosomes(self)

Lists all chromosomes with strict P mask stored in CNVpytor file.


chrs : list of str
List of chromosome names with strict P mask.
Source code
def mask_chromosomes(self):
    Lists all chromosomes with strict P mask stored in CNVpytor file.

    chrs : list of str
        List of chromosome names with strict P mask.

    return self.chromosomes_with_signal(None, "mask")
def rd_chromosome_name(self, name)

Finds name of the chromosome used for RD signal variable name.


name : str
Chromosome name


chr : str or None
Synonym for provided chromosome name used for RD signal. If such chromosome does not exist returns None.
Source code
def rd_chromosome_name(self, name):
    Finds name of the chromosome used for RD signal variable name.

    name : str
        Chromosome name

    chr : str or None
        Synonym for provided chromosome name used for RD signal.
        If such chromosome does not exist returns None.

    rdcs = self.rd_chromosomes()
    if name in rdcs:
        return name
    if Genome.extended_chrom_name(name) in rdcs:
        return Genome.extended_chrom_name(name)
    if Genome.canonical_chrom_name(name) in rdcs:
        return Genome.canonical_chrom_name(name)
    for rdc in rdcs:
        if Genome.canonical_chrom_name(name) == Genome.canonical_chrom_name(rdc):
            return rdc
    return None
def rd_chromosomes(self)

Lists all chromosomes with RD signal stored in CNVpytor file.


chrs : list of str
List of chromosome names with RD signal.
Source code
def rd_chromosomes(self):
    Lists all chromosomes with RD signal stored in CNVpytor file.

    chrs : list of str
        List of chromosome names with RD signal.

    return list(np.array(self.get_signal(None, None, "RD chromosomes")).astype("str"))
def rd_normal_level(self, bin_size, flags=0)

Returns normal rd level for CN2 and standard deviation


bin_size : int
Bin size
flag : int
RD flag


level : float
std : float
Source code
def rd_normal_level(self, bin_size, flags=0):
    Returns normal rd level for CN2 and standard deviation

    bin_size : int
        Bin size

    flag : int
        RD flag

    level : float
    std : float

    if self.signal_exists(None, bin_size, "RD level", flags):
        return tuple(self.get_signal(None, bin_size, "RD level", flags))
    if self.signal_exists(None, bin_size, "RD stat", FLAG_AUTO | flags):
        stat = self.get_signal(None, bin_size, "RD stat", FLAG_AUTO | flags)
    elif self.signal_exists(None, bin_size, "RD stat", FLAG_SEX | flags):
        stat = self.get_signal(None, bin_size, "RD stat", FLAG_SEX | flags)
        return 0, 0

    return stat[4], stat[5]
def read_calls(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags)
Source code
def read_calls(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags):
    data = self.get_signal(chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags=flags)
    keys = ["type", "start", "end", "size", "cnv", "p_val", "p_val_2", "p_val_3", "p_val_4", "Q0", "pN", "dG"]
    if signal == "calls combined":
        keys = ["type", "start", "end", "size", "cnv", "p_val", "lh_del", "lh_loh", "lh_dup", "Q0", "bins", "baf",
                "rd_p_val", "baf_p_val", "segment", "hets", "homs", "pN", "pNS", "pP"]
    calls = []
    for item in data:
        call = {}
        nkeys = int(item[0])
        for ix in range(1, nkeys + 1):
            call[keys[ix - 1]] = item[ix]

        if len(item) > (nkeys + 1):
            call["models"] = []
            for i in range((len(item) - nkeys - 1) // 5):
                call["models"].append(list(item)[nkeys + 1 + 5 * i:nkeys + 1 + 5 * (i + 1)])
    return calls
def read_meta_attribute(self)
Source code
def read_meta_attribute(self):
    print("Filename '%s'" % self.filename)
    print("-----------" + "-" * len(self.filename))
    for attribute, value in self.file.attrs.items():
        print("{}: {}".format(attribute, value))
def read_rd(self, chr_name)

Reads RD signals


chr_name : str
Name of the chromosome.


rd_p : numpy.ndarray
Array with RD parity data.
rd_u : numpy.ndarray
Array with RD unique data.
Source code
def read_rd(self, chr_name):
    Reads RD signals

    chr_name : str
        Name of the chromosome.

    rd_p : numpy.ndarray
        Array with RD parity data.
    rd_u : numpy.ndarray
        Array with RD unique data.

    crd_p = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "RD p")
    crd_u = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "RD u")
    rd_p, rd_u = rd_decompress(crd_p, crd_u)
    return rd_p, rd_u
def read_snp(self, chr_name, callset=None)

Reads SNP signals


chr_name : str
Name of the chromosome.


pos : list of int
List of SNP positions.
ref : list of str
List of SNP reference base (A, T, G, C or .).
alt : list of str
List of SNP alternative base (A, T, G, C or .).
nref : list of int
Count of reads contains reference SNP.
nalt : list of int
Count of reads contains alternative SNP.
gt : list of int
List of genotypes (0 - "0/0", 1 - "0/1", 3- "1/1", 4 - "0|0" , 5 - "0|1", 6 - "1|0", 7 - "1|1").
flag : list of int
Binary flag: first bit 1 - SNP exists in database, second bit 1 - SNP in P region of strict mask.
qual : list of int
SNP quality (scale 0 - 255).
Source code
def read_snp(self, chr_name, callset=None):
    Reads SNP signals

    chr_name : str
        Name of the chromosome.

    pos : list of int
        List of SNP positions.
    ref : list of str
        List of SNP reference base (A, T, G, C or .).
    alt : list of str
        List of SNP alternative base (A, T, G, C or .).
    nref : list of int
        Count of reads contains reference SNP.
    nalt : list of int
        Count of reads contains alternative SNP.
    gt : list of int
        List of genotypes (0 - "0/0", 1 - "0/1", 3- "1/1", 4 - "0|0" , 5 - "0|1", 6 - "1|0", 7 - "1|1").
    flag : list of int
        Binary flag: first bit 1 - SNP exists in database, second bit 1 - SNP in P region of strict mask.
    qual : list of int
        SNP quality (scale 0 - 255).

    if callset is None:
        snp_pos = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP pos")
        snp_desc = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP desc")
        snp_counts = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP counts")
        snp_qual = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP qual")
        snp_pos = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP pos", name=callset)
        snp_desc = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP desc", name=callset)
        snp_counts = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP counts", name=callset)
        snp_qual = self.get_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP qual", name=callset)
    pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual = snp_decompress(snp_pos, snp_desc, snp_counts, snp_qual)
    return pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual
def save_calls(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, calls, flags)
Source code
def save_calls(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, calls, flags):
    keys = ["type", "start", "end", "size", "cnv", "p_val", "p_val_2", "p_val_3", "p_val_4", "Q0", "pN", "dG"]
    if signal == "calls combined":
        keys = ["type", "start", "end", "size", "cnv", "p_val", "lh_del", "lh_loh", "lh_dup", "Q0", "bins", "baf",
                "rd_p_val", "baf_p_val", "segment", "hets", "homs", "pN", "pNS", "pP"]
    data = []
    for call in calls:
        item = [len(keys)] + [call[key] for key in keys]
        if "models" in call:
            for model in call["models"]:
    data = np.array(data, dtype=np.double)
    x = self.create_signal(chr_name, bin_size, signal, data, flags=flags)
def save_rd(self, chr_name, rd_p, rd_u, chromosome_length=None)

Compress and stores RD data into CNVpytor file and returns data set instances.


chr_name : str
Name of the chromosome.
rd_p : numpy.ndarray
Array with RD parity data.
rd_u : numpy.ndarray
Array with RD unique data.


ds_p : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
Data set instance with RD parity signal.
ds_u : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
Data set instance with RD unique signal.
Source code
def save_rd(self, chr_name, rd_p, rd_u, chromosome_length=None):
    Compress and stores RD data into CNVpytor file and returns data set instances.

    chr_name : str
        Name of the chromosome.
    rd_p : numpy.ndarray
        Array with RD parity data.
    rd_u : numpy.ndarray
        Array with RD unique data.

    ds_p : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
        Data set instance with RD parity signal.
    ds_u : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
        Data set instance with RD unique signal.

    """"Saving chromosome RD data for chromosome '%s'." % chr_name)
    data_type = "uint32" if Genome.is_mt_chrom(chr_name) or (np.max(rd_p) > 65535) else "uint16"
    crd_p, crd_u = rd_compress(rd_p, rd_u, data_type)
    snp_name = self.snp_chromosome_name(chr_name)
    if not (snp_name is None):
        if snp_name == chr_name:
  "Detecting SNP data in file '%s' for the same chromosome." % self.filename)
                "Detecting RD data in file '%s' for the same chromosome with different name '%s'. SNP name will be used." % (
                    self.filename, snp_name))
            chr_name = snp_name
    if chromosome_length is not None:
        self.set_chromosome_length(chr_name, chromosome_length)
    ds_p = self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "RD p", crd_p)
    ds_u = self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "RD u", crd_u)
    if not (chr_name in self.rd_chromosomes()):
        rd_chroms = self.rd_chromosomes()
        self.create_signal(None, None, "RD chromosomes", np.array([np.string_(x) for x in rd_chroms]))
    return ds_p, ds_u
def save_snp(self, chr_name, pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual, update=False, callset=None, chromosome_length=None)

Compress and stores SNP data into CNVpytor file.


chr_name : str
Name of the chromosome.
pos : list of int
List of SNP positions.
ref : list of str
List of SNP reference base (A, T, G, C or .).
alt : list of str
List of SNP alternative base (A, T, G, C or .).
nref : list of int
Count of reads contains reference SNP.
nalt : list of int
Count of reads contains alternative SNP.
gt : list of int
List of genotypes (0 - "0/0", 1 - "0/1", 3- "1/1", 4 - "0|0" , 5 - "0|1", 6 - "1|0", 7 - "1|1").
flag : list of int
Binary flag: first bit 1 - SNP exists in database, second bit 1 - SNP in P region of strict mask.
qual : list of int
SNP quality (scale 0 - 255).


Source code
def save_snp(self, chr_name, pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual, update=False, callset=None,
    Compress and stores SNP data into CNVpytor file.

    chr_name : str
        Name of the chromosome.
    pos : list of int
        List of SNP positions.
    ref : list of str
        List of SNP reference base (A, T, G, C or .).
    alt : list of str
        List of SNP alternative base (A, T, G, C or .).
    nref : list of int
        Count of reads contains reference SNP.
    nalt : list of int
        Count of reads contains alternative SNP.
    gt : list of int
        List of genotypes (0 - "0/0", 1 - "0/1", 3- "1/1", 4 - "0|0" , 5 - "0|1", 6 - "1|0", 7 - "1|1").
    flag : list of int
        Binary flag: first bit 1 - SNP exists in database, second bit 1 - SNP in P region of strict mask.
    qual : list of int
        SNP quality (scale 0 - 255).

    if callset is None:
        if update:
  "Updating SNP data for chromosome '%s'. Number of variants: %d." % (chr_name, len(pos)))
  "Saving SNP data for chromosome '%s'. Number of variants: %d." % (chr_name, len(pos)))
        if update:
  "Updating somatic '%s' SNV data for chromosome '%s'. Number of variants: %d." % (
                callset, chr_name, len(pos)))
  "Saving somatic '%s' SNV data for chromosome '%s'. Number of variants: %d." % (
                callset, chr_name, len(pos)))
    snp_pos, snp_desc, snp_counts, snp_qual = snp_compress(pos, ref, alt, nref, nalt, gt, flag, qual)
    rd_name = self.rd_chromosome_name(chr_name)
    if not update and not (rd_name is None):
        if rd_name == chr_name:
  "Detecting RD data in file '%s' for the same chromosome." % self.filename)
                "Detecting RD data in file '%s' for the same chromosome with different name '%s'. RD name will be used." % (
                    self.filename, rd_name))
            chr_name = rd_name
    if not self.is_chromosome_length_set(chr_name):
        if chromosome_length is not None:
            self.set_chromosome_length(chr_name, chromosome_length)
        elif chromosome_length is None:
            self.set_chromosome_length(chr_name, pos[-1] + 1)

    if callset is None:
        self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP pos", snp_pos)
        self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP desc", snp_desc)
        self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP counts", snp_counts)
        self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "SNP qual", snp_qual)
        self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP pos", snp_pos, name=callset)
        self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP desc", snp_desc, name=callset)
        self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP counts", snp_counts, name=callset)
        self.create_signal(chr_name, None, "somatic SNP qual", snp_qual, name=callset)
    if not (chr_name in self.snp_chromosomes()):
        snp_chroms = self.snp_chromosomes()
        self.create_signal(None, None, "SNP chromosomes", np.array([np.string_(x) for x in snp_chroms]))
def set_chromosome_length(self, chromosome, length)


chromosome : str
Chromosome name
length : int
Chromosome length


Source code
def set_chromosome_length(self, chromosome, length):

    chromosome : str
        Chromosome name
    length: int
        Chromosome length


    chr_len = list(np.array(self.get_signal(None, None, "chromosome lengths")).astype("str"))
    chr_len = dict(zip(chr_len[::2], chr_len[1::2]))
    chr_len[chromosome] = str(length)
    self.create_signal(None, None, "chromosome lengths",
                       np.array([np.string_(x) for s in chr_len.items() for x in s]))
def set_rd_normal_level(self, bin_size, mean, stdev, flags=0)

Set normal rd level for CN2 and standard deviation


bin_size : int
Bin size
mean : float
Mean RD in normal region
stdev : float
Standard deviation of RD signal
flag : int
RD flag
Source code
def set_rd_normal_level(self, bin_size, mean, stdev, flags=0):
    Set normal rd level for CN2 and standard deviation

    bin_size : int
        Bin size
    mean : float
        Mean RD in normal region
    stdev : float
        Standard deviation of RD signal
    flag : int
        RD flag

    self.create_signal(None, bin_size, "RD level", np.array([mean, stdev]), flags=flags)
def signal_exists(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags=0, name='')

Checks does signal exist.


chr_name : str or None
Name of the chromosome or None.
bin_size : int or None
Bin size or None.
signal : str
Signal name.
flags : int
Binary flag (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010 FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).


exists : bool
True if signal exists in CNVpytor file
Source code
def signal_exists(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags=0, name=''):
    Checks does signal exist.

    chr_name : str or None
        Name of the chromosome or None.
    bin_size : int or None
        Bin size or None.
    signal : str
        Signal name.
    flags : int
        Binary flag
        (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
        FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

    exists : bool
        True if signal exists in CNVpytor file

    signame = self.signal_name(chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags, name)
    if not signame:
        return False
    return signame in self.file
def snp_chromosome_name(self, name)

Finds name of the chromosome used for SNP signal variable name.


name : str
Chromosome name


chr : str or None
Synonym for provided chromosome name used for SNP signal. If such chromosome does not exist returns None.
Source code
def snp_chromosome_name(self, name):
    Finds name of the chromosome used for SNP signal variable name.

    name : str
        Chromosome name

    chr : str or None
        Synonym for provided chromosome name used for SNP signal.
        If such chromosome does not exist returns None.

    snpcs = self.snp_chromosomes()
    if name in snpcs:
        return name
    if Genome.extended_chrom_name(name) in snpcs:
        return Genome.extended_chrom_name(name)
    if Genome.canonical_chrom_name(name) in snpcs:
        return Genome.canonical_chrom_name(name)
    for snpc in snpcs:
        if Genome.canonical_chrom_name(name) == Genome.canonical_chrom_name(snpc):
            return snpc
    return None
def snp_chromosomes(self)

Lists all chromosomes with SNP signal stored in CNVpytor file.


chrs : list of str
List of chromosome names with SNP signal.
Source code
def snp_chromosomes(self):
    Lists all chromosomes with SNP signal stored in CNVpytor file.

    chrs : list of str
        List of chromosome names with SNP signal.

    return list(np.array(self.get_signal(None, None, "SNP chromosomes")).astype("str"))
def update_signal(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, data, flags=0, name='')

Updates signal data in CNVpytor file and returns data set instance.


chr_name : str
Name of the chromosome or None.
bin_size : int
Bin size or None.
signal : str
Signal name.
data : numpy.ndarray
Array contains data.
flags : int
Binary flag (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010 FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).


data_set : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
Data set instance.
Source code
def update_signal(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, data, flags=0, name=''):
    Updates signal data in CNVpytor file and returns data set instance.

    chr_name : str
        Name of the chromosome or None.
    bin_size : int
        Bin size or None.
    signal : str
        Signal name.
    data : numpy.ndarray
        Array contains data.
    flags : int
        Binary flag
        (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
        FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

    data_set : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset
        Data set instance.

    signame = self.signal_name(chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags, name)
    if not signame:
        return None
    if not (signame in self.file):
        _logger.warning("Signal %s does not exist in file %s!" % (signame, self.filename))
        return None
    self.file[signame] = data
    return self.file[signame]

Inherited members

class Signals
Source code
class Signals(object):
    signals = {
        "RD p": "%(chr)s_rd_p",
        "RD u": "%(chr)s_rd_u",
        "GC/AT": "%(chr)s_gc",
        "mask": "%(chr)s_mask",
        "GC corr": "gc_corr_%(bin_size)d%(flag)s",
        "RD p dist": "dist_rd_p_%(bin_size)d%(flag)s",
        "RD u dist": "dist_rd_u_%(bin_size)d%(flag)s",
        "RD GC dist": "dist_rd_gc_%(bin_size)d%(flag)s",
        "RD stat": "rd_stat_%(bin_size)d%(flag)s",
        "RD": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s",
        "RD unique": "his_rd_u_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s",
        "RD raw": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s_raw",
        "RD l1": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s_l1",
        "RD l2": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s_l2",
        "RD l3": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s_l3",
        "RD partition": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d_partition%(rd_flag)s",
        "RD call": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d_partition%(rd_flag)s_merge",
        "RD mosaic segments": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d_partition%(rd_flag)s_mosaic_segments",
        "RD mosaic call": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d_partition%(rd_flag)s_mosaic_call",
        "RD mosaic segments 2d": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d_partition%(rd_flag)s_mosaic_segments_2d",
        "RD mosaic call 2d": "his_rd_p_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d_partition%(rd_flag)s_mosaic_call_2d",
        "RD level": "rd_level_%(bin_size)d%(flag)s",
        "GC": "%(chr)s_gc_%(bin_size)",
        "SNP pos": "%(chr)s_snp_pos",
        "SNP desc": "%(chr)s_snp_desc",
        "SNP counts": "%(chr)s_snp_counts",
        "SNP qual": "%(chr)s_snp_qual",
        "SNP bin count 0|0": "snp_bafc_00_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP bin count 0|1": "snp_bafc_01_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP bin count 1|0": "snp_bafc_10_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP bin count 1|1": "snp_bafc_11_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP bin reads 0|0": "snp_readc_00_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP bin reads 0|1": "snp_readc_01_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP bin reads 1|0": "snp_readc_10_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP bin reads 1|1": "snp_readc_11_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP baf": "snp_baf_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP maf": "snp_maf_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP likelihood": "snp_likelihood_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP i1": "snp_i1_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP i2": "snp_i2_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP i3": "snp_i3_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP i4": "snp_i4_bafc_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "SNP likelihood partition": "snp_likelihood_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_partition",
        "SNP maf partition": "snp_maf_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_partition",
        "SNP i1 partition": "snp_i1_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_partition",
        "SNP i2 partition": "snp_i2_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_partition",
        "SNP i3 partition": "snp_i3_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_partition",
        "SNP i4 partition": "snp_i4_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_partition",
        "SNP likelihood segments": "snp_likelihood_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_segments",
        "SNP likelihood call": "snp_likelihood_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_call",
        "SNP likelihood segments 2d": "snp_likelihood_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_segments_2d",
        "SNP likelihood call 2d": "snp_likelihood_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_call_2d",
        "SNP maf call": "snp_maf_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_call",
        "SNP i1 call": "snp_i1_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_call",
        "SNP i2 call": "snp_i2_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_call",
        "SNP i3 call": "snp_i3_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_call",
        "SNP i4 call": "snp_i4_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s_call",
        "calls": "calls_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s",
        "calls rd": "calls_rd_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(rd_flag)s",
        "calls baf": "calls_baf_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s",
        "calls combined": "calls_2d_%(chr)s_%(bin_size)d%(snp_flag)s%(rd_flag)s",
        "somatic SNP pos": "somatic_%(name)s_%(chr)s_snp_pos",
        "somatic SNP desc": "somatic_%(name)s_%(chr)s_snp_desc",
        "somatic SNP counts": "somatic_%(name)s_%(chr)s_snp_counts",
        "somatic SNP qual": "somatic_%(name)s_%(chr)s_snp_qual",
        "RD chromosomes": "rd_chromosomes",
        "SNP chromosomes": "snp_chromosomes",
        "chromosome lengths": "chr_len",
        "read frg dist": "read_frg_len",
        "reference genome": "reference_genome",
        "use reference": "use_reference"

    def __init__(self):

    def suffix_rd_flag(flags):
        Converts binary flags into suffix used in RD signal names.

        flags : int
            Binary flag (FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010, FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100).

        s : str
            Suffix string used in RD signal names.

        s = ""
        if flags & FLAG_AT_CORR:
            s += "_AT"
        if flags & FLAG_GC_CORR:
            s += "_GC"
        if flags & FLAG_USEMASK:
            s += "_mask"
        return s

    def suffix_snp_flag(flags):
        Converts binary flags into suffix used in SNP signal names.

        flags : int
            Binary flag (FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

        s : str
            Suffix string used in SNP signal names.

        s = ""
        if flags & FLAG_USEMASK:
            s += "_mask"
        if flags & FLAG_USEID:
            s += "_id"
        if flags & FLAG_USEHAP:
            s += "_hap"
        return s

    def suffix_flag(flags):
        Converts binary flags into suffix used in distribution signal names.

        flags : int
            Binary flag (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004).

        s : str
            Suffix string used in distribution signal names.

        s = ""
        if flags & FLAG_AUTO:
            s += "_auto"
        if flags & FLAG_SEX:
            s += "_sex"
        if flags & FLAG_MT:
            s += "_mt"
        if flags & FLAG_GC_CORR:
            s += "_GC"
        return s

    def signal_name(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags=0, name=''):
        Returns h5py variable name for a given signal.

        chr_name : str or None
            Name of the chromosome or None.
        bin_size : int or None
            Bin size or None.
        signal : str
            Signal name.
        flags : int
            Binary flag
            (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
            FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

        sig_name : str
            Signal h5py variable name

        if signal in self.signals:
                return self.signals[signal] % {"chr": chr_name, "bin_size": bin_size,
                                               "rd_flag": self.suffix_rd_flag(flags),
                                               "snp_flag": self.suffix_snp_flag(flags), "flag": self.suffix_flag(flags),
                                               "name": name}
            except TypeError:
                return None
            return None


Class variables

var signals

Static methods

def suffix_flag(flags)

Converts binary flags into suffix used in distribution signal names.


flags : int
Binary flag (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004).


s : str
Suffix string used in distribution signal names.
Source code
def suffix_flag(flags):
    Converts binary flags into suffix used in distribution signal names.

    flags : int
        Binary flag (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004).

    s : str
        Suffix string used in distribution signal names.

    s = ""
    if flags & FLAG_AUTO:
        s += "_auto"
    if flags & FLAG_SEX:
        s += "_sex"
    if flags & FLAG_MT:
        s += "_mt"
    if flags & FLAG_GC_CORR:
        s += "_GC"
    return s
def suffix_rd_flag(flags)

Converts binary flags into suffix used in RD signal names.


flags : int
Binary flag (FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010, FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100).


s : str
Suffix string used in RD signal names.
Source code
def suffix_rd_flag(flags):
    Converts binary flags into suffix used in RD signal names.

    flags : int
        Binary flag (FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010, FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100).

    s : str
        Suffix string used in RD signal names.

    s = ""
    if flags & FLAG_AT_CORR:
        s += "_AT"
    if flags & FLAG_GC_CORR:
        s += "_GC"
    if flags & FLAG_USEMASK:
        s += "_mask"
    return s
def suffix_snp_flag(flags)

Converts binary flags into suffix used in SNP signal names.


flags : int
Binary flag (FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).


s : str
Suffix string used in SNP signal names.
Source code
def suffix_snp_flag(flags):
    Converts binary flags into suffix used in SNP signal names.

    flags : int
        Binary flag (FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

    s : str
        Suffix string used in SNP signal names.

    s = ""
    if flags & FLAG_USEMASK:
        s += "_mask"
    if flags & FLAG_USEID:
        s += "_id"
    if flags & FLAG_USEHAP:
        s += "_hap"
    return s


def signal_name(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags=0, name='')

Returns h5py variable name for a given signal.


chr_name : str or None
Name of the chromosome or None.
bin_size : int or None
Bin size or None.
signal : str
Signal name.
flags : int
Binary flag (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010 FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).


sig_name : str
Signal h5py variable name
Source code
def signal_name(self, chr_name, bin_size, signal, flags=0, name=''):
    Returns h5py variable name for a given signal.

    chr_name : str or None
        Name of the chromosome or None.
    bin_size : int or None
        Bin size or None.
    signal : str
        Signal name.
    flags : int
        Binary flag
        (FLAG_AUTO = 0x0001, FLAG_SEX = 0x0002, FLAG_MT = 0x0004, FLAG_GC_CORR = 0x0010
        FLAG_AT_CORR = 0x0020, FLAG_USEMASK = 0x0100, FLAG_USEID = 0x0200, FLAG_USEHAP = 0x0400).

    sig_name : str
        Signal h5py variable name

    if signal in self.signals:
            return self.signals[signal] % {"chr": chr_name, "bin_size": bin_size,
                                           "rd_flag": self.suffix_rd_flag(flags),
                                           "snp_flag": self.suffix_snp_flag(flags), "flag": self.suffix_flag(flags),
                                           "name": name}
        except TypeError:
            return None
        return None